paragraph about horses

Paragraph About Horses + Essay About Horses: Awesome Writing Practice!

Hi and welcome to today’s writing practice! We will go over just one useful paragraph about horses, but two! These are of different English levels, so you can choose to practice the one that fits you best!

I’d recommend writing out each one, and then using them as models, also write your own, original horse paragraph! Along with this, we also have an essay about horses – so if you’re interested in horses, let’s begin!

horse paragraph, Essay about horses, horse essay
Horse paragraph

Paragraph about horses

The first paragraph about horses is aimed at intermediate to advanced students of English:

Horses are amazing animals, in my opinion. There are so many things to say about them in a positive light that we could be here all day! Here I will talk about just a few of those things. First, I think horses make great companions. Most people consider dogs to be human’s best friend, but in my opinion, horses are! I feel like they are able to bond with humans, just like dogs are. They are also amazing in so many ways. For example, did you know that horses can sleep standing up? That is quite amazing if you ask me. There are many more unbelievable things about horses too, but I just like to focus on the fact that they are great companions to humans. I have known my horse for over nine years now, I hope he has many healthy years left. I don’t know how I will feel when he eventually passes away. If you have the resources, I would highly recommend getting a horse. It is an absolute privilege to own a horse, which we should never take for granted. 

Related: 40 Amazing Idioms About Horses: Learn To Speak Fluently!

Paragraph about horses: Easy English

If that last paragraph about horses was a little challenging for you, have a read of this one. It uses easy English:

Horses are large and powerful creatures. They have sturdy legs that help them run fast. Horses also have a long tail that swishes to keep away flies. These animals can be found on farms and in open fields. They like wide spaces where they can run freely. Horses are herbivores, which means they eat plants. They graze on grass in the fields and munch on hay that farmers give them. Horses are known for their friendly nature, and they have been companions to humans for a long time. People ride horses for fun or use them to pull carts and carry things.

Essay about horses

As an English teacher myself, it is not uncommon to assign essay assignments. For beginner or intermediate students of English, short essays are often given. I will show you a model of an essay about horses. Feel free to use this as inspiration for your own writing assignments.

Today I’d like to talk about horses and their connection to my life. First I’ll talk about why I got interested in horses in the first place. After that, I’ll discuss the horse that I own now. And finally, I’ll talk about the activities I like to do and the ones I’d like to do in the future.

How I got interested in horses

How I got interested in horses initially, is a bit of a funny story. I was 14 years old and had just started riding lessons near my school. On my second lesson, the horse bolted and threw me off. I fell to the ground and badly twisted my wrist. It was really painful. My parents assumed that after that I’d want to quit horse riding altogether. Something curious happened though. When the horse saw me on the ground in pain, there was a look in its eye. It was almost as if it had sympathy. I have no idea if this is true of horses because I’m not an expert, but I felt some kind of connection there. It inspired me to heal my arm, get back on a horse, and learn to ride properly. Since then I have never looked back. It is my favorite thing to do in my free time.

About the horse I own

Next, I’ll talk about the horse I own. His name is Charlie, and he is a medium-sized brown horse, with beautiful eyes. Now he is about ten years old. He is a very gentle character and rarely appears to get irritated.  I first met Charlie during regular riding lessons, and would often be assigned him for the duration of a lesson. A few years later the riding school was actually closing down, and they were selling everything, including horses! Since I knew the owner a little by now, we talked about that, and I decided to buy Charlie. It was a very big responsibility because looking after a horse isn’t easy. You have to consider not only where they live, but also how to take care of them, what to feed them, and also where to get them medical care when necessary. It is also really expensive. But, I feel like all these issues are worth it when I have the chance to go riding with Charlie.

What I like to do with my horse

I’ll now discuss the activities I like to do involving horse riding, and also the things I’d like to try in the future. I keep Charlie at a nearby stable, which also has a large practice ground. So, most of the time I ride Charlie on the practice ground, on the weekend. I don’t have too much time for this during the week, but occasionally if I finish work early, I’ll go in the evening. About once a month we ride into the hills, surrounding the stables as there are quite a few nice paths. We have to be careful though because some of them are uneven with lots of stones, and that can cause problems for horses’ hooves. In the future, I’d like to experience riding a horse on a beach. It looks like such an amazing experience. It’s a little difficult though because where we live it is pretty far from the beach. I suppose I could organize transportation for Charlie, but again it’d be a big expense, and it might be stressful for him to drive long distances. It might be more practical to hire some horses, nearby the beach. Maybe next summer!

Also, I’d like to try polo in the future, but I don’t think it would be a good idea to do that with Charlie. I think, based on his character, it might stress him. I’ve also no idea, but he might be too old to train in that sport. Probably! Show jumping also looks like a lot of fun, too, but I’d be too scared to try that, I think! 

Paragraph about horses and lots more!

Today we have practiced a paragraph about horses for beginners and one for advanced English students. These along with the essay about horses will have given you plenty of English vocabulary to digest, I hope! As always, if there were any words or expressions you were unfamiliar with, look them up. Also, practice making sentences with them! Thanks for reading!