sentences with mother

50 Sentences With Mother For Better Noun Use!

Here, we’ll have a look at 50 example sentences with mother, showing their natural and smooth use in English! Let’s look at exactly what we are going to practice today:

  • 30 standard sentences with mother
  • 20 questions with mother
  • A paragraph about mother
  • Mother idioms and phrases
mother sentences, bake in a sentence
Mother sentences

Sentences With Mother

Here are the first 10 example sentences with mother. To become familiar with using the word, read and repeat all of these as many times as you need to.

  1. My mother loves to bake cookies.
  2. Sarah’s mother is a college professor.
  3. I play video games with my mother!
  4. What’s your mother’s name?
  5. My mother and I share a room.
  6. Her mother is two years older than her father.
  7. Can you help your mother with the housework?
  8. My mother sings beautifully.
  9. She has a mother-in-law.
  10. His mother graduated from college in 1985.

Related: 50 Sentences With Sister For Better Noun Use!

Mother meaning

What is the meaning of the word mother? Let’s have a look:

Mother meaning, define mum
Mother meaning

The word “mother” refers to a female parent. A mother raises her children and supports them. This term also describes a nurturing, mother-like figure. Mothers often provide care and love. They play, argue, and support their children. In many cultures, mothers are seen as essential caregivers. Having a mother means having someone who understands family dynamics. She is there in times of need and celebration. Many people value the bond with their mothers deeply. It creates a lasting connection and mutual understanding.

Sentences with mother: part 2

Here are the second lot of example sentences with mother:

mother sentence, shopping sentence
Mother sentence
  1. My mother and I went shopping.
  2. Anna’s mother is a great athlete.
  3. They visited their mother in New York.
  4. Your mother called earlier.
  5. My mother loves painting.
  6. I wrote a letter to my mother.
  7. Her mother works at the hospital.
  8. Do your mother and you get along?
  9. My mother adopted a puppy.
  10. He borrowed a book from his mother.

Related: 50 Sentences With Brother For Better Noun Use!

Mother in a sentence: part 3

Here is part three for our examples of mother in a sentence:

mother in a sentence
Mother in a sentence
  1. Our mother will arrive by evening, I think.
  2. My mother is very kind and considerate.
  3. Eve borrowed her mother’s dress.
  4. Can your mother come to the party?
  5. He bought a gift for his mother.
  6. My mother wants to travel the world.
  7. Her mother makes delicious cakes.
  8. Do they know your mother’s name?
  9. My mother enjoys reading novels.
  10. Their mother is learning to drive.

Questions with mother

Here are 20 questions that use the word mother. Try to answer these questions for English conversation practice! If you have no experience with the topic, don’t worry! Try to use your imagination for the answers. Making sentences is a useful way to practice English.

mother questions
Mother questions
  1. Where does your mother live?
  2. What is your mother’s name?
  3. How old is your mother?
  4. Does your mother like reading?
  5. Does your mother play any sports?
  6. Can your mother drive a car?
  7. Is your mother interested in music?
  8. What’s your favorite memory with your mother?
  9. What does your mother like to eat?
  10. Where does your mother work?
  11. Does your mother enjoy watching movies?
  12. Does your mother have a best friend?
  13. What kind of music does your mother listen to?
  14. Can your mother speak another language?
  15. Has your mother traveled abroad?
  16. Does your mother have any pets?
  17. What is your mother’s hobby?
  18. Has your mother ever been to a concert?
  19. Can your mother cook?
  20. What’s the funniest thing your mother has done?

Paragraph about mothers

Here is a paragraph about the topic of mothers that you can use for vocabulary, grammar, and writing practice.

mother paragraph, mother essay in english
Mother paragraph

Mothers share a special bond with their children. They can sometimes argue but quickly make up. This connection offers comfort and joy. Mothers support their children through thick and thin. They celebrate their successes. A mother can be a built-in best friend. She understands your quirks. Many mothers develop similar interests with their children. Sharing secrets and dreams is common. Trust between mothers and their children can be strong. Family gatherings feel incomplete without them. A mother provides a shoulder to cry on. She is often a confidante. Mothers sometimes take on a protective role. Children look up to them. In many stories, mothers are associated with love and friendship. They show resilience and care. Sometimes, distance separates mother and offspring. But the bond remains unbroken. Mothers, just like fathers, value memories made together. They look forward to future adventures. Having a mother is truly a gift.

Expressions related to the word mother

As the word mother is a widespread English noun, it should be no surprise that there are English expressions related to this word! Here are some common ones with example sentences, too!

mother idioms, mother phrases, Mother of all, mother hen, Keep mum, Mother Nature, Mother Tongue
Mother idioms & phrases

What Does Foster Mother Mean?

A foster mother is someone who takes care of a child who is not biologically her own but is under her care temporarily. She provides a safe and loving home. For example, “My foster mother and I share the hobby of reading.” Another example: “We celebrated our foster mother’s birthday together.”

What Does Stepmother Mean?

A stepmother is married to one’s biological parent but is not one’s biological mother. She still may play a significant role in parenting. For example, “I visit my stepmother during the holidays.” Another example: “Her stepmother lives in another city.”

What Does Mother Tongue Mean?

A mother tongue is the first language a person learns at home during childhood. This language shapes identity and communication. For example, “Our mother tongue is Spanish.” Another example: “He speaks English, but his mother tongue is German.”

Mother of All

The phrase “mother of all” means the best, biggest, or most extreme example of something. It’s usually used to describe something very impressive or daunting. For instance, you might say, “That was the mother of all parties!” to indicate it was the most remarkable party you’ve ever been to. Another example could be, “She has the mother of all headaches,” suggesting she’s experiencing a very intense headache. This phrase amplifies the subject, making it stand out significantly.

Sentences with mother: A Mother Hen

Calling someone a “mother hen” means they are very protective and caring towards others. It’s often used to describe someone who watches over people closely, much like how a hen watches over her chicks. This term is frequently used affectionately to highlight someone’s nurturing nature.

Mother Hen sentences:

  1. My friend acts like a mother hen, always checking if I’m okay.
  2. She’s such a mother hen, fussing over every little detail.
  3. At work, Nancy is our mother hen, keeping everyone organized.
  4. He describes his older sister as a real mother hen, always watching over him.
  5. Whenever we have gatherings, Jane takes on the role of the mother hen, making sure everyone has what they need.

Sentences with mother: Keep Mum

The phrase “keep mum” means to stay silent or keep a secret. It’s a way to advise someone not to disclose information. It’s commonly used to prevent the spread of sensitive information. People also say: Mum’s the word.

Keep Mum sentences:

  1. Please keep mum about the surprise party.
  2. He promised to keep mum no matter what.
  3. She likes to keep mum about her plans until they’re final.
  4. If you don’t keep mum, the secret will get out.
  5. They decided to keep mum to avoid any misunderstandings.

Sentences with mother: Mother Nature

“Mother Nature” refers to the natural world and its processes. It’s a way to personify nature, attributing human qualities to it. For example, “Mother Nature can be unpredictable, like with storms.” Another example is, “We need to protect Mother Nature by recycling.” This phrase is used to speak about the environment and our relationship with it. It emphasizes nature’s power and its maternal, nurturing aspect, reminding us to respect and preserve it. Here are a few more examples:

Mother Nature Sentences

  1. Mother Nature creates beautiful landscapes.
  2. We must respect Mother Nature’s power.
  3. The storm last night showed Mother Nature’s fury.
  4. Many people believe in protecting Mother Nature to preserve our planet.
  5. Mother Nature rewards us with stunning sunsets and fresh air every day.

Sentences with mother: very useful for everyday conversations

Knowing the word “mother” is useful because it helps describe family relationships. We covered standard sentences with mother, questions, and a paragraph today! Understanding the meaning of “mother” also includes knowing about foster and stepmother roles, and also idioms such as “keep mum”. It also helps in talking about family bonds and experiences. Mothers often share close, supportive relationships with their children. They might argue but usually make up quickly. Mothers can be best friends and confidants. We also discussed the concept of mother tongue, which shapes language and identity. This word helps with everyday conversations and understanding family dynamics. Knowing different uses of “mother” is really handy for those of you who are learning English.