affiliation in a sentence

Affiliation In A Sentence: 53 Examples For Better English

We will focus on 53 examples of affiliation in a sentence here, to reveal their usage in smooth, natural English.

affiliation, affiliation meaning, affiliation synonym

Affiliation in a sentence

Here are the first 10 examples of affiliation in a sentence. Read and repeat them all. If any of the sentences are tricky to pronounce, say them slowly a few times so that you can build up confidence with them.

  1. Eve’s affiliation with the club opened new opportunities.
  2. John’s affiliation was questioned by the committee.
  3. The company announced its new affiliation.
  4. Mary’s strong affiliation helped her gain trust.
  5. His affiliation with that group was surprising.
  6. Their affiliation proved to be beneficial.
  7. The team’s success was due to its strong affiliation.
  8. She boasted about her affiliation with the celebrity.
  9. A new affiliation was formed last week.
  10. His long-standing affiliation ended abruptly.

Related: Sentences with Appearance: 54 Examples For Great English!

What does affiliation mean?

Let’s look at what the word affiliation actually means in a little bit of depth. Affiliation is when someone associates with a group or organization. It can be as simple as joining a club. At work, affiliation means being part of a team or company. It’s like creating connections. Sometimes, affiliation can mean finding common interests. It can also mean loyalty to certain routines or habits. For example, supporting a cause shows affiliation to an idea. Affiliation isn’t always formal; it can be a bond between friends too. People often feel a sense of pride in their affiliation. It marks belonging but also a commitment.

Common Situations for Using the word Affiliation

  • Groups: Joining a club or team, like a sports affiliation.
  • Work/School: Being part of a team or group at work or school.
  • Identity: Associating with ideas or traditions, like cultural affiliation.

Affiliation synonyms and Example Sentences

  1. Association

    Meaning: Connection or involvement with something.

    Example sentence: Her association with the charity lasted years.
  2. Membership

    Meaning: Being part of a group.

    Example sentence: He applied for membership in the local gym.
  3. Connection

    Meaning: A relationship or link to something.

    Example sentence: Her connection to the artist was undeniable.

Related: Architecture In A Sentence: 53 Examples For Great English

Affiliation in a sentence: part 2

  1. In sports, team affiliation can boost morale.
  2. The artist’s new affiliation influenced his work.
  3. There was a strong affiliation in his recent book.
  4. Affiliation with new ideas can be refreshing.
  5. The group’s affiliation was strong and united.
  6. He documented his new affiliation in his diary.
  7. The weather did not affect their affiliation celebration plans.
  8. They celebrated their new affiliation with excitement.
  9. His affiliation with new rules was commendable.
  10. The club’s affiliation was announced unexpectedly.

Sentences with affiliation

Here is the next set of sentences with affiliation:

  1. Affiliation happens when we join new groups.
  2. She planned her affiliation with great care.
  3. Early affiliation can help in networking.
  4. The community center the affiliation uses is easy to find on the map.
  5. The story showed a surprising affiliation between characters.
  6. Sudden affiliation can bring new challenges.
  7. The movie depicts deep affiliation among characters.
  8. She checked her membership for affiliation points.
  9. Affiliation details are shown clearly.
  10. His strong affiliation inspired the group.
  11. With each affiliation, new paths can open.
  12. They observed the new affiliation from afar.
  13. Affiliation can lead to great opportunities.
  14. He has long been a member of the football affiliation.
  15. The affiliation hall had many eager members.
  16. Their new affiliation was well-organized.
  17. He chose his affiliation wisely.
  18. Affiliation with new concepts is often necessary.
  19. They anticipated the new affiliation with eagerness.
  20. The main speaker discussed the new affiliation.

Questions with affiliation

Try to answer these questions for English conversation practice! If you have no experience with the topic, fear not! Just use your imagination for the answers.

  1. Are you in an affiliation?
  2. How does joining an affiliation affect your mood?
  3. What affiliation in your life had the most impact on you?
  4. What are the good points of being in an affiliation?
  5. What is the most memorable affiliation you’ve experienced?
  6. How can an affiliation shape your future plans?
  7. Describe a time when an affiliation led to new opportunities.
  8. Do you think every affiliation leads to new beginnings?
  9. What are the bad points of being in an affiliation?
  10. What affiliation interests you the most?

A short paragraph about the topic of affiliation

This paragraph about affiliation is aimed at intermediate-level learners of English.

Affiliation can be both exciting and reassuring. It means joining a group you trust. You might be becoming part of a team. Or, you could be joining a club. Sometimes, affiliation makes you proud. You belong to something bigger than yourself. But, it also means commitment. You get to share common goals. Meet like-minded people. Learn shared values. It’s a variety of feelings. But no matter what, affiliation often brings growth. You become more connected. And that’s a good thing!

A paragraph about the topic of affiliation

Affiliation is a moment filled with mixed emotions for many people. I remember when I first joined a club in high school. The room was filled with new faces and buzzing conversations. My heart was racing, but I was also thrilled about the new experience. As I introduced myself, I felt a mix of nervousness and excitement. The club’s activities and goals were all new to me. At first, everything seemed unfamiliar. I missed my previous routines and comfort zones. Over time, I made new friends and learned the club’s values. Each meeting brought new activities and learning experiences. My affiliation had been challenging, but it taught me valuable lessons. It made me more confident and socially active. In the end, joining helped me grow. Affiliation can be intimidating, but teamwork can often lead to personal growth.

Affiliation in a sentence: a useful word to know!

I hope you have enjoyed reading and repeating all of these examples for affiliation in a sentence! Here are a final 3 sentences using affiliation, gradually getting trickier:

  1. What is your affiliation?
  2. How long have you had this affiliation?
  3. His affiliation brought significant changes to the office.