50 sentences of ought to

50 Sentences Of Ought To: Better English Communication!

If you need to talk about obligation or give advice to someone, then these 50 sentences of ought to will show you just how! Not only that, but we will be looking at the opposite – the use of ought not to in a sentence, along with a paragraph on ought to. There is lots to go over today, so let’s jump right in!

ought to in a sentence
Ought to in a sentence

50 sentences of ought to

Here are the first lot of sentences that will make up our 50 sentences of ought to – read and repeat them all to get comfortable with how to say them. The first few sentences that use enough have the word highlighted so you can find it quickly.

  1. You ought to visit your grandparents more often.
  2. She ought to try that new Japanese restaurant in town.
  3. We ought to clean the house before guests arrive.
  4. He ought to apologize for his mistake.
  5. You ought to wear a jacket; it’s cold outside.
  6. They ought to be more considerate of others. How loud their music is!
  7. We ought to take care of the environment.
  8. She ought to learn a new language.
  9. He ought to read that book everyone is talking about.
  10. They ought to save money for a rainy day.

Related: 100 Examples Of Direct And Indirect Speech: Better Grammar!

sentences with ought to, 10 sentences of ought to, ought to how to use, ought to meaning
Sentences with ought to

Related: 56 Sentences With Enough: Better English Communication!

Use of ought to with examples

“Ought to” is used to express obligation, advice, or recommendation. It suggests something is the right thing to do. For example, you might say, “You ought to study for the test,” which means it’s a good idea. The structure is simple: subject + ought to + base verb. You can use it in various situations, like giving advice (“You ought to call your friend”) or expressing a moral obligation (“We ought to help those in need”). Remember, “ought to” is often interchangeable with “should,” but it can sound a bit more formal.

When to use ought to

Situation where we use ought toWhat it meansExample sentences
AdviceSuggesting what someone should do“You ought to exercise more.”
ObligationIndicating a moral or social duty“We ought to respect our elders.”
ExpectationExpressing what is likely to happen“They ought to arrive by noon.”
These are some common situations where we might use the phrase “ought to”

50 sentences of ought to in English

Here are 10 more sentences that will make up today’s 50 sentences of ought to. Keep reading and repeating, you’re doing great!

  1. You ought to watch that movie; it’s really good.
  2. They ought to start exercising regularly.
  3. We ought to respect different opinions.
  4. She ought to follow her dreams.
  5. He ought to listen to his parents.
  6. You ought to take a break from that English homework and relax.
  7. They ought to appreciate what they have. They have a lovely home.
  8. We ought to volunteer in our community.
  9. She ought to consider taking that job offer.
  10. He ought to fix the leaky faucet, it is wasting water.
50 sentences of ought to in English
50 sentences of ought to in English

Ought to for advice

The phrase “ought to” gives advice or suggestions. It indicates what is a good idea to do. For example, if someone is unsure about a decision, you might say, “You ought to talk to someone who has experience.” This suggests that getting advice can help. Another example is, “You ought to try that new restaurant in town.” This encourages them to explore something new, and using “ought to” makes your advice clear and supportive. Here are 10 examples of ought to in a sentence, that focus on giving advice.

Ought to for advice
Ought to for advice
  1. You ought to eat more fruits and vegetables.
  2. Emma ought to talk to someone about her work problem.
  3. He ought to practice the guitar every day.
  4. They ought to start planning their vacation soon.
  5. You ought to get enough sleep each night.
  6. She ought to join a club that interests her.
  7. He ought to keep a journal to organize his thoughts.
  8. They ought to listen to different music styles.
  9. You ought to take time for hobbies you love.
  10. Lee ought to learn basic cooking skills.

50 sentences of ought to: obligation

An obligation is something that we have to or really should do. The phrase “ought to” helps express this. For example, you might say, “You ought to finish your chores before playing video games.” This highlights the duty to complete tasks. Another example is, “I ought to call my grandparents more often.” This shows the importance of staying connected with family. Using “ought to” emphasizes what needs to be done in a clear way. The next 10 of today’s 50 sentences focus on the idea of obligation.

ought to for obligation
Ought to for obligation
  1. We ought to help our neighbors if they have problems.
  2. He ought to take care of his pets.
  3. You ought to vote in the upcoming election.
  4. They ought to follow the rules at the park.
  5. She ought to respect her family’s traditions.
  6. We ought to support local businesses.
  7. He ought to protect the environment.
  8. You ought to be honest with your friends.
  9. They ought to remember to thank their teachers.
  10. She ought to attend family gatherings.

Ought to question examples

Here are 10 questions with ought to, for speaking practice. Read them out loud, and try to make answers using full sentences. Use your imagination if you are not sure about what to say.

Ought to question examples, questions with ought to
Ought to question examples
  1. What do you think I ought to do about my job situation?
  2. How often do you think we ought to exercise each week?
  3. What food ought to be on the menu for a special dinner?
  4. When do you think we ought to start planning our vacation?
  5. What qualities ought to be important in a good friend?
  6. How much sleep do you think we ought to get each night?
  7. What issues ought to be discussed at the meeting?
  8. In your opinion, what changes ought to be made in our community?
  9. What places ought to be visited in your city?
  10. What hobbies ought to be encouraged in schools?

Ought not contraction

The contraction “oughtn’t” is a shortened form of “ought not.” They convey the same meaning—indicating something is not advisable or recommended. The contraction is often used for brevity and ease of speech, making sentences sound more natural in conversation. While both forms are grammatically correct, contractions are generally favored in informal contexts, allowing for a smoother flow in dialogue.

Ought not contraction
Ought not contraction

Ought not to in a sentence

Here are 10 examples of ought not to in a sentence. When we say this, we mean that we should not do something, or we should avoid it.

ought not to in a sentence, oughtn't in a sentence
Ought not to in a sentence
  1. You oughtn’t to skip breakfast Jake, you are trying to bulk up.
  2. She oughtn’t to stay up too late.
  3. They oughtn’t to ignore the warning signs.
  4. He oughtn’t to waste his time on distractions.
  5. You oughtn’t to be rude to others.
  6. We oughtn’t to forget our manners.
  7. You oughtn’t to lend money to strangers.
  8. She oughtn’t to worry too much about small things.
  9. He oughtn’t to eat too much junk food.
  10. You oughtn’t to make promises you can’t keep.

Ought to paragraph

Here is a fictional paragraph featuring “ought to”. Feel free to use it as inspiration for any writing assignments that you have! How many times can you spot the word ought to?

Jake looked out at the stormy sky and sighed. He had plans to go hiking, but the weather was not cooperating. He knew he ought to cancel his trip for safety. The last thing he wanted was to get caught in heavy rain. He thought about what he could do instead. Jake ought to stay home and read that book he had been meaning to finish. It would be a cozy way to spend the day. As he made some tea, he reminded himself that sometimes it was best to change plans. He ought to focus on enjoying the moment, even if it wasn’t what he had originally planned. Settling into his favorite chair, he opened the book and smiled. Maybe a quiet day was just what he needed after all.

Ought to paragraph, ought to essay
Ought to paragraph

50 sentences of ought to: useful to know!

I hope that you have enjoyed reading through and repeating all of today’s 50 sentences of ought to! Using the phrase “ought to” is super helpful when learning English because it allows learners to express advice, recommendations, and obligations clearly. It helps communicate what is advisable in various situations, making conversations more meaningful. Understanding this phrase can improve both speaking and writing skills, leading to more confident interactions in everyday life.