Sentences with allowed

70 Sentences with Allowed

Sentences with allowed are a great tool for improving your English skills. Find out how to use this flexible and useful word today! Today we will practice 70 sentences and questions that express permission, to boost your vocab, grammar, and speaking skills.

Today we will learn:

Allowed meaning + Allowed synonym70 sentences with allowedNot allowed meaning + Not allowed synonym
allowed in a sentence
Allowed in a sentence

Allowed meaning 

“Allowed” generally means something is permitted or acceptable within a certain context or set of rules. In conversational tones, “allowed” can be used to ask if something is acceptable or to express permission for someone to do something. For example:

  •  “Is it allowed to bring outside food into the movie theater?” or “I’ll allow you to borrow my car for the weekend.” 

In informal conversations, “allowed” can also be used to express surprise or disbelief, such as

  •  “You’re allowed to eat a whole pizza by yourself?!”

Related: 75 Creative Ways to Use Acquired in a Sentence 

Allowed synonym

Here are three synonyms for “allowed”  to express permission, and example sentences:

  1. Permitted: “Smoking is not permitted in this building.”
  2. Authorized: “Only authorized personnel are allowed to access this area.”
  3. Approved: “Your project proposal has been approved, you can start working on it now.”

Related: Allow In A Sentence: 23 Examples For Better English Fluency

sentence with allowed
Sentence with allowed

Sentences with allowed

These 30 sentences with allowed can be used as a way to express permission. They aren’t too long or advanced. They feature fairly straightforward verb use. If you would like more of a vocabulary challenge, scroll down for the next set!

  1. Mark’s parents allowed him to stay out late on weekends.
  2. Laura wasn’t allowed to watch TV until she finished her homework.
  3. John’s teacher allowed him to retake the test after he explained his situation.
  4. Sarah’s boss allowed her to take a day off to attend her sister’s wedding.
  5. David’s doctor allowed him to resume his exercise routine after his injury.
  6. Lisa’s landlord allowed her to keep her pet in the apartment.
  7. Mike’s coach allowed him to join the team even though he had no prior experience.
  8. Emily’s parents allowed her to go on a road trip with her friends.
  9. Alex wasn’t allowed to eat candy before dinner.
  10. Olivia’s professor allowed her to submit her paper a day late.
  11. James’ manager allowed him to work from home when he had a cold.
  12. Lily’s friend allowed her to borrow her dress for the party.
  13. Tom’s teacher allowed him to use a calculator during the math exam!
  14. Amanda’s neighbor allowed her to use their driveway when hers was full.
  15. Eric’s parents allowed him to get a tattoo on his arm!
  16. Rachel’s boss allowed her to leave early to attend her child’s school play.
  17. Steven’s doctor allowed him to take a break from his medication.
  18. Jane’s roommate allowed her to use her laptop when hers was broken.
  19. Robert’s coach allowed him to switch to a different position on the team.
  20. Karen’s parents allowed her to have a sleepover with her friends.
  21. George’s teacher allowed him to listen to music during class!
  22. Grace’s boss allowed her to attend a conference in a different city.
  23. William’s landlord allowed him to renew his lease for another year.
  24. Leah’s friend allowed her to crash on her couch when she had nowhere to stay.
  25. Richard’s doctor allowed him to start a new treatment plan.
  26. Bella’s parents allowed her to get a piercing on her nose.
  27. Charles’ boss allowed him to take a mental health day.
  28. Sophia’s professor allowed her to reschedule her final exam.
  29. Daniel’s coach allowed him to sit out of practice when he had a sore ankle.
  30. Eva’s neighbor allowed her to use their Wi-Fi when her internet was down.

Allowed in a sentence: advanced English

Here are some sentences with allowed that use more advanced English. Here you will encounter adverbs and adjectives of a more challenging nature than in the previous lines to express permission.

  1. Ever since he was young, Alex was never allowed to play with fire, as his parents feared for his safety.
  2. Despite being the youngest in the family, Jennifer’s parents allowed her to travel alone, as they trusted her responsible nature.
  3. After several months of negotiations, the landlord finally allowed Eric to keep his large dog in the apartment complex.
  4. Although Sarah’s parents were initially hesitant, they eventually allowed her to pursue her dream of becoming a professional dancer.
  5. Despite her busy schedule, Karen’s boss allowed her to take a day off to volunteer at a local charity event.
  6. When Ryan first started his job, his employer didn’t allow him to work from home, but eventually, they gave him permission to do so.
  7. During the pandemic, the government allowed Emily to work part-time from home, which allowed her to balance work and family responsibilities.
  8. Despite being allergic to dogs, Grace allowed her son to adopt a rescue pup after seeing how much he wanted one.
  9. As a safety measure, the company allowed only a limited number of employees into the building at a time.
  10. Although Kevin’s coach was hesitant at first, he allowed him to join the team as a walk-on, and Kevin eventually became a starter.
  11. Despite the weather conditions, Anna’s parents allowed her to go on a camping trip with her friends, as they knew how much she loved the outdoors.
  12. The chef allowed the customers to make slight modifications to the menu to accommodate their dietary preferences.
  13. After proving herself to be a valuable employee, John’s boss allowed him to take a two-week sabbatical to recharge.
  14. Despite being busy with work, Sarah’s supervisor allowed her to take a week off to visit her family in another state.
  15. Despite the risks, Mark’s parents allowed him to travel to a foreign country alone, as they knew how important it was for him to experience other cultures.
  16. After numerous discussions with her family, Jane’s parents allowed her to attend a university in another state.
  17. Despite her phobia of flying, Lisa allowed her friends to convince her to take a trip to Europe, and she eventually overcame her fear.
  18. Despite being a beginner, David’s music teacher allowed him to participate in the school’s talent show, and he eventually won first place.
  19. Despite her busy schedule, Elizabeth allowed her friend to convince her to join a book club, which helped her to meet new people and expand her reading preferences.
  20. Despite the costs, William’s parents allowed him to attend a private university, which had a great reputation for his desired major.
  21. Although he was shy at first, Christopher’s friends allowed him to join their basketball game, which helped him to become more confident.
  22. Because of the long commute, Jacob’s boss allowed him to work remotely, which gave him more flexibility to spend time with his family.
  23. Despite her lack of experience, Olivia’s boss allowed her to lead an important project, which helped her to develop valuable leadership skills.
  24. Although it was against the rules, the librarian allowed Michael to keep the library book for an additional week, as he was in the middle of an important chapter.
  25. Despite the language barrier, Thomas’ host family allowed him to practice his conversational skills in their native language, which helped him to become more fluent.

Not allowed meaning 

“Not allowed” means something is prohibited or not permitted within a certain context or set of rules. In English conversation, “not allowed” can be used to inform someone that they are not permitted to do something, or to express a prohibition or restriction. For example, 

  • “You’re not allowed to bring pets into the restaurant” or “I’m sorry, taking pictures is not allowed in this museum.” 

In informal conversations, “not allowed” can also be used to express surprise or disbelief when someone is doing something they shouldn’t, such as, 

  • “Wow, you’re not allowed to park there, you’re going to get a ticket!”

Not allowed synonym 

Here are three synonyms for “not allowed”, where permission is denied. Also, we have some example sentences:

  • Prohibited: “It’s prohibited to smoke on this airplane.”
  • Forbidden: “Entering this area without permission is strictly forbidden.”
  • Banned: “The use of plastic bags has been banned in this city.”

Questions with allowed

So far we have looked at straightforward sentences with allowed. Now, let’s look at some questions that enquire about permission.

  1. Are students allowed to bring cell phones to school?
  2. What types of snacks are allowed in the classroom?
  3. Are employees allowed to work from home?
  4. Is smoking allowed on the company premises?
  5. What types of pets are allowed in the apartment complex?
  6. Are bicycles allowed on the hiking trail?
  7. Are there any foods that are not allowed in the public park?
  8. What types of toys are allowed in the daycare center?
  9. Are beach umbrellas allowed on the public beach?
  10. Is loud music allowed at the campground?
  11. Are visitors allowed in the hospital after visiting hours?
  12. Are you allowed to take photos in the museum?
  13. What types of attire are not allowed in the workplace?
  14. Is skateboarding allowed on the city streets?
  15. Are non-residents allowed to use the community swimming pool?

Sentences with allowed so that you can follow the rules!

Allowed means that we can do something. It is within the rules. Therefore, we can follow the rules. Today we have covered a lot of ground when it comes to expressing permission. We have not only gone over 55 sentences with allowed but also reviewed 15 questions using this term. As well as that, we have also looked at synonyms for allowed, and not allowed, as well as defining allowed+not allowed. I hope you can remember all of the vocabulary studied here today!