sentences with contract

Sentences with Contract: 100 Examples for Better English

Today, we are going to have a look at 100 sentences with contract to help you understand how to use it effectively! This exercise will show you how to use the word naturally in different contexts. Read these sentences aloud and practice them to improve your vocabulary and understanding.

Disclaimer: This article is for English practice only. We are not offering advice on business, legal matters, or any other specific fields.

The word contract used in a sentence
The word contract used in a sentence

Sentences with Contract

Here are the first 25 sentences with contract. Read them carefully and practice to get a good grasp of their use.

  1. She signed a contract for her new job.
  2. The contract was detailed and clear.
  3. They discussed the contract terms in the meeting.
  4. A contract helps both parties understand their responsibilities.
  5. The contract was renewed for another year.
  6. He read the entire contract before signing.
  7. The contract included a clause about early termination.
  8. They agreed on the contract after some negotiation.
  9. The contract was legally binding.
  10. The company’s contract with the supplier ended last month.

Related: Sentences with Consequence: 100 Examples For Better English

contract sentence
Contract sentence
  1. A contract outlines the details of the agreement.
  2. She needed a lawyer to review the contract.
  3. The contract specified the payment schedule.
  4. They had a verbal agreement before drafting the contract.
  5. The contract was signed by both parties yesterday.
  6. He broke the contract by not meeting the deadlines.

Related: Sentences with Article: 100 Examples For Better English

  1. The contract covered all aspects of the project.
  2. They settled the dispute through a revised contract.
  3. The contract required both parties to fulfill certain conditions.
  4. She kept a copy of the contract for her records.
  5. The contract was straightforward and easy to understand.
  6. They negotiated the terms of the contract over several days.
  7. The contract was for a one-year lease.
  8. He was happy with the terms of the new contract.
  9. The contract was executed on the first day of the month.

Contract in a Sentence: More Examples

Here are additional examples of contract in a sentence. Continue practicing to enhance your understanding!

contract in a sentence
Contract in a sentence
  1. The contract included a confidentiality agreement.
  2. They revised the contract to include more benefits.
  3. She was relieved when the contract was finalized.
  4. The contract had to be approved by the board.
  5. He learned about the contract’s details from his lawyer.
  6. They drafted the contract with careful attention to detail.
  7. The contract had a renewal option after two years.
  8. The contract was essential for the business deal.
  9. They were careful to follow the contract’s terms.
  10. The contract was simple and easy to execute.
  11. She had questions about some clauses in the contract.
  12. The contract was crucial for the project’s success.
  13. They reviewed the contract every few months.
  14. The contract covered all the necessary aspects of the partnership.
  15. The contract was updated to reflect recent changes.
  16. He explained the contract’s terms clearly.
  17. The contract’s expiration date was marked on the calendar.
  18. They signed the contract at the start of the project.
  19. The contract included a non-compete clause.
  20. She was familiar with the contract’s requirements.
  21. They had to negotiate some terms before finalizing the contract.
  22. The contract was sent to them electronically.
  23. They agreed to the contract after careful consideration.
  24. The contract required signatures from both parties.
  25. They stored the contract in a secure location.

Sentences with Contract: Part 3

Here you’ll find more examples of sentences with contract. Keep practicing to become more comfortable with the word!

  1. The contract was drafted by a professional.
  2. They reviewed the contract to ensure accuracy.
  3. The contract was important for the legal agreement.
  4. They added some new terms to the contract last week.
  5. She signed the contract without any issues.
  6. The contract outlined the project’s scope clearly.
  7. They needed to adjust the contract due to unforeseen circumstances.
  8. The contract was integral to the partnership.
  9. They had a meeting to discuss the contract’s details.
  10. The contract was completed on time.
  11. They made sure all contract terms were met.
  12. The contract was reviewed by a legal expert.
  13. He felt confident after signing the contract.
  14. The contract included specific deadlines.
  15. They discussed each clause of the contract thoroughly.
  16. The contract was prepared with precise language.
  17. The contract was a formal agreement between the parties.
  18. They were satisfied with the final contract.
  19. The contract was essential for the job’s requirements.
  20. She kept a digital copy of the contract for reference.
  21. The contract was signed by all involved parties.
  22. They made sure to follow the contract’s guidelines.
  23. The contract was a key part of the agreement.
  24. The terms of the contract were fair and clear.
  25. They ensured that the contract was legally sound.

Contract Questions

Here are 25 questions about the topic of contracts. Answer these questions in full sentences to practice your English conversation skills.

  1. What is the purpose of a contract?
  2. Have you ever had to sign a contract for something?
  3. What should you look for in a contract?
  4. How do you ensure a contract is fair?
  5. What might happen if someone breaks a contract?
  6. Do you prefer written or verbal agreements?
  7. How do you feel about long contracts?
  8. What are some common elements in a contract?
  9. How do you understand complex contract terms?
  10. Have you ever reviewed a contract with a lawyer?
  11. What is the most important part of a contract?
  12. How do you keep track of contract deadlines?
  13. What do you do if you don’t agree with a contract’s terms?
  14. How do you negotiate terms in a contract?
  15. What happens if both parties don’t sign the contract?
  16. How often should you update a contract?
  17. Have you ever had to break a contract?
  18. What is a contract clause?
  19. How do you ensure both parties understand the contract?
  20. What should you do before signing a contract?
  21. How do you handle contract disputes?
  22. What role does a contract play in business deals?

Contract Paragraph

Here is a paragraph using the word contract. Use it as inspiration for your own writing projects!

In the bustling office, contracts are a common sight. Each contract represents an agreement between two or more parties, detailing the responsibilities and expectations involved. The contracts are carefully drafted, reviewed, and signed to ensure clarity and fairness. They often contain specific terms and conditions that both parties must follow. A well-written contract helps prevent misunderstandings and disputes, making it a crucial part of business transactions and personal agreements. Every contract aims to create a clear and mutual understanding of the terms, fostering trust and cooperation between the involved parties.

Sentences with Contract: A Useful English Noun Practice

I hope you have enjoyed practicing today’s examples of sentences with contract! If you want to keep improving your English, there are many more sentences and exercises to explore. Just browse through this website for more helpful content. Here are 3 more examples with today’s word:

  1. The contract was signed during the meeting.
  2. They reviewed the contract with great attention.
  3. The contract outlined the project’s goals and deadlines.