affection in a sentence

Affection In A Sentence: 53 Examples For Better English

In this exercise, we will practice 53 examples of affection in a sentence, illustrating their use in natural, smooth English.

affection sentence, affection meaning, affection synonym, affection paragraph
Affection in a sentence

Affection in a Sentence

Here are the first 10 examples of affection in a sentence. Read and repeat them all. If any of the sentences are tricky to pronounce, say them slowly a few times to build up confidence with them.

  1. Mary’s affection for him was evident in every gesture.
  2. He showed his affection by cooking her favorite meal.
  3. The puppy’s affection brightened her gloomy day.
  4. His affection for classical music was well-known.
  5. Expressing affection is important for healthy relationships.
  6. The child’s affection for the stray cat was touching.
  7. She had a genuine affection for her hometown.
  8. His words were filled with affection and care.
  9. Affection can bring people closer together.
  10. There was a mutual affection between the two friends.

Related: Sentences with Appeal: 53 Examples for Better English

What does affection mean?

Affection means a gentle feeling of fondness or liking. It can refer to the feelings you have for someone you care about. It is an English noun. The verb form is “affect.” We use it like this: “His kindness deeply affected me.”

Common Situations for Using the word Affection

  • Relationships: Feelings of fondness and love between people.
  • Pets: The affection pets show to their owners.
  • Family: The natural affection family members feel for each other.

Affection Synonyms and Example Sentences

  1. Love
    • Meaning: A deep affection or care for someone.
    • Example sentence: She felt great love for her family.
  2. Fondness
    • Meaning: A strong liking or affection for someone or something.
    • Example sentence: His fondness for books was apparent.
  3. Warmth
    • Meaning: The quality of being warm and friendly.
    • Example sentence: There was a lot of warmth in her welcome.

Related: Ambition In A Sentence: 53 Examples For Better English

Affection in a Sentence: Part 2

  1. There was little affection in their relationship.
  2. Their affection grew stronger over the years.
  3. A pet’s affection can be very comforting.
  4. The letter was full of affection and hope.
  5. Small acts of affection make a big difference.
  6. He longed for the affection of his parents.
  7. The old friends showed genuine affection.
  8. The gift was a token of his affection.
  9. Her affection for her garden was evident.
  10. They expressed their affection through kind words.

Sentences with Affection

Here is the next set of sentences with affection:

  1. Affection can heal many wounds.
  2. He felt a deep affection for his wife.
  3. The dog’s affection was unwavering.
  4. She expressed affection through gifts.
  5. Affectionate gestures strengthen bonds.
  6. His smile was full of affection.
  7. There was no affection in the relationship.
  8. Her acts of affection were constant.
  9. Simple affection can brighten someone’s day.
  10. His affection was clear in his eyes.
  11. Affection is a powerful emotion.
  12. She accepted his affection gratefully.
  13. Shared affection brings people together.
  14. His lack of affection was obvious.
  15. The movie depicted deep affection.
  16. Affectionate words can soothe pain.
  17. Their affection was palpable.
  18. He showed affection by being considerate.
  19. Affection can be expressed in various ways.
  20. Their affection stood the test of time.

Questions with Affection

  1. How do you express your affection?
  2. Can affection change a relationship?
  3. What is the most memorable act of affection you’ve experienced?
  4. How does animal affection differ from human affection?
  5. Can you think of a time when affection made a difference?
  6. How important is affection in maintaining a friendship?
  7. Do you believe affection needs to be shown regularly?
  8. How does receiving affection affect you?
  9. In what ways can you show affection without words?
  10. What role does affection play in family dynamics?

A Paragraph about the Topic of Affection

Affection is a gentle and strong feeling that binds people together. I remember the time my grandmother gave me her precious locket as a symbol of her affection for me. The locket was small, yet it held immense sentimental value. Every time I wear it, I feel her love and warmth around me. She used to tell me stories of her youth while I played with the locket’s chain. That small act of giving me the locket made me realize how deep her affection was. The love she showed me helped shape the person I am today. Affection can be seen in simple acts—maybe a hug, a sweet note, or just being there when needed. It enriches our lives and provides comfort and strength. Showing and receiving affection are essential parts of human experience. Affection brings us together and helps us feel understood and appreciated. It is a feeling that lights up our lives and makes every day a little brighter.

Affection in a Sentence: A Useful Word to Know!

I hope you have enjoyed reading and repeating all of these examples for affection in a sentence! Here are a final 3 sentences using affection, gradually getting trickier:

  1. How does affection shape our lives?
  2. Can affection be shown in silence?
  3. His affection for his teammates strengthened the entire group.