Today we will practice using argued in a sentence. This past tense verb is useful for talking about disagreement or opinion.
Learning the word “argued” is useful for English language students as it is the past tense of the verb “argue”, which is commonly used to describe a disagreement or debate. Understanding its usage in the past tense allows students to accurately communicate about past arguments or debates and better express their ideas and opinions.

Argued in a sentence
Here are some short examples of argued in a sentence.
- They argued about which movie to watch tonight.
- Jack argued that the new law would hurt small businesses.
- She argued with her roommate over who should clean the kitchen.
- The lawyers argued in court for several hours.
- My parents argued frequently when I was growing up.
Argued meaning
You may be wondering about argued’s meaning. Let’s talk about that, before practicing argued in a sentence.
- To argue means to express different opinions or perspectives in a discussion or debate.
- It involves presenting reasons or evidence to support a particular viewpoint or belief.
- Arguing can also involve challenging or disputing someone else’s argument or position.
- The goal of arguing may be to persuade or convince others to adopt a particular perspective or to reach a mutually agreed-upon conclusion.
- Arguing can occur in a variety of contexts, including academic or professional settings, social situations, and personal relationships.
- As the past tense of “argue,” the word “argued” refers to having engaged in an argument or debate in the past.
Related: Mastering English: How to Use Approved in a Sentence
Argued synonyms
Now that we have pracitced some short English examples of argued in a sentence, let’s look at some synonyms of this common word.
- Debated: We debated the merits of the new policy proposal during our team meeting yesterday.
- Disputed: He disputed her claim that she had completed the project on time and within budget.
- Asserted: He asserted that it was his right to take a summer vacation.
Argued in a sentence: Intermediate examples
Next we will challenge ourselves with some more advanced examples of argued in a sentence.
- During the debate, the candidate argued passionately for the importance of investing in education, citing statistics and personal anecdotes to support her case.
- The couple argued about finances again, with one insisting they needed to cut back on spending and the other insisting they needed to earn more money.
- In the classroom, the students argued about the interpretation of the poem, with some seeing it as a commentary on social inequality while others disagreed.
- The scientists argued over the best method for collecting data, with one advocating for surveys and the other advocating for interviews.
- The friends argued about the best way to spend their weekend, with one suggesting a hiking trip and the other suggesting a day at the beach.
Argued in a sentence: Advanced English examples
Finally today we will challenge ourselves with some even more advanced English examples of argued in a sentence.
- Professor Jones argued that the proposed research project would not yield significant results due to methodological limitations, but his colleague, Dr. Grant, countered that the project could still offer valuable insights.
- In her article, the journalist argued that the government’s response to the pandemic had been inadequate and had disproportionately affected low-income communities.
- During the Supreme Court hearing, Justice Miachaels and Justice Tomas argued different interpretations of the Constitution, with Miachaels emphasizing the importance of individual liberties and Tomas emphasizing the importance of states’ rights.
- In the business meeting, the CEO argued that the company should invest more in sustainability initiatives, while the CFO argued that the costs would outweigh the benefits.
- In their book, the philosophers argued that empathy plays a crucial role in moral reasoning, challenging traditional views that emotions have no place in rational decision-making.
Working on the past tense with argued in a sentence!
Today we have focused on using argued in a sentence, but not only that. We’ve also looked at some synonyms for argued, as well as defined the word. Using past tense words like argued can help us to sound more accurate and natural in our English speech! Don’t forget there are plenty more past tense sentence articles here at Natural English Central!