Today we are going to check out 50 sentences of get to practice our English speaking, vocabulary, and grammar. Not only that, but we are also going to be taking a look at:
- Using got in a sentence
- Have got in a sentence
- Sentences with gotten
- Sentences with getting
- Phrasal verbs that use get
- Conversation questions with get
You will also notice that among our standard sentences that use get, there are some phrasal verbs. For example, get out of & get up. This is because they are pretty common in regular English!

50 sentences of get
Here are the first lot of “get” sentences that will make up our 50 sentences of get–read and repeat them all to get comfortable with how to say them.
- I need to get some rest.
- Can you get the keys?
- She gets up early every day.
- Tommy will get a new car next week.
- They will get there soon.
- I don’t get it.
- Did you get my message?
- We get along well.
- You can get tickets online.
- Eve gets nervous before meetings.
Related: 60 Sentences With Am: Better English Speaking + Grammar

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How to use get and make sentences
The verb “get” is a pretty flexible word and can be used in many ways. It often means “to obtain” or “to receive,” as in “I get a paycheck every week.” In different tenses, “get” changes form: in the past, it’s “got” (e.g., “I got a gift yesterday”); in the future, it’s “will get” (e.g., “I will get a new phone”). It can also be used in continuous forms like “getting” (e.g., “She is getting better”). “Get” is part of many phrasal verbs, where its meaning changes with prepositions or adverbs. For example, “get up” means to rise from bed, “get along” means to have a good relationship, and “get over” means to recover from something. These combinations make “get” an essential verb in English! I recommend getting to know get!
50 sentences of get: part 2
Here is the next set of examples that will make up today’s 50 sentences of get. Keep reading and repeating to help remember the sentence grammar and vocab, too.

- I want to get to know you better.
- It’s hard to get good help.
- We need to get some carrots for the stew.
- He is going to get a promotion at work.
- She gets frustrated easily.
- Get me that pen, will you? Thanks!
- They’re going to get married.
- Can you get the door for me?
- I get coffee every morning.
- You can get a drink from the fridge.
- We should get together sometime.
- They get a lot of visitors.
- I need to get to work.
- She gets home at 6 p.m.
- He wants to get a dog.
- I don’t get why she’s upset.
- Get to the point, please.
- He gets upset when he loses.
- Don’t get too close to the fire.
- We need to get more chairs.
Sentences with get
Here are the next 20 examples of get in a sentence for you to practice. That will make the total 50, so far. After that, we will check out some variations on the word!

- They get their mail delivered daily.
- I can’t get enough of this book! It’s so interesting.
- He’s trying to get out of doing it.
- I’ll get the phone.
- Can you get me some water?
- We get to choose our seats.
- I usually get hungry around noon.
- Get ready for the party!
- They get along like best friends.
- I’m trying to get better at speaking English.
- She’s going to get a promotion soon.
- I hope we get lucky with the weather.
- I need to get my wallet.
- I’ll get back to you soon.
- Let’s get some food.
- She gets excited about her birthday.
- He will get over it eventually.
- It’s hard to get through to her.
- I’ll get the bill.
- They get paid every Friday.
Getting in a sentence
Here are 10 examples of getting in a sentence. “Getting” is used to indicate an ongoing action or process, often in the present continuous tense (e.g., I am getting better), or to show change or development (e.g., It’s getting cold). It’s also used in phrasal verbs like getting up or getting through. In short, it shows something happening or changing over time.

- I’m getting tired.
- It’s getting late.
- Lee’s getting better at cooking.
- We’re getting closer to the airport.
- They’re getting ready for the party.
- The weather is getting colder each day.
- He’s getting a new job soon.
- I’m getting hungry. Let’s eat.
- This movie is getting boring.
- We’re getting used to the new routine.

Sentences with got
Here are 10 sentences with got. “Got” is the past tense of “get” and is used to show possession or completion (e.g., I got a new phone). It can also appear in casual expressions like I’ve got it (meaning “I understand”) or in questions like Have you got the time?

- I got a gift for my birthday.
- She’s got two dogs.
- We got home late last night.
- They’ve got a new car.
- I’ve got to finish this work.
- He got a promotion at his job.
- We’ve got enough time to relax.
- Have you got the tickets yet?
- I got lost on my way here.
- She’s got a lot of friends.
Have got sentences
Here are 10 sentences with have got. “Have got” is used to indicate possession or relationships, often in informal speech (e.g., I have got a cat). It can also express necessity or obligation (e.g., I’ve got to go now). It’s similar to “have” in meaning but more commonly used in British English.

- I have got a new job.
- We have got three cats.
- You have got the answer right.
- They have got to be at the airport by 7.
- I have got some news to share.
- We have got enough food for the party.
- You have got to see this movie.
- I have got a headache today.
- We have got to hurry or we’ll be late.
- I have got a lot of work this week.
Gotten in a sentence
Here are 10 examples of gotten in a sentence. Read and repeat them all!

- She has gotten better at cooking.
- I’ve gotten lost twice today!
- He’s gotten a promotion at work.
- We’ve just gotten home from the trip.
- The kids have gotten really good at soccer.
- Have you gotten your package yet?
- They’ve gotten all the supplies they need.
- The weather has gotten colder lately.
- I’ve gotten tired of waiting.
- You’ve gotten much stronger since last year.
Get phrasal verbs
Here are 5 common phrasal verbs which use the “get”. They are handy for practicing English conversation.
Phrasal verb with get | Meaning |
Get up | To rise from bed or a sitting position. |
Get along | To have a friendly relationship with someone. |
Get over | To recover from something (an illness, shock, or difficulty). |
Get by | To manage, especially in difficult circumstances. Often about money. |
Get through | To finish or complete something (a task, challenge). |
Get Phrasal Verbs in Sentences

- I get up at 6 AM every day for work.
- She and I get along really well; we never argue.
- After the accident, it took him months to get over the trauma.
- We will get by even if we don’t have much money right now.
- I have a lot of work, but I’ll get through it by the end of the day.
- He didn’t get up in time for the meeting.
- How do you get along with your new coworkers?
- After the difficult and stressful exam, I just want to get over it.
- Even though it’s tough, I know I can get by without help.
- I need to get through this book before the weekend.
Questions with get
Here are some conversation questions with get – try to answer them in full sentences if possible.

- How do you usually get to work or school?
- What’s the best way to get in shape, in your opinion?
- Have you ever gotten lost while traveling? What happened?
- What time do you usually get up on weekends?
- What’s something you’ve always wanted to get but haven’t yet?
- How do you get along with your neighbors?
- Have you ever gotten into a difficult situation? How did you get out of it?
- How do you get through stressful days at work or school?
- Do you think it’s important to get enough sleep? Why or why not?
- What’s the last gift you got, and who gave it to you?
These questions should encourage some great conversations while practicing the different uses of “get”!
50 sentences of get: good to know!
I hope you have enjoyed reading through and repeating all of today’s 50 sentences of get, along with the variants (getting, got, have got) and also the phrasal verbs + conversation questions that use get. Practicing using “get” in a sentence correctly is super helpful if you are learning English because it is a very common verb with many different meanings. You can “get” something, like a gift, or you can “get” an idea. It can also mean to arrive somewhere, like “I get home at 6 PM.” Plus, it has idiomatic uses, like “get over” something, meaning to recover. The more you practice, the easier it will be to understand how “get” changes depending on the situation. This makes speaking and understanding English much simpler.