sentences with theirs

49 Sentences With Theirs + Their: Better Grammar Today!

How do we use this very common word correctly? English grammar can be tricky at times, so use this guide to see just how native speakers of English use this possessive pronoun! Here we will look at 49 sentences with theirs – and their! Practice these for better English grammar and vocabulary! All you need to do is read over these examples and repeat them many times. That way, you can become more familiar with the sentence structures, and you’ll be well on your way to leveling up your grammar!

Sentences with theirs

Here are the first 10 of today’s sentences with theirs. As mentioned above, read the all aloud, and try to speak with natural intonation, focusing on the important words in each sentence.

theirs in a sentence
Theirs in a sentence
  1. The red car is theirs.
  2. The blue beach umbrella is not theirs.
  3. Can I borrow theirs?
  4. The book on the table is theirs.
  5. The decision is ultimately theirs to make.
  6. Theirs is the nice house at the end of the street.
  7. The responsibility for the project is all theirs.
  8. The keys you found are theirs, I think.
  9. Those seats aren’t theirs – we reserved them!
  10. The victory was rightfully theirs.

Remember to read them aloud to practice your pronunciation and intonation!

Related: 72 Awesome Sentences With May: How To Use Correctly

Their definition + How do you use theirs in a sentence? 

Before we continue on our fun journey of making sentences with theirs, let’s clarify the definition of their/theirs, and also show you just how to use it in a sentence.

sentences with their
Sentences with their

The words “their” and “theirs” are possessive pronouns that indicate ownership or belonging to a group of people. “Their” is used before a noun to show that something belongs to multiple people, while “theirs” is used on its own to indicate possession.

For example, you can say “Their car is red” to show that a car belongs to a group of people. Alternatively, you can say “The car is theirs” to express the same idea. These pronouns can be used to talk about possessions, relationships, and responsibilities in a sentence.

“Their” is used before a noun, while “theirs” is used independently to convey ownership or belonging in a sentence. They are essential for communicating ideas about shared ownership or group possession. Keep practicing with sentences like today’s to improve your understanding and usage of these pronouns!

Their and theirsWhat they mean
TheirPossessive pronoun indicating ownership or belonging when followed by a noun
TheirsPossessive pronoun indicating ownership or belonging when used independently
Usage of “their”“Their” is used before a noun to show possession or belonging to multiple people or things
Usage of “theirs”“Theirs” is used independently to show possession or belonging when the noun has already been mentioned or is understood from context
Example Sentence with “their”“The students were proud of their achievements.”
Example Sentence with “theirs”“The cat took its toy, and the dogs took theirs.”
Please note that possessive pronouns can vary based on grammatical contexts, and the info above is not exhaustive, but rather serves as a general guideline!

Related: 20 Examples of Pronouns in a Sentence: Practical Guide

Sentences with theirs: easy English

Here are 10 more sentences with theirs that focus on easy English, or at least more simple and short sentences. Whether or not the sentences are easy for you will depend on your experience level with English, so don’t worry if they are still a little tricky for you!

  1. The backpack is theirs.
  2. The pencils on the desk are theirs.
  3. Can I borrow theirs?
  4. The books in the library are theirs to use.
  5. The project is theirs to complete.
  6. The classroom next door is theirs.
  7. The basketball team won the game. The trophy is theirs.
  8. The lunchbox is theirs, not mine.
  9. The teacher praised their artwork. The display is theirs.
  10. The group project was a success. The credit is theirs.

Theirs in a sentence

Let’s look at more challenging examples of theirs in a sentence now!

  1. The promotion was rightfully theirs, as they had put in years of hard work and dedication.
  2. The office equipment belongs to the company, but the responsibility for its maintenance is theirs.
  3. The team celebrated their success, knowing that the accomplishment was truly theirs.
  4. The work-life balance of each employee is theirs to manage, with support from the company.
  5. The achievement of meeting the project deadline was a collective effort, and the credit is all theirs.
  6. The office space is shared, but each employee has their own desk with personal belongings that make it uniquely theirs.
  7. As a manager, it is important to recognize and respect the individual strengths and contributions that each team member brings to the table. Theirs are valuable assets to the company.
  8. I think that computes is theirs, not ours!
  9. Is that overtime theirs to claim?
  10. Theirs has the best office view. I wish I could move to that area!

Sentences with their

So far today we have mainly focused on sentences with theirs. Now we will try some simple sentences with their! What’s your hobby?
Here we talk about various hobbies and pastimes:

  1. They enjoy spending their free time reading books.
  2. Every Saturday, they meet up with their friends to play basketball in the park.
  3. Sarah and John like to take long walks with their dog during their leisure time.
  4. Laura and Mark spend their weekends hiking in the mountains to explore nature.
  5. During their free time, they often enjoy gardening and tending to their beautiful flowers.
  6. Tom and Emily enjoy going to the cinema to watch the latest movies in their spare time.
  7. David and Lisa are passionate about cooking and experimenting with new recipes in their free time.
  8. Jessica and Michael love playing board games together during their leisure hours.
  9. Alex and Rachel use their free time to learn new musical instruments and write songs.
  10. Sarah and Chris spend their weekends painting and expressing their creativity on canvas.

Sentences with theirs: FAQs

Now that we have looked at our Sentences with theirs, let’s take a look at some commonly asked questions regarding this pronoun so that we can clear up any confusion!

Their vs there – what’s the difference?

The main difference is that “their” is a possessive pronoun, indicating ownership (e.g., “Their car is red”), while “there” refers to a place or location (e.g., “The keys are over there”). It is an adverb.

Example sentences:

  1. Their dog is so cute!
  2. Let’s go over there and have some fun!

Theirs or their’s? Which one to use?

The correct form is “theirs” without an apostrophe. It is a possessive pronoun used independently to indicate ownership or belonging.

Example sentence:

  1. The cookies are theirs to enjoy.
  2. The responsibility for cleaning the house is theirs.

How do I use their in a sentence?

You can use “their” before a noun to indicate possession or belonging to multiple people or things. It shows that something belongs to a specific group of individuals.

Example sentence:

  1. The students received their test results today.

Can you use their in third-person?

Yes, “their” can be used in the third person to refer to a group of people or things. It is a gender-neutral pronoun commonly used when the gender of the person or people being referred to is unknown or unspecified.

Example sentence:

  1. The team celebrated their victory.

Remember, using “their” in the third-person plural is a great way to be inclusive and respectful of everyone’s identity.

Sentences with theirs for better grammar and accuracy!

Today, we had a blast practicing sentences with theirs! By using “theirs” correctly, you can improve your grammar and enhance your communication skills. This powerful possessive pronoun allows you to express ownership or belonging to a group of people in a fun and dynamic way. We also looked at something very similar: sentences with their. Here are three final example sentences to finish up with!

  1. Those headphones are theirs, so hands off!
  2. You better return their books, they’re really attached to them.
  3. Trust me, that awesome dance move is all theirs, no one else can pull it off like they do.