accommodation in a sentence

Accommodation In A Sentence: 53 Examples For Better English

We will focus on 53 examples of accommodation in a sentence here, to reveal their usage in smooth, natural English. To improve your English, I would recommend reading and repeating all of these sentences enough times so that you can say them comfortably. We will also be taking a look at a couple of paragraphs about the topic accommodation for English writing practice!

Sentences with Accommodation, Accommodation meaning, Accommodation synonym
Sentences with accommodation

Accommodation in a Sentence

These are the first 10 examples of how to use accommodation in a sentence. Read and repeat each of them. If you struggle with pronunciation, say the sentences slowly until you’re confident.

  1. The hotel provided comfortable accommodation for all guests.
  2. Lucy searched for temporary accommodation near her workplace.
  3. Their holiday accommodation had stunning sea views.
  4. The accommodation fee includes breakfast.
  5. His choice of accommodation was both affordable and convenient.
  6. Finding suitable accommodation in the city can be challenging.
  7. The resort’s accommodation was luxurious and spacious.
  8. They were impressed with the hostel’s clean accommodation.
  9. Her new accommodation is close to public transport.
  10. They booked their accommodation well in advance.

Related: Association In A Sentence: 54 Examples For Better English

What Does Accommodation Mean?

Let’s look at what the word accommodation actually means in a little bit of depth. Accommodation refers to a place where one can live or stay. It can be as simple as staying at a friend’s house. In hotels, accommodation means a room where guests stay. It’s a place to sleep and rest. Sometimes, accommodation can also mean making changes to help someone. For example, providing special facilities for people with disabilities is an accommodation. It can also mean adjusting to new conditions. Accommodation isn’t always physical; it often involves adapting to new situations. People often seek good accommodation for comfort and convenience.

Common Situations for Using the Word Accommodation

  • Travel: Finding a place to stay while on a trip.
  • Work/Study: Arranging for accommodation close to a job or school.
  • Adjustment: Making changes to help someone adapt to new conditions.

Accommodation Synonyms and Example Sentences

  1. Lodging
    • Meaning: A place to stay, especially temporarily.
    • Example sentence: The inn offered basic lodging for travelers.
  2. Housing
    • Meaning: Homes or places where people live.
    • Example sentence: The government developed new housing projects.
  3. Shelter
    • Meaning: A place providing protection or refuge.
    • Example sentence: The shelter accommodated those in need during the storm.

Related: Sentences with Appearance: 54 Examples For Great English!

Accommodation in a Sentence: Part 2

  1. Good accommodation enhances the travel experience.
  2. The student’s accommodation was close to campus.
  3. They made special accommodation for the elderly guests.
  4. Comfortable accommodation makes long stays enjoyable.
  5. The company provided accommodation for its employees.
  6. They admired the stylish accommodation at the resort.
  7. Her accommodation was cozy and welcoming.
  8. Unexpected guests required swift accommodation arrangements.
  9. The accommodation included all modern amenities.
  10. They found excellent accommodation by the beach.

Sentences with Accommodation

Here is the next set of sentences with accommodation:

  1. The accommodation was spacious and beautifully decorated.
  2. He arranged accommodation for his visiting relatives.
  3. Finding last-minute accommodation was stressful.
  4. The guide helped us locate suitable accommodation.
  5. Some universities have on-campus accommodation.
  6. Affordable accommodation is hard to find in peak season.
  7. The villa boasted luxurious accommodation.
  8. Her budget did not allow for expensive accommodation.
  9. They offered accommodation to travelers on a budget.
  10. Secure accommodation is essential for family trips.
  11. Accessible accommodation is important for all travelers.
  12. The hotel staff ensured the accommodation was clean.
  13. They enjoyed the beautiful accommodation and friendly service.
  14. Accommodation should meet safety standards.
  15. The inn offered quaint and charming accommodation.
  16. Their accommodation was close to all the main attractions.
  17. The conference provided accommodation for delegates.
  18. They needed temporary accommodation during renovations.
  19. The website allowed them to compare accommodation options.
  20. Good accommodation can make or break a vacation.

Questions about Accommodation

Try to answer these questions for English conversation practice! If you have no experience with the topic, fear not! Just use your imagination for the answers.

  1. What type of accommodation do you prefer when traveling?
  2. How does good accommodation affect your travel experience?
  3. What accommodation in your life was the most memorable?
  4. Can you think of a situation where poor accommodation led to difficulties?
  5. What is the most unique accommodation you have experienced?
  6. How can accommodation shape your overall trip?
  7. Describe a time when accommodation exceeded your expectations.
  8. Do you believe comfortable accommodation is worth the extra cost?
  9. How does planned accommodation differ from last-minute arrangements?
  10. What accommodation would you choose for a special occasion?

A Short Paragraph About the Topic of Accommodation

This paragraph is aimed at intermediate-level learners of English.

Accommodation is essential for any trip or stay. It means having a place to sleep and rest. Finding good accommodation can make your stay enjoyable. It could be a hotel room or a friend’s house. Sometimes, accommodation can be simple, like a tent. Other times, it could be luxurious, like a five-star hotel. No matter where you stay, accommodation is important for comfort and convenience.

A Paragraph About the Topic of Accommodation

Accommodation can vary greatly depending on the situation and personal preferences. I remember staying at a cozy bed and breakfast during a family vacation. The rooms were artistically decorated, and the hosts were warm and welcoming. Every morning, we enjoyed a delicious homemade breakfast. The accommodation was in a quiet neighborhood, providing a peaceful retreat. It was close to various attractions, making our stay convenient. We spent the evenings relaxing in the garden. The comfortable accommodation made our holiday memorable. It felt like a home away from home. Good accommodation adds to the joy of traveling and exploring new places.

Accommodation in a Sentence: A Useful Word to Know!

I hope you found all these examples with accommodation in a sentence interesting! Here are three final sentences featuring departure, each one harder than the previous:

  1. Where is the accommodation?
  2. How far is it to the accommodation?
  3. Her accommodation included a private balcony.