Learn these 20 idioms with their meanings and sentences to improve your English speaking and sound more like a native speaker! If we use idioms in our daily speech, we can sound more smooth, confident, and impactful when we speak. Read and repeat all these examples to make your speaking better today!
20 idioms with their meanings and sentences
Here is the first part of today’s 20 idioms with their meanings and sentences. They are a bit easier than the more advanced second set. Idioms are a great thing to read up on if you are a learner of English. They can help you speak more naturally and also can help you understand conversations better.

Idiom | Meaning | Example Sentence |
By accident | This means it was not intentional | I knocked over the vase by accident |
Cut corners | To take short cuts to try and finish a job more quickly | Trevor cut too many corners with his homework! |
Hit the hay | To go to bed or sleep – hay symbolizes your bed. | We’ve had a long day at the beach, I think it’s time to hit the hay |
Pitch in | This means to help | Jack pitched in and cleaned the garden with us |
Spill the beans | Reveal a secret | Mr. Smith spilled the beans about our upcoming English exam. |
Bite the bullet | To endure a painful experience with courage, or do something we have been delaying. | I have to bite the bullet and get this tooth pulled, otherwise the pain will just get worse. |
In the bag | Certain of victory | This football match is in the bag! |
The ball is in your court | It’s up to you to make the next decision or step | I’ve done all I can; now, the ball is in your court, Sandra. |
Hit the nail on the head | Describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem | You hit the nail on the head when you said the issue was the lack of communication. No one talks in our office! |
From scratch | You make something from the beginning – nothing is premade or done for you | Martin’s dad built that treehouse from scratch. It’s amazing! |
Related: 11 Knowledge Idioms: How To Speak About Cleverness + More!
20 idioms with their meanings and sentences: advanced English
Here is part two of our 20 idioms with their meanings and sentences. Try to make your own, original statements with these idioms!
Idiom | Meaning | Example Sentence |
In the heat of the moment | We act out of emotion, such as anger, often without thinking over the consequences! | I told my boss that I disliked him in the heat of the moment. I regret that now. |
Cut to the chase | Get to the point without wasting time | Stop beating around the bush and cut to the chase – tell me what happened, please. |
Not playing with a full deck | Not having all the mental resources needed; often less capable or less intelligent. It can be quite rude to say this! | That idea about flying cars shows he’s not playing with a full deck. |
Go the extra mile | To do much more than is required or expected | He went the extra mile to ensure his customer was happy. |
Jump on the bandwagon | You follow a trend, behavior or opinion because it is popular. It has a negative feeling to it. | As soon as the video went viral, everyone jumped on the bandwagon. |
In vain | We tried to do something….but it just did not work | I tried to reach the top shelf in my kitchen in vain! |
Once in a blue moon | Happening very rarely | She treats herself to a fancy dinner once in a blue moon. |
Pulling your leg | To joke or tease someone | I am sorry Gemma. I was only pulling your leg about your hairstyle! |
Take with a grain of salt | To view something with skepticism or not take it literally | I take everything Ricky says with a grain of salt because he tends to exaggerate. |
Throw in the towel | To quit or give up | After several unsuccessful attempts at starting a business, he decided to throw in the towel. |
Related: 20 Idioms About Color: Better English Expression!
Idiom questions
Using some of today’s idioms, let’s ask some questions! These idiom questions will be great for conversation practice. Read them all out and then try to answer them, making full sentences as much as possible. Good luck!
- Have you ever found money by accident? What did you do with it?
- When was the last time you had to cut corners to meet a deadline?
- What is your routine before you hit the hay each night?
- Can you tell me about a time you had to pitch in to help someone?
- Have you ever spilled the beans on a surprise party?
- What situation made you bite the bullet even though you were not looking forward to it?
- When have you felt like everything was in the bag and then it wasn’t?
- Can you think of a time when the ball was in your court for an important decision?
- Have you ever made a meal completely from scratch? What did you cook?
- How do you feel when someone says something in the heat of the moment?
20 idioms with their meanings and sentences: practice them every day!
Thanks for taking the time to read through these 20 idioms with their meanings and sentences – I believe that if you practice them every day until you know them by heart, your English speaking ability and comprehension will take a step forward. You can do it!