100 examples of collective nouns with sentences

100 Examples Of Collective Nouns With Sentences: Best Grammar!

Use these 100 examples of collective nouns with sentences to boost your English word power and sound more like a native speaker! Some common collective nouns that native speakers use include a class of English students, a flock of birds, and a pride of lions. Let’s look at more right now!

Collective noun definition: What’s a collective noun?

Before we jump into our 100 examples of collective nouns with sentences, let’s answer the question: What’s a collective noun? A collective noun is a type of noun that refers to a group or collection of individuals or things as a singular unit. Examples of collective nouns include “team,” “herd,” and “flock.”

collective nouns for animals, 20 examples of collective nouns in sentences
Collective noun definition, What's a collective noun?
Collective nouns for animals
Collective NounDescription
FleetA group of ships or vehicles
PackA group of wolves or dogs
SwarmA group of bees or insects
BandA group of musicians
HerdA group of cattle or elephants
FlockA group of birds
Would you like to play in a band?

Related: 100 Examples Of Homonyms With Sentences: Skyrocket Your Vocab!

100 examples of collective nouns with sentences

Here is the first section of our 100 examples of collective nouns with sentences! To practice your English vocab, read them all out aloud several times!

  1. A large herd of cattle grazed peacefully in the field.
  2. The swarm of bees buzzed around the hive.
  3. The flock of birds flew gracefully in the sky.
  4. The pack of wolves howled at the full moon.
  5. A school of fish swam together in the ocean.
  6. The team of players won the championship.
  7. The lively troop of monkeys swung from branch to branch.
  8. A colony of ants worked tirelessly to gather food.
  9. The pride of lions roamed the African savanna.
  10. The pack of cards was shuffled before the game.
  11. A bouquet of flowers adorned the table.
  12. The huge fleet of ships sailed across the sea.
  13. A nice bunch of grapes hung from the vine.
  14. A cute litter of puppies played in the yard.
  15. A family of elephants walked in a line.
  16. The assembly of students gathered in the auditorium.
  17. The bouquet of balloons floated gracefully in the air.
  18. The choir of singers nervously rehearsed for their performance.
  19. A group of friends went on a road trip across Canada together.
  20. The cluster of stars formed a beautiful constellation!

Related: 100 Examples Of Countable Nouns Sentences

collective noun sentences, swarm in a sentence
Collective noun sentences

Collective nouns with sentences

Here are another 20 collective nouns with sentences!

Collective nouns with sentences, pack in a sentence, card in a sentence
Collective nouns with sentences
  1. The committee of experts made important decisions.
  2. A new pack of cards was distributed among the players.
  3. The massive swarm of locusts devastated the crop fields.
  4. The loud pack of hounds chased after the poor fox.
  5. A cute pod of dolphins swam alongside the boat.
  6. The fleet of cars drove in a convoy.
  7. The pack of cigarettes was nearly empty.
  8. A band of musicians played at the concert.
  9. A small herd of sheep moved slowly across the meadow.
  10. The colony of penguins huddled together for warmth.
  11. The flock of geese migrated south for the winter.
  12. A pack of crayons was shared among the children.
  13. The team of scientists conducted experiments in the lab.
  14. A loud swarm of mosquitoes buzzed around the campfire.
  15. A scary mob of protesters marched through the streets.
  16. The group of tourists visited famous landmarks.
  17. A bundle of sticks was tied together.
  18. The herd of horses galloped across the field.
  19. The fleet of airplanes took off one by one.
  20. The pack of lies was finally exposed.

Collective noun examples in sentences

Here are another 20 collective noun examples in sentences! We are well on our way to 100!

Collective noun examples in sentences, garden in a sentence, weed in a sentence
Collective noun examples in sentences
  1. A large clump of weeds grew in my garden before I yanked them out!
  2. The flock of sheep was sheared for their wool.
  3. The panel of judges selected the speech contest’s winner.
  4. A crew of sailors manned the ship bound for Australia.
  5. The colony of bees built a hive in the garden.
  6. The swarm of butterflies fluttered in the sunlight.
  7. The pack of cookies was shared happily among the kids.
  8. A group of volunteers eagerly cleaned up the park.
  9. The troupe of actors performed on the stage.
  10. The herd of buffalo roamed the prairie.
  11. The fleet of delivery trucks arrived on time as usual.
  12. A pack of hikers set off on an adventure.
  13. The swarm of flies annoyed the picnic-goers.
  14. The brave team of firefighters extinguished the blaze.
  15. The brood of chickens hatched from the eggs.
  16. The colony of seagulls flocked to the beach.
  17. The flock of sheep grazed on the hillside peacefully.
  18. A pair of gloves was left on the bus. Whose are they?
  19. The herd of wildebeest migrated across the plains.
  20. The pod of whales splashed in the ocean.

100 examples of collective nouns with sentences

Here is the next addition to our 100 examples of collective nouns with sentences!

  1. The red cluster of grapes grew on the vine.
  2. The troupe of dancers rehearsed their routine.
  3. A bundle of clothes was donated to charity.
  4. The pack of wolves hunted for food.
  5. The swarm of gnats bothered the picnickers.
  6. The committee of executives met to discuss strategy.
  7. A group of students studied together in the library.
  8. The parade of marchers waved their flags.
  9. The fleet of taxis patiently waited outside the train station.
  10. The pack of cards was shuffled for a new game.
  11. A gang of robbers planned their next heist.
  12. The herd of elephants trumpeted loudly.
  13. A sneaky flock of seagulls swooped down to snatch food!
  14. The bouquet of flowers smelled so fragrant.
  15. A swarm of ants marched in a neat line.
  16. A pack of aggressive dogs barked at the intruders.
  17. The group of friends reunited after many years.
  18. The herd of zebras galloped across the plains.
  19. The cluster of buildings formed a bustling city.
  20. A fleet of bicycles rode through the park.

20 examples of collective nouns in sentences

Here are the final 20 examples of collective nouns in sentences!

  1. All the packs of cigarettes were sold out.
  2. The bunch of bananas ripened on the counter.
  3. The troupe of acrobats performed daring stunts.
  4. A swarm of mosquitoes buzzed around the campsite.
  5. The herd of deer grazed peacefully in the meadow.
  6. The flock of seagulls flew in perfect formation.
  7. The team of researchers made groundbreaking discoveries.
  8. A group of chefs prepared a delicious meal of steak and fries!
  9. The pack of cards was shuffled for the next hand.
  10. The swarm of bees built a hive in the tree.
  11. The panel of experts discussed the issue at hand.
  12. A herd of goats climbed the rocky mountain.
  13. The fleet of trucks delivered supplies to the store.
  14. A lagre flock of pigeons cooed in the city square.
  15. The batch of cookies came out of the oven, smelling divine!
  16. A group of painters worked on the gorgeous mural together.
  17. The swarm of flies was attracted to the garbage.
  18. The pack of wolves stalked deer in the forest.
  19. The team of athletes competed in the race.
  20. The troupe of actors received a standing ovation!

100 examples of collective nouns with sentences: FAQs

Now that we have completed our 100 examples of collective nouns with sentences, let’s take a look at some common questions related to nouns:

Are collective nouns singular or plural?

Collective nouns can be tricky! They are technically singular but represent a group of individuals or things. So, depending on the context, they can take singular or plural verbs.

What is a collective noun for kids?

A fun collective noun for kids is a “class,” as in a class of students. It’s a way to describe a group of kids learning together in school.

What is the difference between a collective noun and a non-collective noun?

The main difference is that a collective noun refers to a group or collection of individuals or things as a singular unit. Non-collective nouns, on the other hand, refer to individual objects or people.

Collective Nouns:

  • Team
  • Herd
  • Flock
  • Fleet
  • Pack

Non-Collective Nouns:

  • Book
  • Chair
  • Person
  • Car
  • Tree

How do you know if something is a collective noun?

Typically, collective nouns will refer to a group or collection of things or people. Words like “team,” “herd,” and “flock” are good clues that you’re dealing with a collective noun.

Is “students” a collective noun?

No, “students” is not a collective noun. It refers to individual learners and is plural in form. However, you can use collective nouns to describe groups of students, like a “class” or a “group” of students.

100 examples of collective nouns with sentences: use them to boost your English word power

Today’s 100 examples of collective nouns with sentences have really helped us level up our English vocabulary! We’ve been able to learn and practice using these special nouns that describe groups of things or people. I hope you have had fun boosting your word power! I think these words can also help you to sound more fluent in English. Now, we can confidently talk about a pack of wolves, a flock of birds, or even a swarm of bees!