absence in a sentence

Absence In A Sentence: 133 Examples For Great English!

Here, we’ll have a look at 133 examples of absence in a sentence, illustrating their natural and smooth use in English! Say them all out loud as many times as you need – practicing English nouns is a good way to boost your vocabulary.

sentences with absence, absence meaning
Sentences with absence

Absence In A Sentence

These are the first 50 examples of how to use absence in a sentence. Read and repeat each of them. If you struggle with pronunciation, say the sentences slowly until you’re confident.

  1. The absence was noted by everyone.
  2. Emma felt lonely in his absence.
  3. He apologized for his absence.
  4. The absence of evidence was troubling.
  5. Students noticed the teacher’s absence.
  6. The absence was not announced.
  7. They questioned her absence.
  8. Everyone felt the absence greatly.
  9. The absence of noise was calming.
  10. She explained her absence.

Related: Adversary In A Sentence: 133 Examples For Great English!

  1. His absence left a void.
  2. The principal addressed the absence.
  3. The absence created confusion.
  4. They discussed his prolonged absence.
  5. Her absence was unexpected.
  6. His absence was unusual.
  7. They were worried about his absence.
  8. The absence was unremarkable.
  9. The absence was excused with a note.
  10. His absence was deliberate.
  11. She mentioned her absence during the meeting.

Related: Adversity In A Sentence: 147 Examples For Great English

  1. The absence went unnoticed by some.
  2. The abrupt absence caused speculation.
  3. The absence was quickly covered by another staff member.
  4. The teacher announced the student’s absence.
  5. The reason for the absence was clear.
  6. They compensated for her absence.
  7. The absence was noted down.
  8. His absence was talked about.
  9. There was an absence after his departure.
  10. Her absence was prolonged.
  11. Everyone questioned the sudden absence.
  12. The absence was mysterious.
  13. They didn’t expect her absence.
  14. The absence led to gossip.
  15. There was a noticeable absence.
  16. The absence sparked rumors.
  17. He cleared up his absence.
  18. The absence lingered in the air.
  19. Her absence was the start of trouble.
  20. The absence was anticipated.
  21. They speculated about his absence.
  22. Her absence was temporary.
  23. The absence stretched for days.
  24. His absence remained unexplained.
  25. The absence was accepted by all.
  26. Everyone discussed the absence.
  27. The absence went on for too long.
  28. The office felt the absence.
  29. No one knew the reason behind the absence.

Absence In A Sentence: part 2

Here you will find the next set of sentences with absence. Keep reading and repeating, you’re doing great!

  1. His long absence was noticed.
  2. The absence was felt deeply.
  3. They mourned his absence.
  4. The absence was disruptive.
  5. She apologized for her absence.
  6. The absence lasted beyond expectations.
  7. The absence was documented.
  8. Checking for absence was necessary.
  9. His absence caused delays.
  10. The absence was handled professionally.
  11. Everyone talked about her absence.
  12. The absence was covered smoothly.
  13. The absence was puzzling.
  14. His absence made a difference.
  15. They managed despite the absence.
  16. His absence was extended by a week.
  17. Her absence was marked on the calendar.
  18. They noticed the absence immediately.
  19. The absence was glaringly obvious.
  20. He justified his absence.
  21. There was an absence at the meeting.
  22. The absence drew attention.
  23. They speculated on his absence.
  24. The absence was hard to miss.
  25. She regretted her absence.
  26. The sudden absence surprised everyone.
  27. The absence affected their plans.
  28. The absence left them short-handed.
  29. They coped with his absence.
  30. The absence was regular by then.
  31. The absence didn’t disrupt the schedule.
  32. The absence caused inconvenience.
  33. His absence was explained adequately.
  34. The absence led to adjustments.
  35. Everyone was curious about the absence.
  36. They marked the absence officially.
  37. The absence became a topic of discussion.
  38. Her absence was approved by the committee.
  39. The absence was from illness.
  40. The teacher noted the absence.
  41. The absence was reported immediately.
  42. They filled in for the absence.
  43. His absence made the difference noticeable.
  44. The absence was a talking point.
  45. Bi-weekly absences were problematic.
  46. The absence triggered speculations.
  47. They justified the absence with documentation.
  48. Another absence went unnoticed.
  49. The head documented each absence.
  50. The sudden absence shook the team.

More Examples with Absence

  1. The absence of a key player was critical.
  2. Everyone noticed her absence.
  3. The absence required adjustments.
  4. They compensated for the absence.
  5. The meeting continued despite absence.
  6. The absence drew concerns.
  7. They prepared for her absence.
  8. The absence caused minor issues.
  9. The absence resulted in extra work.
  10. They adapted to his absence.
  11. The period of absence was brief.
  12. The absence led to a delay.
  13. They discussed absence policies.
  14. The absence went on record.
  15. Her absence disrupted the plans.
  16. They monitored the absence closely.
  17. The abrupt absence caused alarm.
  18. His absence stretched longer.
  19. The absence was due to personal reasons.
  20. Her prolonged absence was significant.

Questions using absence

Here are 10 questions that use the word “absence ” in them. They are for English conversation practice, so try to first read out a question, then answer it using full sentences. If you have no experience with the topic, don’t worry – as this is simply an English conversation practice. Try to use your imagination to create the answers.

  1. How did you cope with the absence of your manager?
  2. What was the most noticeable change during the absence of the team leader?
  3. Can anyone explain the reason behind Sarah’s absence yesterday?
  4. How does the company’s policy address prolonged absence due to illness?
  5. What are the common reasons given for employee absence in your workplace?
  6. How do you ensure that tasks are completed on time in the absence of key personnel?
  7. How did the absence of internet connectivity affect your workday?
  8. In what ways did the absence of a physical office impact your team’s productivity?
  9. Could the project have been completed on schedule even when dealing with any team member’s absence?
  10. How should one communicate their absence to the rest of the team effectively?

Absence In A Sentence: a useful English noun practice

I hope you have enjoyed reading through and repeating all of today’s examples for absence in a sentence! Don’t forget, that if you would like to read and practice more English sentences, there are plenty to be found right here! Just browse through this website. As a final wrap-up, here are 3 more examples, getting a little bit trickier each time:

  1. The absence was brief.
  2. Do you know the reason for the absence?
  3. When will the absence finally end?