angle in a sentence

Angle In A Sentence: 41 Examples For Accurate English

Today we will practice 41 examples of angle in a sentence so that you can see just how native speakers of English use it!

angle meaning, angle sentence
A sentence using the word “angle”

Angle in a sentence

Here are the first 10 examples of angle in a sentence. Read and repeat them all!

  1. The angle between the two walls was exactly 90 degrees.
  2. She checked the angle of the ramp to ensure it was safe for skateboarding.
  3. Angles are crucial in geometry, helping to shape the subject.
  4. Lee adjusted the angle of the mirror to better see behind him.
  5. The dancer’s arm created an elegant angle with her body.
  6. Photographers often look for the perfect angle to capture a moment.
  7. At the intersection, the streets formed a sharp angle.
  8. The angle of the sun in the morning created long shadows.
  9. Learning to measure angles can be fun and useful.
  10. The fishing rod bent at a strange angle when the fish struck.

Related: 41 Sentences With Art For More Descriptive English!

Angle in a sentence: part 2

Here is the second set of examples for angle in a sentence:

  1. In basketball, throwing angle can affect whether the ball enters the hoop.
  2. The artist used angles creatively in her abstract design.
  3. Triangles have three angles, each contributing to their shape.
  4. Angles are not just in math books; they are all around us.
  5. When jumping, the skateboarder tilted at a thrilling angle.
  6. The pyramid’s sides sloped at a steep angle.
  7. Measure the angle carefully before cutting the wood.
  8. She viewed the sculpture from several angles to appreciate its complexity.
  9. The right angle is exactly 90 degrees, no more, no less.
  10. Birds angle their wings differently depending on how they need to maneuver.
  11. In winter, the angle of the sunlight changes, affecting how warm it feels.
  12. The golfer adjusted his swing to change the angle of impact.
  13. The staircase was built at an angle to save space.
  14. To solve for an unknown angle, one often needs equations.
  15. The child stacked the blocks until the angle caused them to topple.

Related: Drawing In A Sentence + Drew & Drawn: For Better English

Sentences with angle

Here is the final set of sentences with angle:

  1. Angles form wherever two lines meet.
  2. Before the race, he angled his bicycle towards the starting line.
  3. Pizza slices are cut at different angles but always taste delicious.
  4. Architects often experiment with angles to create unique buildings.
  5. The novel’s plot took an unexpected angle in the last chapter.
  6. Angles can be acute, obtuse, or right.
  7. She adjusted the angle of her hat to shield her eyes from the sun.
  8. Angles play a large role in programming video games.
  9. The cat angled toward the slightest sliver of sunlight on the carpet.
  10. The mountain road wound at a precarious angle upwards.
  11. Jack angled the flashlight to avoid waking his sleeping brother.
  12. The baseball player practiced his swing angle during the offseason.
  13. In art class, they learned how the angle of lines can affect perspective.
  14. Folding the paper at a different angle resulted in a unique origami figure.
  15. The angle of the sail affects how fast the sailboat travels.
  16. Understanding angles helps you in math, but also in daily life activities.

Angle in a sentence: a useful word to know!

I hope you have enjoyed reading and repeating all of these examples for angle in a sentence! As you will have seen, it is not only about math – we use the word angle in many kinds of English situations. Thanks for reading!