admiration in a sentence

Admiration In A Sentence: 120 Examples For Great English!

Here, we’ll have a look at 120 examples of admiration in a sentence, illustrating their natural and smooth use in English! Say them all out loud as many times as you need – practicing English nouns is a good way to boost your vocabulary.

sentences with admiration
Sentences with admiration

Admiration In A Sentence

These are the first 50 examples of how to use admiration in a sentence. Read and repeat each of them. If you struggle with pronunciation, say the sentences slowly until you’re confident.

  1. Becky looked at the artwork with great admiration.
  2. His bravery earned him admiration from everyone.
  3. The team’s success filled them with admiration.
  4. She spoke of her friend with admiration.
  5. He listened in admiration to the singer.
  6. The young artist received admiration for his talent.
  7. Her dedication won her admiration.
  8. The invention drew admiration from the scientists.
  9. They expressed their admiration for his work.
  10. Her achievements were met with admiration.

Related: Avenue In A Sentence: 103 Examples For Great English!

  1. The children showed admiration for their teacher.
  2. Lee watched her performance with admiration.
  3. The community’s support earned widespread admiration.
  4. The soldiers were greeted with admiration.
  5. She had admiration for the old traditions.
  6. The crowd’s admiration inspired the performers.
  7. He earned his peers’ admiration.
  8. Her courage was met with silent admiration.
  9. The writer’s latest book drew admiration.
  10. He looked at the beautiful painting with admiration.
  11. The young singer’s voice garnered admiration.
  12. Her leadership skills won admiration.
  13. The team captain earned admiration from his players.
  14. She felt admiration for his honest words.
  15. The comedian’s wit sparked admiration.
  16. The charity worker’s efforts were met with admiration.
  17. The student’s intelligence earned admiration.
  18. He accepted their admiration humbly.
  19. The artist drew admiration from the critics.
  20. The response to his kindness was pure admiration.
  21. The doctor’s dedication won admiration.
  22. Everybody felt admiration for the athlete.
  23. Her confidence inspired admiration in the crowd.
  24. Those who met her spoke of her with admiration.
  25. His kindness gained him admiration.
  26. Mike’s achievements were given admiration.
  27. The beauty of the nature reserve sparked admiration.
  28. He tackled the problem with admiration-worthy skill.
  29. The brave act earned admiration.
  30. He had admiration for the ancient architecture.
  31. The courage of the rescuers drew admiration.
  32. The speech was met with applause and admiration.
  33. She read the letter with a sense of admiration.
  34. The dedication of the team inspired admiration.
  35. The group’s harmony earned admiration.
  36. His generosity was met with admiration.
  37. She couldn’t help but feel admiration for the effort.
  38. The painting’s detail earned admiration.
  39. The new project was met with admiration from all sides.
  40. Her strength in adversity sparked admiration.

Related: Adversary In A Sentence: 133 Examples For Great English!

Admiration In A Sentence: part 2

Here you will find the next set of sentences with admiration. Keep reading and repeating, you’re doing great!

  1. The child gazed at the hero with admiration.
  2. He felt admiration for her patience.
  3. The solution brought admiration from his colleagues.
  4. Her beauty was the object of admiration.
  5. She earned admiration for her hard work.
  6. Their resilience filled everyone with admiration.
  7. The artist’s technique inspired admiration.
  8. He looked up to his coach with admiration.
  9. The team’s spirit earned boundless admiration.
  10. Her efforts to help received admiration.
  11. The scientist’s discoveries were met with admiration.
  12. His innovative idea gained admiration.
  13. Her elegant style drew admiration.
  14. The teacher’s dedication earned continuous admiration.
  15. The climber’s bravery inspired universal admiration.
  16. His calm demeanor in crisis deserved admiration.
  17. Her eloquence was met with admiration.
  18. The leader’s vision won widespread admiration.
  19. The community activist gained admiration.
  20. His unwavering principles earned admiration.
  21. Her dedication to the cause was met with admiration.
  22. The athlete’s performance inspired admiration.
  23. The inventor received admiration for his creation.
  24. She handled the challenge with admiration-worthy grace.
  25. The artist’s masterpiece was met with admiration.
  26. The solution’s simplicity inspired admiration.
  27. Her kindness was met with deep admiration.
  28. The pupil’s progress garnered admiration.
  29. The architecture evoked admiration.
  30. The actor’s talent was a source of admiration.
  31. Her persistence won her admiration.
  32. The chef’s skills drew admiration.
  33. The intricate design earned admiration.
  34. His innovative solution gained admiration.
  35. Her calm resolve sparked admiration.
  36. The band’s performance was met with universal admiration.
  37. His leadership earned the admiration of the team.
  38. The hero’s selflessness inspired admiration.
  39. Her resilience was met with admiration.
  40. His generosity was a source of admiration.
  41. The artist drew admiration for her latest work.
  42. She felt grateful for the admiration she received.
  43. The author’s story sparked admiration.
  44. The design’s elegance drew admiration.
  45. His discipline was met with admiration.
  46. The engineer’s solution garnered admiration.
  47. They voiced their admiration for his courage.
  48. The heroine’s bravery was a source of admiration.
  49. The beauty of the sunrise earned admiration.
  50. Her innovative ideas sparked admiration.
  51. The compassion of the volunteers drew admiration.
  52. The skilled dancer gained admiration.
  53. His persistence was met with admiration.
  54. Her confidence won widespread admiration.

More sentences that use admiration

  1. The new software’s efficiency earned admiration.
  2. The team’s dedication was a source of admiration.
  3. The concert’s finale was met with boundless admiration.
  4. Her patience earned admiration.
  5. His achievements were praised with admiration.
  6. The artist’s creativity drew admiration.
  7. The kindness of the stranger sparked admiration.
  8. Her mentoring was met with admiration.
  9. His talent inspired admiration.
  10. The sculpture evoked admiration.
  11. The speech’s clarity received admiration.
  12. Her bravery in the face of danger was met with admiration.
  13. The firefighter’s courage earned universal admiration.
  14. The doctor’s thoroughness drew admiration.
  15. The engineering marvel gained widespread admiration.
  16. Her humility in success was met with deep admiration.

Admiration In A Sentence: a useful English noun practice

I hope you have enjoyed reading through and repeating all of today’s examples for admiration in a sentence! Don’t forget, that if you would like to read and practice more English sentences, there are plenty to be found right here! Just browse through this website. As a final wrap-up, here are 3 more examples, getting a little bit trickier each time:

  • She commanded admiration with her calm presence.
  • Do you understand the meaning of admiration?
  • When did you first feel admiration for someone?