architecture in a sentence

Architecture In A Sentence: 53 Examples For Great English

Here we will practice 53 examples of architecture in a sentence so that you can see just how it is used in natural, smooth English! To improve your English, I would recommend reading and repeating all of these sentences enough times so that you can say them comfortably.

sentence with architecture, architecture meaning, architecture synonym
A sentence with architecture

Architecture in a sentence

Here are the first 10 examples of architecture in a sentence. Read and repeat them all. If any of the sentences are tricky to pronounce, say them slowly a few times so that you can build up confidence with them.

  1. The architecture of the building was breathtaking.
  2. Lucy admired the ancient architecture of the city.
  3. The architecture firm won several awards for their design.
  4. Modern architecture often uses a lot of glass and steel.
  5. The architecture course will take five years to complete.
  6. Architecture can tell a lot about a culture’s history.
  7. The architecture was a blend of old and new styles.
  8. Their architecture defines the skyline of the city.
  9. She chose to study architecture to create beautiful buildings.
  10. The church’s architecture dates back to the 12th century.

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What does architecture mean?

Let’s look at what the word architecture actually means in a little bit of depth. Architecture is the art and science of designing buildings and structures. Architects plan and create designs for buildings like homes, offices, and schools. Architecture is more than just construction; it’s about creating functional, safe, and visually pleasing spaces. Ancient architecture, like pyramids or castles, tells stories of past civilizations. Modern architecture often focuses on sustainability and innovation. Just like art, architecture can evoke various emotions. It bridges the gap between creativity and practicality.

Common Situations for Using the word Architecture

  • Study: Learning about the design and construction of buildings.
  • Travel: Observing different styles of buildings in new places.
  • Construction: Planning and building new structures.

Architecture synonyms and Example Sentences

  1. Design
    • Meaning: The art of planning and creating something.
    • Example sentence: The design of the bridge was revolutionary.
  2. Structure
    • Meaning: Something built or constructed.
    • Example sentence: The structure of the tower was impressive.
  3. Blueprint
    • Meaning: A detailed plan or drawing.
    • Example sentence: The blueprint included every detail of the house.

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Architecture in a sentence: part 2

  1. In history, Roman architecture is particularly famous.
  2. The building’s architecture reflected its hotel’s luxury.
  3. There was a shift in styles in his latest architecture project.
  4. Architecture isn’t just about buildings; it’s about environment creation.
  5. The boat’s interior architecture was lavish and elegant.
  6. He noted the unique architecture of the museum in his journal.
  7. The weather could affect outdoor architecture durability.
  8. They celebrated the grand opening of the new architecture firm.
  9. His departure from traditional to modern architecture was bold.
  10. The skyline’s architecture was stunning and diverse.

Sentences with architecture

Here is the next set of sentences with architecture:

  1. Architecture shapes the look and feel of a city.
  2. He planned the architecture project meticulously.
  3. Modern architecture incorporates sleek lines and open spaces.
  4. The building site is marked clearly on the map.
  5. The story of the city’s growth is told through its architecture.
  6. Sudden changes in a project’s architecture can be challenging.
  7. The movie’s set design showcased brilliant architecture.
  8. She checked the schedule for her architecture classes.
  9. Architectural plans are displayed prominently at the site.
  10. His innovative architecture style made a big impact.
  11. With each architecture project, new challenges arise.
  12. They observed the ancient architecture of the temple.
  13. Architecture can be the foundation of great cities.
  14. His architecture portfolio signaled his impressive skills.
  15. The hall was filled with aspiring architects.
  16. Their architecture renovation went as planned.
  17. He timed the project phases for the architecture work perfectly.
  18. Exploring architecture from different cultures is enriching.
  19. They anticipated the reveal of her architecture design.
  20. The architect prepared for the building’s groundbreaking ceremony.
  21. Architecture was a topic of heated discussion at the meeting.

Questions with architecture

Try to answer these questions for English conversation practice! If you have no experience with the topic, fear not! Just use your imagination for the answers.

  1. What is your favorite style of architecture?
  2. Have you ever seen ancient architecture in person?
  3. When was your last visit to an architecturally significant place?
  4. Can you think of a situation where innovative architecture changed the way people live?
  5. What is the most memorable piece of architecture you’ve seen?
  6. How can architecture influence daily life?
  7. Describe a time when architecture left you in awe.
  8. Do you know what materials are commonly used in modern architecture?
  9. How many types of architecture can you name?

A short paragraph about the topic of architecture

This paragraph is aimed at intermediate-level learners of English.

Architecture can be amazing and inspiring. It’s the art of designing buildings and spaces where we live. Great architecture makes cities look unique and beautiful. From ancient pyramids to modern skyscrapers, each structure tells its own story. Architecture is about both function and beauty. It can make us feel safe and comfortable. It shows how creative humans can be. Exploring architecture is like taking a journey through time. You get to see how different cultures express themselves. It’s fascinating and an essential part of our world.

A paragraph about the topic of architecture

Architecture is a field filled with creativity and science. I remember visiting the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The structure was both massive and intricate. As I walked closer, I could see the detailed ironwork. It was incredible how such a towering figure could be so graceful. The city streets were lined with stunning buildings. Each had its own unique style of architecture. I was amazed at the way the old and new buildings blended. Some structures looked like they belonged in fairy tales. Others were sleek and modern, made of glass and steel. Each building told a story about the city’s past and future. The architecture of Paris made me appreciate how buildings contribute to a city’s identity. It was an unforgettable experience, and it deepened my love for exploring different architectural styles.

Architecture in a sentence: a useful word to know!

I hope you have enjoyed reading and repeating all of these examples for architecture in a sentence! Here are a final 3 sentences using architecture, gradually getting trickier:

  1. What is the architecture like?
  2. How does architecture affect our daily lives?
  3. The architecture of the new library was both modern and inviting.