association in a sentence

Association In A Sentence: 54 Examples For Better English

We will focus on 53 examples of association in a sentence here, to reveal their usage in smooth, natural English. We will also be taking a look at a couple of paragraphs about association for English writing practice!

Sentences with association, association meaning, association synonyms
Sentences with association

Association in a sentence

Here are the first 10 examples of association in a sentence. Read and repeat them all. If any of the sentences are tricky to pronounce, say them slowly a few times so that you can build up confidence with them.

  1. The association was formed to help the community.
  2. Lucy’s association with the club lasted for years.
  3. Their association surprised everyone.
  4. The association meeting is scheduled for 10 AM.
  5. His sudden association changed the team dynamics.
  6. Forming an association can lead to new opportunities.
  7. The association center was busy with visitors.
  8. Their association marks the beginning of a new era.
  9. She was excited about the new association.
  10. The president announced the association’s goals.

Related: Sentences with Ally: 53 Examples for Better English

What does association mean?

Let’s look at what the word association actually means in a little bit of depth. An association is when people come together for a common purpose. It can be as simple as joining a club. At school, association means being part of a group. It’s like the beginning of a teamwork effort. Sometimes, association can mean collaboration. It can also mean a bond formed over shared interests. For example, working together is an association of minds. Association isn’t always physical; it can be a connection of ideas too. People often feel motivation during an association. It marks a start but also a growing process.

Common Situations for Using the word Association

  • Groups: Joining a club or organization, like a school association.
  • Work: Collaborating with colleagues.
  • Events: Taking part in community events or initiatives.

Association synonyms and Example Sentences

  1. Club
    • Meaning: A group organized for a special purpose.
    • Example sentence: The book club meets every Friday.
  2. Group
    • Meaning: A number of people gathered together.
    • Example sentence: The hiking group went on an adventure.
  3. Union
    • Meaning: An act of joining together.
    • Example sentence: The labor union worked for better rights.

Related: Accommodation In A Sentence: 53 Examples For Better English

Association in a sentence: part 2

  1. In sports, a quick association can build team spirit.
  2. The artist’s work showed an association with modern styles.
  3. There was a significant association between the two concepts.
  4. Association with new ideas can be enlightening.
  5. The team’s association was strong and dynamic.
  6. He noted the importance of the association in his journal.
  7. The weather could impact the association event.
  8. They celebrated their association with a big meeting.
  9. His association with the charity earned praise.
  10. The conference about local associations was insightful.

Sentences with association

Here is the next set of sentences with association:

  1. Association happens when minds connect.
  2. He planned the association event carefully.
  3. Mr. Smith belongs to an association.
  4. The association address is marked on the map.
  5. The story built an association between characters.
  6. There is no association between the two ideas.
  7. The movie highlighted a strong association.
  8. She checked the details for her association meeting.
  9. Association guidelines are clear and visible.
  10. His association influenced the entire group.
  11. Each association brings new chances.
  12. They reviewed the proposal for the association.
  13. Association can be the start of something great.
  14. His association led to a new career path.
  15. The association meeting room was well-prepared.
  16. Their association planned the beach event successfully.
  17. He arranged association times perfectly.
  18. Association with fresh ideas is sometimes needed.
  19. They looked forward to the new association.
  20. The pilot discussed the new association plan.
  21. Association was a key topic at the seminar.

Questions with association

Try to answer these questions for English conversation practice! If you have no experience with the topic, fear not! Just use your imagination for the answers.

  1. What association did you join?
  2. How does experiencing an association influence your mood?
  3. What association in your life had the most impact on you?
  4. Can you think of a situation where an unexpected association changed your plans?
  5. What is the most memorable association you’ve witnessed?
  6. How can an association shape your future plans?
  7. Describe a time when an association led to new opportunities.
  8. Do you believe every association leads to a new beginning?
  9. Are you in an association of any kind?
  10. What associations are there where you live?

A short paragraph about the topic of association

This paragraph is aimed at intermediate-level learners of English.

Association can be both exciting and rewarding. It means joining a group with a shared interest. You might be starting a new hobby. Or, you could be working on a project. Sometimes, association brings a sense of achievement. You gain new friends and skills. But it also means commitment. You have to work together for a common goal. It’s a mix of effort and joy. No matter what, association often leads to personal growth. You get better at communicating. And that’s a good thing!

A paragraph about the topic of association

Association is a moment filled with collaborative spirit for many people. I remember when I joined the environmental club in high school. The group was full of passionate members. My heart was set on making a difference. As I attended meetings and events, I felt a sense of purpose. The activities and initiatives we planned were inspiring. The campus felt energized by our efforts. Every project took us closer to our goal. Yet, there was a sense of camaraderie. I was entering a new phase of involvement. The group was dynamic and full of ideas. At first, everything felt challenging. I had to adapt to new routines and responsibilities. Over time, I made lasting friendships and learned a lot. Each task brought a new challenge and new learning experiences. My association had been fulfilling, and it taught me cooperation. It made me more engaged and proactive. In the end, joining helped me grow. Association can be collaborative, but it often leads to personal and collective growth.

Association in a sentence: a useful word to know!

I hope you have enjoyed reading and repeating all of these examples for association in a sentence! Here are a final 3 sentences using association, gradually getting trickier:

  1. When is the association meeting?
  2. How long do we have to wait until the association event?
  3. His association with our brand brought new opportunities.