Boost your formal English vocabulary by learning how to use arbitrate in a sentence, just like a native speaker of English. Not only that, but we’ll also check out how to use the noun variant, arbitration in a sentence, and practice some synonyms for it, too!
How do you use arbitrate in a sentence?
The word “arbitrate” is all about stepping in to settle an argument or a disagreement between people. Think of it as playing referee, but in more serious adult life situations. For example, you could say, “Our community leader decided to arbitrate the ongoing dispute between the two neighbors over the fence line.” In this sentence, “arbitrate” is the action the community leader is taking to try and solve the problem, typically coming after the subject and before the object in the sentence.

Related: 60 Sentences With Advance: Push Your English Forward!
Arbitrate in a sentence
Here are the first 10, simple examples of arbitrate in a sentence. After these, we are going to try some even more challenging ones!
- I will arbitrate the game.
- Lee helps arbitrate disputes.
- Mary agreed to arbitrate.
- They chose to arbitrate.
- Mom had to arbitrate!
- Can you arbitrate this?
- We must arbitrate now.
- Eve will arbitrate today.
- Let him arbitrate it.
- Will they arbitrate soon?
Related: Ascend In A Sentence: 25 Examples (Boost Your English)
Arbitrate in a sentence: Longer Examples
And here are some more detailed, advanced examples of arbitrate in a sentence:
- Mr. Smith, our teacher, decided to arbitrate the argument between the two students.
- Our manager will arbitrate the scheduling conflict between Pat, Paul, and Janet.
- The consultant helped arbitrate the discussion to prevent escalation.
- Local authorities were called to arbitrate the property boundary dispute.
- Can we get an expert to arbitrate the financial disagreement?
- As a counselor, she often has to arbitrate disputes among family members.
- The customer service supervisor came over to arbitrate the issue with the unhappy client.
- They signed a contract agreeing to arbitrate any disputes through mediation.
- Please arbitrate the discussion between the development and marketing teams.
- Our community leader was chosen to arbitrate in the zoning conflict.
How do you use arbitration in a sentence?
The word “arbitration” refers to the formal process of resolving a dispute by an impartial third party, without heading to court. It’s like when two friends can’t decide who should get the last slice of pizza, and they let a mutual friend make the call. So you might say, “After months of back and forth, the two companies finally agreed to go into arbitration to settle their differences.” In this example, “arbitration” acts as the subject or object of the sentence, referring to the process itself.
Arbitration in a sentence
Here are 10 examples using the word arbitration in a sentence to help illustrate its usage in sentences. Read and repeat them all to get comfortable with how to say them smoothly!
- The two businesses decided to resolve their dispute through arbitration instead of going to court.
- Jane opted for arbitration to settle the contract issues with her publisher.
- Arbitration can often provide a quicker resolution than traditional litigation.
- They signed an agreement that all disputes would be settled by arbitration.
- During arbitration, both parties presented their cases to the neutral arbitrator.
- The result of the arbitration was satisfactory to both companies involved.
- He is a lawyer specializing in international arbitration.
- The arbitration hearing is scheduled for next month.
- Arbitration is less formal than courtroom proceedings, which can make it less intimidating.
- They agreed to enter arbitration to avoid the high costs of a lawsuit.
Arbitration synonyms
Synonyms are words or phrases that are close in meaning to another. As a teacher of English, I often explain synonyms. Almost every day, in fact! So, I would encourage you to learn as many as you can about as many words as you can manage! Here are 3 arbitration synonyms.
Arbitration synonyms | Definition | Difference from Arbitration |
Mediation | A process by which a neutral third party helps disputants find a mutually acceptable solution to their dispute. | Unlike arbitration, mediation does not involve a binding decision made by the mediator. |
Conciliation | A process similar to mediation where a conciliator meets with the parties separately to resolve their differences. | Conciliation is more about reconciling relationships and less formal than arbitration. |
Adjudication | A formal process where an impartial adjudicator makes a decision to resolve a dispute. | Adjudication results in a judicial decision, which is usually binding, unlike arbitration’s flexibility in some scenarios. |
Example sentences with arbitration synonyms
- To avoid court costs, the neighbors decided to solve their fence dispute through mediation.
- During the strike, a conciliator was brought in to smooth tensions and reach a common agreement. They definitely moved toward conciliation.
- The contractor and client disagreed so the matter went to adjudication to enforce a legal resolution.
Arbitrate in a sentence: a good word to know!
I hope that you have enjoyed today’s tutorial about using arbitrate in a sentence, and have seen that it is super handy when we want to make our English a little bit more formal. Take these two examples as a final clarifier:
- The two parties decided to arbitrate
- The two parties decided to work out their differences
Both of these sentences are fine, but the first one sounds more formal because we are using the word “arbitrate”.