Use these 53 sentences about desert to improve your English grammar today! We will practice tense, prepositions, adverbs + more!
A desert is a very dry, usually empty place. It is normally covered in sand, but it doesn’t have to be. Antarctica, which is covered in ice, is actually a desert! That is because it has very low precipitation. Before we start, a quick message: while deserts are indeed beautiful places, I do not recommend actually going to one, as they are dangerous places – hot and dry, and sometimes cold, too!

Sentences about desert : easy English
Here are some sentences about desert that focus on easy English.
- This desert looks empty
- I can see camels in the desert.
- The weather is hot here.
- Do people live in the desert?
- This desert is strangely beautiful.
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Sentences about desert : intermediate English
These sentences about desert are more challenging as they include various word types and more difficult vocab.
- I can see camels walking across the desert.
- I wonder what the temperature gets up to during the day here.
- Although it looks empty, I think there is quite a lot of wildlife here.
- There are many deserts in the world.
- This desert gets cold at night!
Sentences about desert : present simple
We use the present simple to talk about things that are current, or happening now. We form it by using the base form of a verb. For instance, eat, walk, and sleep. Here are some sentences about desert that use the present simple tense.
- Spiders live in this desert.
- The camels walk this route.
- The weather is very hot here.
- The air is incredibly dry.
- Summer is too hot for me around here!
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Sentences about desert: present continuous
We form the present continuous tense with an ING form of a verb. For example walking, sleeping, and eating. Let’s check out so lines on desert that use this!
- The camel is walking in the desert.
- That bird is flying near the desert.
- It is raining right now, what a surprise!
- It is getting cold now.
- Many types of animals are living in this desert.
Lines on desert
Here are some general lines on desert for your English revision.
- I would describe this as a mountainous desert.
- The Sahara is a spectacular-looking place.
- The Sahara desert is so huge, it takes hours to fly over it!
- Do people live in the Sahara desert?
- I would guess that people live only on the fringes of this desert.
Lines on desert: prepositions
English prepositions are very useful for describing various things such as position, or way of doing things. Let’s use some prepositions to make some lines on desert.
- The camels walked through the dry desert.
- Some birds actually live in the desert.
- If you look over there, you will see a large sand dune.
- There is a big desert running up the coast of Namibia.
- You should not attempt to travel through a desert.
Did you find the prepositions?
Lines on desert: adverb examples
Adverbs are very handy for English communication. They help us to explain how things are done. We will practice the following adverbs with these lines on desert: slowly, dangerously, quickly, well, spectacularly.
- The camel walked slowly on the dunes.
- The snake hissed dangerously.
- The bird walked quickly on the desert sand because it was so hot!
- Camels have adapted well to the climate of the desert.
- The sand dunes of the Namib desert rise spectacularly from the desert floor.
Few lines about desert
Here are a few lines about the desert. I will talk about my opinion of the desert, where they are found, and how the weather is there.
- I think deserts are beautiful, in a barren, empty kind of way!
- Deserts are found in many parts of the world. Some of the famous ones include the Sahara and Gobi deserts.
- The weather in deserts varies greatly depending on where in the world they are. For example, I’ve heard the Gobi desert can get very cold.
Few lines on desert
These few lines on desert talk about various desserts around the world.
- The Sahara desert is in North Africa.
- The Arabian desert is the fifth largest in the world.
- The Gobi desert straddles the borders of China and Mongolia.
- Antarctica is actually a desert.
- The center of Australia is known as the Great Australian Desert and is truly massive.
5 lines about desert
Next we will look at 5 lines about desert from a descriptive standpoint. We will use adjectives to describe these dry and barren places!
- The sand was incredibly hot after the sun had been shining on it all day long.
- The contrast of yellow sand and blue sky was really beautiful.
- The weather in the Gobi desert is freezing in the winter.
- The winters in the Gobi desert are long and hard.
- The Sahara desert is very expansive.
FAQs: sentences about desert
We will round off our sentences about desert today by answering some common questions about these very dry parts of the world!
Was the Sahara always a desert?
Nope! The Sahara wasn’t always a desert. It is believed that it was once a lush and green region thousands of years ago. Can you imagine that now?
How would you describe the weather of the Sahara desert?
Not the most comfortable! The weather in the Sahara desert can be extremely hot and dry during the day, with temperatures reaching scorching highs, while nights can be considerably cooler.
What are some lines about desert?
- I would not like to live near the desert.
- I do think that deserts can be strikingly beautiful, though.
- This desert is vast, empty, and dry.
- Are there any deserts in Europe?
- Are deserts expanding or shrinking around the world?
Why is a desert important?
Deserts are important for various reasons, such as their role in maintaining the Earth’s climate balance, providing unique ecosystems and habitats for specialized plants and animals, and serving as a source of valuable resources like oil, gas, and minerals.
Desert vs dessert: difference between desert and dessert
This is a common question asked by English students! Well, the difference between the words “desert” and “dessert” lies in their pronunciation and meaning.
- Desert (pronounced “dez-ert”) is a noun that refers to a barren, arid land with little or no vegetation (plants), typically characterized by sand and extreme temperatures.Here is an example sentence:
The vast Sahara desert can be seen from space.
- Dessert, on the other hand, (pronounced “duz-ERT”) is a tasty dish we have after dinner or lunch, usually! Here’s a short example of dessert in a sentence:
Emma ate a dessert of apple pie with cream.
Sentences about desert for all English levels
I hope you have enjoyed today’s 53 sentences about desert. We have gone from easy, beginner lines on desert, right up to more advanced ones using prepositions and adverbs. Do you live in a country that has a desert? While they can be hostile places for humans and indeed be dangerous places to visit, I think deserts are also very beautiful!