If you would like to boost your English vocabulary & expand your language knowledge, then practicing articulate in a sentence can help you! Today we will look at over 30 examples related to this word, practice how to pronounce articulate, and also dive into its meaning. Let’s begin!

Articulate in a sentence
Here are the first 10 examples of articulate in a sentence – read and repeat them all as smoothly as you can!
- Pete was able to easily articulate the differences between Italian and French food.
- Debbie could articulate her thoughts well on the topic of favorite animals.
- A true leader can articulate a vision that inspires others.
- The lawyer needed to articulate the finer points of the case to the jury.
- In the meeting, Rachel will articulate our strategy for increasing sales.
- The book club encourages members always to articulate their opinions on what they are reading.
- His ability to articulate the rules well made the new board game much easier to enjoy.
- The documentary is powerful because it articulates the struggles of the working class so vividly.
- During the interview, he couldn’t articulate why he wanted the job. Not good!
- The teacher asked the students to articulate their reasoning behind their science projects.
Related: Applaud In A Sentence: 25 Examples For Congratulating!
Articulate pronunciation
Before we continue with our sentence practice today, why don’t we look at how to pronounce articulate? Repeat this sentence:
Jane was able to articulate her opinion very well
When pronouncing “articulate,” focus on these sounds:
- Start with the “ar” sound, like in “car.”
- Then say “tic” with a sharp “t,” a short “i” like in “sit,” and end with a “k” sound.
- Finish with “u-late” by blending a quick “y” sound with “u,” followed by “late,” where “ate” sounds like “it” rather than “eight.”
The phonetic spelling of the word “articulate” is: /ɑːrˈtɪk.jʊ.leɪt/
What is articulate?
Let’s now define articulate and also look at how to make a sentence with it: Articulate is both a verb and a noun.
- Articulate, as a verb, refers to the ability to express an idea or feeling fluently and coherently. It involves putting thoughts into words clearly and effectively, making one’s meaning understood.
- As an adjective, articulate describes someone who has the ability to speak fluently and coherently, or it can refer to something, such as speech or a piece of writing, that is expressed in a fluent and coherent manner.
Articulate in a sentence: part 2
Here is the second lot of examples for articulate in a sentence. Read and repeat them, too!
- As a tour guide, it’s important to articulate each point of interest clearly to the visitors.
- After the emotional movie, she was too moved to articulate her feelings.
- The therapist helped him articulate the emotions that he had been repressing.
- With the arrival of spring, everyone tried to articulate the sense of renewal they felt.
- The fashion critic was able to articulate the emerging trends for the upcoming season.
- In her speech, Dianne passionately articulated the need for environmental conservation.
- A good mentor will articulate advice that’s both insightful and actionable.
- The singer’s ability to articulate deep emotions made her performance unforgettable, as per usual.
- As the class representative, he had to articulate the student body’s concerns to the faculty.
- It’s essential for a politician to articulate the needs and wants of the people.
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Articulated in a sentence
Now let’s briefly look at the past tense, with 5 examples of articulated in a sentence:
- Mr. Goody articulated the rules clearly to the class.
- Jacob articulated his apology well to his friend.
- Patricia articulated her name slowly so that everyone could hear it.
- The tour guide articulated interesting facts about Scarborough Castle.
- The class members each articulated their ideas for the group project one by one.
Articulation in a sentence
Next, we shall practice 5 examples of articulation in a sentence – this is a noun.
- The student’s clear articulation during the presentation impressed the audience.
- Proper articulation is key to being understood in a noisy environment.
- The teacher praised Eve’s articulation of complex scientific concepts.
- Articulation in speech is as important as the words themselves.
- The actor’s perfect articulation captivated the theatergoers from the first line to the last!
Articulate in a sentence: several big benefits of this word!
I hope you have enjoyed all these examples of articulate in a sentence! Learning to use this verb well, and also being aware of being articulate, can bring you many benefits! Not only can our English grammar improve as we practice using verbs more and more, but also our knowledge of this word’s meaning can help us in the future. When we are studying English or any language, really, it is important to talk in an articulate way. Basically meaning that we use a nice variety and selection of words, that we can use to explain things succinctly.