Here, we’ll have a look at 145 examples of accent in a sentence, illustrating their natural and smooth use in English! Say them all out loud as many times as you need – practicing English nouns is a good way to boost your vocabulary.

Accent In A Sentence
These are the first 50 examples of how to use accent in a sentence. Read and repeat each of them. If you struggle with pronunciation, say the sentences slowly until you’re confident.
- Gemma had a lovely British accent.
- His accent made him sound sophisticated.
- Accents can tell a lot about a person.
- I love her Southern accent.
- His French accent was charming.
- She tried to imitate a British accent.
- The actor nailed the accent perfectly.
- You can identify accents easily.
- Her accent was unique.
- Jack has a thick Scottish accent.
Related: Adversity In A Sentence: 147 Examples For Great English
- The American accent sounds familiar.
- Her accent gave her away.
- They celebrated their accents.
- Understanding accents can be tricky.
- He spoke with an Australian accent.
- She practiced her accent every day.
- Different regions have different accents.
- His accent faded over time.
- She retained her native accent.
- Her accent was very noticeable.
- He adopted an American accent.
Related: Acquaintance In A Sentence: 149 Examples For Great English
- Accents make languages interesting.
- She liked his German accent.
- His accent was hard to understand.
- Learning new accents is fun.
- They marveled at her accent.
- She has an accent when speaking English.
- His British accent sounded strong.
- She showed off her new accent.
- The accent added charm to his speech.
- They practiced their accents together.
- I can recognize that accent anywhere.
- She has a slight accent.
- He teaches accent reduction techniques.
- The accent was spot-on.
- She worked on her accent for months.
- His accent improved with practice.
- She enjoyed learning different accents.
- Accents add flavor to communication.
- He could mimic any accent.
- Her accent was endearing.
- They focused on accent training.
- Accents reflect cultural identity.
- He had a mix of accents.
- She spoke with a flawless accent.
- The accent was hard to place.
- They compared each other’s accents.
- The teacher had a neutral accent.
- She was proud of her accent.
- Accents are fascinating.
Accent Meaning
What does accent mean? The word refers to a distinctive way of pronouncing words, often associated with a particular region or country. It can indicate where someone is from or add a unique flavor to their speech. For instance, you might say, “She has a strong Irish accent,” or “His accent is hard to place.” Accents can be influenced by many factors including geography, culture, and personal background.

Accent In A Sentence: Part 2
Here you will find the next set of sentences with accent. Keep reading and repeating, you’re doing great!
- His accent improved over the years.
- She lost her accent after moving.
- Accents can be musical.
- He developed a slight Italian accent.
- Her accent changed depending on the region.
- Accents can fade with time.
- His English accent was impeccable.
- Listening to accents is enjoyable.
- She mimicked his accent perfectly.
- The accent added depth to the character.
- Different towns can have unique accents.
- She was fascinated by his accent.
- Accents can evolve over generations.
- He wore his accent like a badge.
- They loved her Irish accent.
- He couldn’t shake off his accent.
- She had an unforgettable accent.
- Accents can mark identity.
- He embraced his accent.
- Her accent made her stand out.
- The soft accent was enchanting.
- They laughed at their own accents.
- An accent can tell a story.
- His accent drew attention.
- She worked on her American accent.
- Accents enrich communication.
- He adopted a local accent.
- His accent was smooth and clear.
- They studied regional accents.
- Her accent held a hint of mystery.
- The accent was subtle but present.
- They practiced accents daily.
- The accent felt natural.
- She was proud of her accent.
- He found accents intriguing.
- Her accent had a melodic tone.
- Their accents were similar.
- He could distinguish any accent.
- The strong accent stood out.
- Accents can unite people.
- She imitated a foreign accent.
- His soft accent was pleasing.
- They worked on accent neutrality.
- Accents make speech unique.
- He concealed his accent.
- She spoke with her native accent.
- Accents reflect heritage.
- He loved her French accent.
- They were proud of their accents.
- Her accent added character.
- She eliminated her accent.
- The accent was gentle.
- They discussed various accents.
- He practiced his accent regularly.
- She embraced different accents.
- The accent was strong.
- Foreign accents are captivating.
- He practiced to improve his accent.
- Understanding accents takes skill.
- Accents vary greatly.
- She recognized his accent quickly.
- He refined his accent.
- Their accents were distinctive.
- The exotic accent was appealing.
- Her accent faded over the years.
- They spoke with diverse accents.
- He adopted his wife’s accent.
- She disguised her accent.
- The accent had subtleties.
- He retained his native accent.
- They celebrated their unique accents.
- She noticed his slight accent.
Questions using the word accent
Here are 20 questions that use the word accent. Try to answer these questions for English conversation practice! If you have no experience with the topic, fear not! Try to use your imagination for the answers. Making sentences is a useful way to practice English.
- What kind of accent do you have?
- How can you improve an accent?
- Which accents do you find charming?
- Can you imitate any accents?
- How important is accent in communication?
- Do you think accents matter in professional settings?
- What is your favorite accent?
- Which accents are hardest to understand?
- What is his accent?
- Do you enjoy listening to different accents?
- Which accent have you tried to learn?
- How can you reduce a strong accent? And do you need to?
- Which regions are known for distinct accents?
- Do you find regional accents appealing?
- How do you feel about your accent?
- Can an accent influence perception?
- How does accent affect language learning?
- How do accents evolve over time?
- What role does culture play in accents?
- How do you practice a new accent?
Accent In A Sentence: A Useful English Noun Practice
I hope you have enjoyed reading through and repeating all of today’s examples for accent in a sentence! Don’t forget, that if you would like to read and practice more English sentences, there are plenty to be found right here! Just browse through this website. As a final wrap-up, here are 3 more examples, getting a little bit trickier each time:
- The accent was undeniable.
- Can you master the accent?
- What kind of accent are you using?