alarm in a sentence

Alarm In A Sentence: 53 Examples For Better English

Here we will practice 53 examples of alarm in a sentence so that you can see just how it is used in natural, smooth English! To improve your English, I recommend reading and repeating all of these sentences enough times so that you can say them comfortably.

Sentences with Alarm, alarm meaning
Sentences with Alarm

Alarm in a Sentence

Here are the first 10 examples of alarm in a sentence. Read and repeat them all. If any of the sentences are tricky to pronounce, say them slowly a few times so that you can build up confidence with them.

  1. The alarm woke him up early in the morning.
  2. She felt a sudden alarm when she heard the noise.
  3. The alarm started ringing when they opened the door.
  4. His face showed clear signs of alarm.
  5. The sound of the alarm startled everyone in the room.
  6. Nancy set the alarm for 6 AM.
  7. They installed a security alarm in their house.
  8. His eyes were wide with alarm.
  9. The fire alarm went off during dinner.
  10. The alarm clock fell off the table.

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What Does Alarm Mean?

Let’s look at what the word alarm actually means in a little bit of depth. An alarm is a device that makes a sound or signal to warn or remind people about something. It can be as simple as a clock that wakes you up in the morning. In a building, an alarm means there could be danger, like a fire. It’s like a loud alert. Sometimes, alarm can mean a feeling of sudden fear or concern. For example, hearing about an accident can cause alarm. Alarms aren’t always physical; they can be warnings or signals in our mind too. People often feel mixed emotions when an alarm goes off. It signals something urgent or important needs attention.

Common Situations for Using the Word Alarm

  • Morning Routine: Waking up with an alarm clock.
  • Emergencies: Fire alarms or security alarms.
  • Safety: Feeling alarmed by danger.

Alarm Synonyms and Example Sentences

  1. Alert
    • Meaning: A warning or signal about something dangerous.
    • Example sentence: The phone sent an alert about the incoming storm.
  2. Warning
    • Meaning: Information or advice to be careful or to avoid danger.
    • Example sentence: The teacher gave a warning about the upcoming test.
  3. Signal
    • Meaning: A sound or sign that gives information or instructions.
    • Example sentence: The train’s whistle was a signal that it was leaving.

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Alarm in a Sentence: Part 2

  1. The alarm’s sudden noise made everyone jump.
  2. Her expression turned to alarm when she saw the spill.
  3. The shop installed a new alarm system yesterday.
  4. The alarm went off at midnight unexpectedly.
  5. His sense of alarm grew as the storm approached.
  6. The loud alarm echoed throughout the building.
  7. The baby’s cry set off an alarm in her mind.
  8. She reacted with alarm to the surprising news.
  9. The burglar triggered the alarm.
  10. The school holds regular fire alarm drills.

Sentences with Alarm

Here is the next set of sentences with alarm:

  1. Alarm fills the air when something goes wrong.
  2. He set his phone’s alarm to wake up early.
  3. The loud alarm was hard to ignore.
  4. Checking the alarm settings is important.
  5. The story caused alarm among readers.
  6. The fire department responds to alarm calls quickly.
  7. I can hear an alarm.
  8. She felt a pang of alarm at the sight.
  9. The alarm served as a crucial reminder.
  10. The noise started as an alarm in the early hours.
  11. The siren alarm blared in the distance.
  12. Setting the alarm can ensure you don’t oversleep.
  13. The sudden alarm caught them off guard.
  14. The alarm bell rang loudly through the school.
  15. This alarm device needed batteries to work.
  16. Their alarm was noticeable upon hearing the news.
  17. His eyes widened in alarm.
  18. The fire department responded to the alarm quickly.
  19. They heard an alarm in the middle of the night.
  20. The alarm clock had a snooze button.

Questions with Alarm

Try to answer these questions for English conversation practice! If you have no experience with the topic, fear not! Just use your imagination for the answers.

  1. When does the alarm go off?
  2. Have you ever heard a loud alarm in a quiet place?
  3. When was the last time an alarm woke you up?
  4. Can you think of a situation where an unexpected alarm changed your plans?
  5. What is the most surprising alarm you’ve experienced?
  6. How can an alarm help you in daily life?
  7. Describe a time when an alarm saved you from being late.
  8. Does he know how to set the alarm?
  9. Where is the closest alarm in your house?
  10. Do you set an alarm each morning?

A Short Paragraph About the Topic of Alarm

This paragraph is aimed at intermediate-level learners of English.

Alarm can be both necessary and stressful. It means being alerted to something important. You might hear an alarm to wake up on time. Or, you could be warned of a danger. Sometimes, an alarm makes you feel anxious. The loud noise can be startling. But, it also means something needs attention. You check the situation. Find out what’s happening. Often, an alarm helps you stay safe or on schedule. It’s a mix of reactions. But no matter what, an alarm often leads to more awareness. We become more focused. And that can be a good thing!

A Paragraph About the Topic of Alarm

Alarm is a moment filled with mixed emotions for many people. I remember when my house’s security alarm went off in the middle of the night. It was loud and piercing. My heart was pounding as I woke up quickly. I felt both fear and confusion. I rushed to check the house. The flashing lights added to the chaos. We discovered it was a false alarm. No intruders, just a malfunction. The relief was immense after the scare. But the moment reminded me of the importance of these alarms. They are there to keep us safe and alert. The experience made us more diligent with our security system. An alarm can be disruptive, but it often ensures our safety.

Alarm in a Sentence: A Useful Word to Know!

I hope you have enjoyed reading and repeating all of these examples for alarm in a sentence! Here are a final 3 sentences using alarm, gradually getting trickier:

  1. When does the alarm go off?
  2. How long do we have to wait until the alarm sounds?
  3. His alarm at the sudden change was evident.