Use these 23 natural sentences with bat to boost your English vocab, and enhance your conversational skills. Today we will be looking at sentences for all levels of English students, alongside idioms so that we can sound more casual and natural in our speech.
Did you know that there are over 1400 species of bats around the world? That means we can find them almost anywhere on our planet! Quite amazing! Let’s now look at 23 examples of bat in a sentence!

Sentences with bat for beginners
Here are some sentences with bat for beginners. We will use short and simple English.
- The bats flew into the cave.
- Can you hear the bats?
- These bats are small.
Sentences with bat for intermediate learners
Here are some sentences with bat for intermediate learners of English. We will practice English prepositions with these expressions.
- The fruit bats were flying around the tree.
- Can you hear the sound of the bats in this cave?
- The bats nesting on that wall are a little scary!
Sentences with bat for advanced learners
Here are some examples of bat in a sentence, aimed at advanced learners of English. Here we will use some of the perfect tense structures.
- I think the bats will have seen us because they do have good vision.
- The bats that have been nesting in this cave might carry disease.
- We shouldn’t touch any of the bats that have been nesting in this cave.
How long do bats live for?
This depends on factors such as the type of bat, but the average lifespan of a bat is about four years, which is longer than average for small mammals.
Bat questions
To continue our practice of using bat in a sentence, we will now look at 10 bat questions. As a good practice of English conversation, it would be handy for you to try and answer these yourself, using full sentences.
- Where do bats live?
- How many types of bats are there?
- What is the most common bat?
- Where are bats commonly found?
- Can you see a bat bite?
- What are the different types of bats?
- What is the strongest type of bat?
- What is the fastest bat?
- What is the rarest bat?
- Is there such a thing as a vampire bat?
Bat idioms: natural sentences with bat
- As blind as a bat: This expression means someone cannot see very well at all. It isn’t the most polite of English expressions! Some people have said I am as blind as a bat, actually!
- To bat one’s eyelashes: When someone bats their eyelashes, they are trying to appear attractive or flirtatious.
- Go to bat: When we go to bat for someone, we are working hard for them, trying to defend them or look after them.
- Right off the bat: This expression means something happens immediately. For example, we arrive at work, and right off the bat, we begin a meeting.
Bat idiom example sentences
Here are some example sentences using the above bat idioms. Try to picture the type of intonation needed, and also visualize the situations in which you might say these. How many examples of bat in a sentence can you find here?
- I went to bat for Martin. I think he has a chance at getting promoted after I talked to management.
- Right off the bat, I could tell that Ophelia wouldn’t be a cooperative member of our team.
- She was batting her eyelashes at him, in the hope that he would notice her.
- Could you pass me that book? I can’t read it from there, I’m becoming as blind as a bat!
Sentences with bat for natural English
I hope you have enjoyed these sentences with bat, our bat questions, and bat idioms! If you can, repeat them all aloud, and take notes on any new vocabulary found in these 23 examples of bat in a sentence. If you’ve done this, I am sure that your vocabulary will have been given a boost today. Don’t forget to check out more of our English sentence articles, here at natural English Central!