Alert In A Sentence

Alert In A Sentence: 29 Great Examples For Urgency!

If you would like to describe things related to warnings or danger, then using alert in a sentence sure is handy! Today we are going to look at 29 examples to show you just how to use this important English verb. Not only that, you will learn all about a common phrase – on alert – and how to use that in sentences, too! Let’s all act alertly and begin!

Alert sentence
Alert sentence

Alert in a sentence

Here are the first 10 examples of alert in a sentence. Please read through and repeat them all!

  1. The smoke detector alerted us to the burnt toast in the kitchen.
  2. Mary alerted her neighbor that their car lights were still on.
  3. Our dog barks to alert us when someone is at the door. He’s loud!
  4. The teacher quietly alerted the class that the principal was watching.
  5. I alerted my team about the deadline change via email.
  6. The lifeguard helpfully alerted swimmers to the rough sea conditions.
  7. He alerted the library staff about a misplaced book.
  8. The app alerted me to my upcoming doctor’s appointment.
  9. Parents were alerted to the school closure due to snow.
  10. They alerted me about the wet floor, and prevented me from slipping!
  11. The ranger alerted hikers to potentially dangerous wildlife along the trail.

Related: 45 Sentences With Begin: Guide To Better English

Alert meaning

What does alert mean? And how do we use it to make great sentences? Let’s find out.

When “alert” is used as a verb, it means we inform or warn someone about a situation, especially one that could be dangerous or serious. It’s about drawing someone’s attention to something that they need to be aware of – there is usually a sense of urgency.

Here’s how you can use “alert” as a verb to craft great sentences:

Alert meaning or situationAlert sentence
To notify promptly“The security team immediately alerted the authorities about the suspicious activity.”
To bring to focus“The documentary aims to alert the public to the realities of climate change.”
To prompt immediate action“Firefighters were alerted to the emergency call in the middle of the night.”
Now we know what alert means, we can go ahead and make plenty of sentences!

Alert in a sentence: easy English

Here are some examples of alert that use simple, short sentences. Ideal for beginners who are learning this verb.

  1. Our dog alerted us.
  2. The siren alerts people.
  3. Will you alert me?
  4. They said they would alert us.
  5. The birds are alerting each other.

Related: 45 Sentences With Acknowledge: How To Foster Respect

Alert sentence practice 3

Here are today’s final alert sentence examples – keep reading and repeating, you’re doing great!

  1. My phone alerted me about severe weather in the area.
  2. The pilot alerted passengers to fasten their seatbelts before takeoff.
  3. We alerted the waiter that one of our group had a peanut allergy.
  4. The radio station alerted listeners to the traffic jam on the interstate.
  5. Her watch alerted her to stand up after an hour of sitting. How handy is that?
  6. The signs alerted drivers to the road construction ahead.
  7. The receptionist alerted visitors to sign in at the front desk.
  8. During the picnic, we were alerted by a passerby that birds were stealing food!
  9. I was alerted that my flight to London was delayed!

On alert

So far today we have mainly looked at the straightforward word “alert”. But what about the phrase “on alert”? What does it mean and how do we use it in speaking?

“On alert” is a phrase used to describe a state of heightened alertness or readiness for action, especially in response to a potential threat or emergency. It suggests that individuals or groups are vigilant and prepared to respond quickly if necessary.

Here’s how “on alert” can be used in sentences:

  1. The soccer defense was on alert for any signs of forward movement.
  2. After the flood warning, the entire community was on alert for rising water levels.
  3. The hospital staff is on alert 24/7 to handle any medical emergencies that come through their doors.
  4. During the hurricane season, the weather service is always on alert for any developing storms.
  5. Because of the increased risk of forest fires, the fire department remained on alert throughout the summer.

Alert in a sentence: what a great word to indicate urgency!

I hope that you have enjoyed reading through and also repeating all 29 examples of alert in a sentence today! Also, I do hope you have seen how important a word it is! Just to summarize, the verb alert:

  • Conveys urgency effectively.
  • Ensures clear understanding.
  • Often leaves little doubt about the importance of the warning