adversary in a sentence

Adversary In A Sentence: 133 Examples For Great English!

Here, we’ll have a look at 133 examples of adversary in a sentence, illustrating their natural and smooth use in English! Say them all out loud as many times as you need – practicing English nouns is a good way to boost your vocabulary.

NOTE before starting: All sentences in this article are purely fictional and intended to be used as an English noun practice, and do not reflect real life situations of adversaries, fighting, or war.

 sentences with adversary
Sentences with adversary

Adversary In A Sentence

These are the first 50 examples of how to use adversary in a sentence. Read and repeat each of them. If you struggle with pronunciation, say the sentences slowly until you’re confident.

  1. David met his adversary at the chess match.
  2. Her adversary was formidable.
  3. The adversary started the match without warning.
  4. They underestimated their adversary.
  5. He respected his adversary’s skills.
  6. The adversary had a clever plan.
  7. She outsmarted her cunning adversary.
  8. The adversary showed no mercy.
  9. They faced a common adversary.
  10. His adversary was a close friend.

Related: Admiration In A Sentence: 120 Examples For Great English!

  1. The adversary’s tactics were ruthless.
  2. She finally defeated her adversary.
  3. The adversary pushed him to his limits.
  4. They forged an alliance against a stronger adversary.
  5. Confronting the adversary was inevitable.
  6. He prepared to meet his adversary.
  7. The adversary’s strength was unmatched.
  8. The adversary fought fiercely in the game.
  9. She challenged her adversary to a contest.
  10. The adversary revealed his true power.
  11. He studied his adversary carefully.
  12. The adversary’s weakness was speed.
  13. They plotted against their adversary.
  14. The adversary had an air of confidence.
  15. He confronted his worst adversary.
  16. The adversary launched a counterattack in the game.
  17. She underestimated her adversary’s resolve.
  18. The adversary struck at dawn in the game.
  19. They anticipated the adversary’s move.
  20. His adversary was relentless.
  21. The adversary devised a new strategy.
  22. She faced her adversary bravely.
  23. The adversary seemed unbeatable.
  24. He outwitted his seasoned adversary.
  25. The adversary’s forces retreated.
  26. They celebrated defeating their adversary.
  27. The adversary regrouped for another attack.
  28. She kept her eyes on her adversary.
  29. The adversary lurked in the shadows.
  30. He knew his adversary was near.
  31. They waited for the adversary’s next move.
  32. The adversary’s trap was cunning.
  33. She felt the adversary’s presence.
  34. The adversary was closer than they thought.
  35. He sensed his adversary’s fear.
  36. They ambushed their unsuspecting adversary in the game.
  37. The adversary fled in haste.
  38. He vowed to defeat every adversary.
  39. The adversary challenged them repeatedly.
  40. She became her own worst adversary.

Related: Absence In A Sentence: 133 Examples For Great English!

Adversary In A Sentence: part 2

Here you will find the next set of sentences with adversary. Keep reading and repeating, you’re doing great!

  1. The adversary’s approach was silent.
  2. They planned to outflank the adversary.
  3. The adversary’s ship vanished.
  4. He outmaneuvered the fleeing adversary.
  5. His adversary looked tired.
  6. She discovered the adversary’s hideout.
  7. The adversary launched a surprise attack.
  8. They found their true adversary.
  9. The adversary displayed great skill.
  10. The adversary waged a long campaign.
  11. They feared their new adversary.
  12. The adversary showed no compassion.
  13. He trusted his adversary’s word.
  14. The adversary’s tactic was distraction.
  15. Their adversary was more cunning.
  16. The adversary’s forces outnumbered them.
  17. She anticipated her adversary’s moves.
  18. The adversary set traps.
  19. His adversary revealed a secret.
  20. They evaded their adversary’s patrols.
  21. The adversary’s attack was relentless.
  22. He anticipated the adversary’s strike in the game.
  23. She admired her adversary’s tenacity.
  24. The adversary broke through their defenses.
  25. They regrouped to face the adversary.
  26. The adversary played a long game.
  27. His adversary was well-prepared.
  28. They challenged the strongest adversary.
  29. The adversary’s leader spoke.
  30. He respected the adversary’s capability.
  31. The adversary’s resolve never wavered.
  32. She confronted her lifelong adversary.
  33. They hired a scout in the game to track the adversary.
  34. The adversary’s network was vast.
  35. The adversary seemed omnipresent.
  36. They aimed to catch the adversary off-guard.
  37. Her adversary devised many traps.
  38. The adversary’s retreat was hasty.
  39. The adversary’s strategy was unexpected.
  40. They forged ahead, ignoring the adversary.
  41. His adversary regrouped in secret.
  42. The adversary’s identity was revealed.
  43. She faced her disguised adversary.
  44. The adversary’s trap was elaborate.
  45. They advanced towards the hidden adversary.
  46. Her adversary revealed a hidden weapon in the videogame.
  47. The adversary watched from afar.
  48. He read his adversary’s intentions.
  49. They seized the adversary’s supplies.
  50. The adversary’s camp was undefended in the videogame.
  51. His adversary challenged him openly.
  52. The adversary’s lie was exposed.
  53. She dueled with her adversary bravely in the videogame.
  54. The adversary’s laugh was cold.
  55. They matched the adversary’s strength.
  56. The adversary’s fleet appeared suddenly.
  57. She barely escaped her adversary in the videogame.
  58. The adversary’s forces swarmed around them.
  59. He avoided his adversary until the end.
  60. The adversary plotted in secret.
  61. She felt the adversary’s gaze on her.
  62. The adversary knew their every move.
  63. She faced the ultimate adversary.
  64. The adversary’s traps surrounded them.
  65. His adversary was waiting for him in the videogame.
  66. The adversary was a master tactician.
  67. Her adversary’s mind was sharp.
  68. They braced for the adversary’s attack.
  69. The adversaries outnumbered them greatly.
  70. The adversary’s will was unyielding.

Questions using adversary

Here are 10 questions that use the word “adversary” in them. They are for English conversation practice, so try to first read out a question, then answer it using full sentences. If you have no experience with the topic, don’t worry – as this is simply an English conversation practice. Try to use your imagination to create the answers.

  1. Who is your biggest adversary in life?
  2. How do you feel when you face an adversary?
  3. What qualities make someone a strong adversary?
  4. Have you ever made peace with an adversary?
  5. How do you typically handle an adversary at work or school?
  6. Can you think of a famous adversary from history or fiction?
  7. What strategies do you use to outsmart an adversary?
  8. Do you believe every adversary can become a friend?
  9. How would you react if an adversary helped you?
  10. What do you learn from facing a strong adversary?

Adversary In A Sentence: a useful English noun practice

I hope you have enjoyed reading through and repeating all of today’s examples for adversary in a sentence! Don’t forget, that if you would like to read and practice more English sentences, there are plenty to be found right here! Just browse through this website. As a final wrap-up, here are 3 more examples, getting a little bit trickier each time:

  1. The adversary is strong.
  2. Who is their main adversary?
  3. Can they defeat this adversary?