active voice and passive voice examples with answers

30 Active Voice And Passive Voice Examples With Answers

Let’s upgrade our English grammar today with 30 active voice and passive voice examples with answers – shown clearly in table format. Use these examples to improve both your English speaking and writing ability. We will also check out the full meanings of these grammatical terms, along with some questions for speaking practice, some paragraphs for writing practice, and finally a quiz. Let’s go!

active voice sentence examples
Active voice sentence examples

Active voice and passive voice examples with answers

Here is the first table of active voice and passive voice examples with answers. To get comfortable with the grammar structures, I would recommend reading and repeating the sentences plenty of times.

Active VoicePassive Voice
The chef cooked a delicious meal.The delicious meal was cooked by the chef.
The kids played soccer in the park.Soccer was played by the kids in the park.
The artist painted a beautiful mural.A beautiful mural was painted by the artist.
The dog chased the ball.The ball was chased by the dog.
The students wrote essays.Essays were written by the students.
The teacher explained the lesson.The lesson was explained by the teacher.
Mom baked cookies for the party.Cookies were baked by Mom for the party.
The scientist discovered a new species.A new species was discovered by the scientist.
The gardener planted flowers.Flowers were planted by the gardener.
The musician played a catchy tune.A catchy tune was played by the musician.
Here you can see active voice and passive voice compared

Related: 100 Examples Of Degrees Of Comparison: In Sentences

passive voice sentences, changing active to passive voice quiz with answers
Passive voice sentences

What is the active voice?

Active voice is a sentence structure where the subject performs the action. It emphasizes who is doing the action, making sentences clearer and more direct. For example, instead of saying, “The homework was completed by John,” you would say, “John completed the homework.” This highlights John’s role in the action. Active voice typically makes writing stronger and more engaging. It’s often preferred in both spoken and written communication.

  • The dog barked at the stranger.
  • The teacher graded the tests.
What is the active voice
What is the active voice?

Related: 30 Assertive Sentences: Give Your Opinion Clearly

What is the passive voice?

The passive voice is a way to build sentences where the action takes center stage. In this structure, the subject receives the action instead of performing it. For instance, instead of saying, “The cat chased the mouse,” you would say, “The mouse was chased by the cat.” This shifts the focus to the mouse. Passive voice is helpful when the doer is unknown or not important. However, it can sometimes make writing feel weak or unclear. Using active voice is often more effective.

  • The book was read by Sarah.
  • The cake was eaten by the children.
What is the passive voice
What is the passive voice?

Related: 100 Declarative Sentences: Better English Grammar

Active voice and passive voice examples with answers: set 2

Here is the second table of active voice and passive voice examples with answers. Once again, read and repeat them all to get familiar with the structures!

Active VoicePassive Voice
The cat caught a mouse.A mouse was caught by the cat.
The team won the championship.The championship was won by the team.
The writer finished the novel.The novel was finished by the writer.
The students conducted the experiment.The experiment was conducted by the students.
The detective solved the case.The case was solved by the detective.
The mechanic fixed the car.The car was fixed by the mechanic.
The athletes trained for the race.The race was trained for by the athletes.
The painter restored the old building.The old building was restored by the painter.
The librarian organized the books.The books were organized by the librarian.
The coach motivated the players.The players were motivated by the coach.
Here also there is a comparison between the active voice and the passive voice

Active voice and passive voice examples with answers: set 3

Here is the final set of active voice and passive voice examples with answers. Once again, read and repeat them all to get familiar with the structures!

Active VoicePassive Voice
The firefighter saved the kitten.The kitten was saved by the firefighter.
The farmer grew organic vegetables.Organic vegetables were grown by the farmer.
The doctor examined the patient.The patient was examined by the doctor.
The friends planned a surprise party.A surprise party was planned by the friends.
The scientist tested the hypothesis.The hypothesis was tested by the scientist.
The traveler explored the ancient ruins.The ancient ruins were explored by the traveler.
The children built a sandcastle.A sandcastle was built by the children.
The baker decorated the cake.The cake was decorated by the baker.
The volunteers cleaned the beach.The beach was cleaned by the volunteers.
The artist created a stunning painting.A stunning painting was created by the artist.
Active vs passive voice

Active voice questions

Here are some questions written in the active voice. Practice your English speaking with these. Try to give your answers using full sentences, and if you are not sure of what to say, try to make imaginary answers.

active voice questions
Active voice questions
  1. What hobby do you enjoy the most?
  2. Who inspires you the most?
  3. Where do you like to hang out with friends?
  4. How do you spend your weekends?
  5. What book did you recently read?
  6. Why do you think teamwork is important?
  7. When did you learn to play an instrument?
  8. Which movie made you laugh the hardest?
  9. How often do you exercise?
  10. What skill do you want to learn next?

Passive voice questions

And now we will check out some passive voice questions. The same goes for these – try to answer them in full sentences.

passive voice questions
Passive voice questions
  1. What traditions are celebrated in your family?
  2. Which games are played the most at school?
  3. How are holidays usually spent in your culture?
  4. What challenges are faced by teenagers today?
  5. Which subjects are enjoyed by most students?
  6. How are important decisions made in your life?
  7. What types of music are listened to in your home?
  8. Where are local events typically advertised?
  9. How is your favorite food prepared by your family?
  10. What values are taught in your community?

Active voice paragraph

Here is a paragraph using the active voice. Feel free to use it as inspiration for your own writing tasks!

active voice paragraph examples, active voice essay
Active voice paragraph examples

Learning new things can be exciting, especially when studying English. Students explore new vocabulary every day. They read interesting stories and write their own. Speaking practice helps them build confidence. In class, teachers encourage discussions and share tips. Many students watch English movies to improve their listening skills. They also listen to music and try to understand the lyrics. Group work fosters teamwork and makes learning fun. Each small step brings them closer to fluency. With effort and practice, they unlock new opportunities!

Passive voice paragraph

Here is a paragraph using the passive voice. Feel free to use it as inspiration for your own writing tasks!

passive voice paragraph exercises, passive voice essay
Passive voice paragraph exercises

Learning new things can be exciting, especially when English is studied. New vocabulary is explored by students every day. Interesting stories are read, and personal writing is done. Confidence is built through speaking practice. In class, discussions are encouraged, and helpful tips are shared by teachers. English movies are often watched to improve listening skills. Music is listened to, and lyrics are carefully analyzed. Teamwork is fostered through group work, making learning enjoyable. Each small step contributes to the journey toward fluency. With effort and practice, new opportunities are unlocked!

Active voice and passive voice quiz

Instructions: Identify whether each sentence is in the active voice or the passive voice. Write “A” for active and “P” for passive.

Active voice and passive voice quiz
Active voice and passive voice quiz
  1. The teacher explained the lesson.
  2. The book was written by the author.
  3. Students complete their homework every night.
  4. The song was sung by the choir.
  5. I found my keys on the table.
  6. The project was finished by the team.
  7. She paints beautiful landscapes.
  8. The cookies were baked by my mom.
  9. They enjoy playing soccer in the park.
  10. The movie was directed by a famous filmmaker.

Answers: 1A, 2P, 3A, 4P, 5A, 6P, 7A, 8P, 9A, 10P

Active voice and passive voice examples with answers: a handy grammar practice!

I hope that you have both enjoyed and gotten something from today’s active voice and passive voice examples with answers! Learning both active and passive voice is important for English learners. It helps students express ideas clearly and effectively. Active voice makes sentences direct and strong, while passive voice can add variety and focus on the action. Understanding both forms improves writing skills. It also enhances reading comprehension. When students know how to identify each voice, they become better communicators. This knowledge opens up more opportunities in writing and speaking. Overall, mastering both voices builds confidence in using the language.