Here, we’ll have a look at 147 examples of adversity in a sentence, illustrating their natural and smooth use in English! Say them all out loud as many times as you need – practicing English nouns is a good way to boost your vocabulary.

Adversity In A Sentence
These are the first 50 examples of how to use adversity in a sentence. Read and repeat each of them. If you struggle with pronunciation, say the sentences slowly until you’re confident.
- Adversity can strengthen character.
- Eve faced adversity with courage.
- He overcame extreme adversity.
- Adversity tests our resilience.
- Many families face daily adversity.
- Adversity can bring people together.
- They grew stronger through adversity.
- Adversity taught him patience.
- She learned to smile in adversity.
- Adversity reveals true friends.
Related: Absence In A Sentence: 133 Examples For Great English!
- Adversity did not break her spirit.
- They triumphed over adversity.
- Facing adversity builds character.
- Adversity fosters personal growth.
- He found hope in adversity.
- Facing adversity might build real strength.
- Communities overcome adversity together.
- Adversity can be a teacher.
- She demonstrated grace under adversity.
- Adversity makes victories sweeter.
- They met adversity head-on.
Related: Accent In A Sentence: 145 Examples For Great English
- Adversity can shape destinies.
- Conquering adversity is empowering.
- Iron sharpens iron, just like facing adversity.
- Adversity is part of life.
- She faced much adversity growing up.
- Adversity uncovers hidden strengths in people.
- Adversity doesn’t define you.
- Through adversity, he found purpose.
- Overcoming adversity builds heroes.
- Adversity can spark creativity.
- He persevered despite adversity.
- Adversity taught her resilience.
- They stood united in adversity.
- Adversity clarifies priorities.
- Facing adversity inspires others.
- Adversity often breeds success.
- He did not let adversity stop him.
- Adversity reveals true potential.
- Embrace adversity as a challenge.
- They thrived in spite of adversity.
- Adversity helped them bond.
- Rising above adversity takes strength.
- Adversity made her more compassionate.
- Great leaders emerge from adversity.
- Adversity is an uninvited guest.
- They built trust through experiencing adversity.
- Facing adversity, he stayed optimistic.
- Adversity forces us to adapt.
- He gained wisdom from adversity.
Adversity meaning
Adversity refers to a difficult or unpleasant situation. It often entails hardships or challenges that people must overcome. For instance, you might say, “She faced great adversity during her childhood,” or “The team overcame tremendous adversity to win the championship.” Adversity can come in many forms such as financial struggles, health issues, or personal loss. Despite its challenges, dealing with adversity often helps individuals or groups discover their inner strength and resilience.

Adversity In A Sentence: Part 2
Here you will find the next set of sentences with adversity. Keep reading and repeating, you’re doing great!
- Facing adversity strengthens resolve.
- She remained hopeful amidst adversity.
- He found joy despite adversity.
- Adversity is part of the journey.
- They faced adversity with grace.
- Overcoming adversity made them wiser.
- Adversity can be a learning experience.
- He learned to embrace adversity.
- She grew stronger through adversity.
- Adversity can inspire innovation.
- He stood tall in the face of adversity.
- They shared stories of overcoming adversity.
- Adversity helped her find purpose.
- Staying positive despite adversity helps.
- He faced adversity with a smile.
- Adversity can reveal hidden strengths.
- Their unity grew in adversity.
- Adversity builds resilience.
- She faced numerous forms of adversity.
- Adversity helped them discover true friendship.
- Facing adversity brought out his best.
- They had many adversities to overcome.
- Adversity deepened their bond.
- He found strength in adversity.
- Adversity teaches valuable lessons.
- They stood firm despite adversity.
- Adversity can’t shake strong spirits.
- He turned adversity into an advantage.
- Adversity shapes us.
- They navigated adversity together.
- Adversity breeds determination.
- They conquered adversity with teamwork.
- She faced adversity with determination.
- Adversity tests resolve.
- Adversity can lead to opportunities.
- He overcame a lot of adversity.
- She learned a lot from adversity.
- Facing adversity taught him perseverance.
- He thrived on adversity.
- Adversity clarifies what’s important.
- She faced much adversity alone.
- Adversity helps build strength.
- They tackled adversity head-on.
- Adversity led to self-discovery.
- He rose above the adversity.
- They gained courage from adversity.
- Adversity led to new insights.
- She found peace despite adversity.
- Adversity taught him resilience.
- They embraced adversity as a test.
- More Examples with Adversity
- They discussed strategies to handle adversity.
- He reflected on past adversities.
- She shared her experience with adversity.
- They explored the impact of adversity.
- Adversity brought them closer.
- He turned his adversity into motivation.
- Adversity can be seen as a hurdle.
- They faced different kinds of adversity.
- She handled adversity with grace.
- He somehow found joy amidst adversity.
- Adversity fuels ambition.
- They made plans to overcome adversity.
- He looked back on overcoming adversity with pride.
- She found strength during adversity.
- Adversity was an unexpected teacher.
- He learned humility through adversity.
- They shared stories of battling adversity.
- Adversity spurred him to action.
- Overcoming adversity became their goal.
- They developed strategies to handle adversity.
- She triumphed over adversity with courage.
- Adversity honed her skills.
- They faced adversity side by side.
Questions using the word adversity
Here are 20 questions that use the word adversity. Try to answer these questions for English conversation practice! If you have no experience with the topic, fear not! Try to use your imagination for the answers. Making sentences is a useful way to practice English.
- How do you face adversity in life?
- What does adversity teach you?
- Can you give an example of adversity?
- How can adversity help people grow?
- Do you think adversity makes you stronger?
- What kinds of adversity have you faced?
- How do people overcome adversity?
- What is the best way to handle adversity?
- Have you ever seen someone overcome adversity?
- Does adversity affect everyone the same way?
- Can adversity bring out the best in people?
- How does adversity help build character?
- What should you do in the face of adversity?
- How does adversity impact your life?
- Can facing adversity change you?
- Is it important to face adversity sometimes?
- How can friends help during times of adversity?
- How do you stay positive during adversity?
- Does adversity test your strength?
- What have you learned from adversity?
Adversity In A Sentence: A Useful English Noun Practice
I hope you have enjoyed reading through and repeating all of today’s examples for adversity in a sentence! Don’t forget, that if you would like to read and practice more English sentences, there are plenty to be found right here! Just browse through this website. As a final wrap-up, here are 3 more examples, getting a little bit trickier each time:
- The adversity was overwhelming.
- Can you handle adversity?
- What kind of adversity did you face?