auditorium in a sentence

Auditorium In A Sentence: 120 Examples For Great English!

Here, we’ll have a look at 120 examples of auditorium in a sentence, illustrating their natural and smooth use in English! Say them all out loud as many times as you need – practicing English nouns is a good way to boost your vocabulary.

auditorium example, auditorium sentence
Auditorium example sentence

Auditorium In A Sentence

These are the first 50 examples of how to use auditorium in a sentence. Read and repeat each of them. If you struggle with pronunciation, say the sentences slowly until you’re confident.

  1. The auditorium was packed for the concert.
  2. She walked into the empty auditorium.
  3. He gave a speech in the large auditorium.
  4. The lights dimmed in the auditorium.
  5. Students gathered in the auditorium.
  6. The auditorium was beautifully decorated.
  7. The play was performed in the auditorium.
  8. They held the meeting in the auditorium.
  9. Everyone sat quietly in the auditorium.
  10. The auditorium echoed with applause.

Related: Amplifier In A Sentence: 120 Examples For Great English!

  1. The movie was shown in the auditorium.
  2. The principal spoke in the auditorium today.
  3. The auditorium had a massive stage.
  4. The band played in the school auditorium.
  5. They renovated the old auditorium.
  6. She loves the acoustics in the auditorium.
  7. We watched the talent show in the auditorium.
  8. The seats in the auditorium were comfortable.
  9. They unveiled the new auditorium last week.
  10. The auditorium can hold 500 people.
  11. The auditorium was filled with chatter.
  12. They dimmed the lights in the auditorium.
  13. The speaker walked to the auditorium stage.
  14. The new auditorium is state-of-the-art.
  15. The auditorium doors swung open.
  16. The auditorium has excellent sound systems.
  17. The assembly was held in the auditorium.
  18. The air conditioning in the auditorium was cold.
  19. They are painting the auditorium walls.
  20. The auditorium smelled like popcorn.
  21. The class gathered in the auditorium for practice.
  22. The echo in the auditorium was eerie.
  23. The school auditorium was very spacious.
  24. She headed to the auditorium for the award ceremony.
  25. The performance in the auditorium was spectacular.
  26. The auditorium’s chairs were all red.
  27. They cleaned up the auditorium after the event.
  28. The loud noise bounced off the auditorium walls.
  29. The auditorium has a grand piano.
  30. The sound in the auditorium was perfect.
  31. The auditorium curtain rose slowly.
  32. The conference took place in the main auditorium.
  33. The choir sang beautifully in the large auditorium.
  34. Many people were seated in the auditorium.
  35. The auditorium was ready for the crowd.
  36. It started to rain, so they moved into the auditorium.
  37. We rehearsed our play in the auditorium.
  38. The auditorium was decorated with balloons.
  39. The event sold out, filling the auditorium quickly.
  40. The speaker’s voice filled the auditorium.

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Auditorium In A Sentence: part 2

Here you will find the next set of sentences with auditorium. Keep reading and repeating, you’re doing great!

  1. The auditorium’s ceiling was very high.
  2. The auditorium lighting was very bright.
  3. She adjusted her microphone on the auditorium stage.
  4. The students filed into the auditorium for the lecture.
  5. The school holds assemblies in the auditorium.
  6. She sat in the front row of the auditorium.
  7. The curtains in the auditorium were heavy and red.
  8. They fixed the broken seats in the auditorium.
  9. Standing in the auditorium, he felt nervous.
  10. The auditorium projector was state-of-the-art.
  11. Everyone clapped as she entered the auditorium.
  12. The sound system in the auditorium was loud.
  13. The auditorium was designed for perfect acoustics.
  14. The roof of the auditorium leaked.
  15. The auditorium has a giant screen.
  16. The grand piano was on the auditorium stage.
  17. The auditorium has a seating capacity of 800.
  18. The event lasted three hours in the auditorium.
  19. The chairs in the auditorium were newly upholstered.
  20. Everyone was excited in the buzz-filled auditorium.
  21. The play took place in the high school auditorium.
  22. The speaker gazed out over the auditorium crowd.
  23. There was no bad seat in that auditorium.
  24. The auditorium was brimming with excitement.
  25. The auditorium’s temperature was just right.
  26. They enjoyed the event in the auditorium.
  27. The new auditorium is massive.
  28. The band set up their instruments in the auditorium.
  29. The fire alarm went off in the auditorium.
  30. The show in the auditorium was a sell-out.
  31. The auditorium resounded with laughter.
  32. The ceremony was held in the old auditorium.
  33. They organized a fundraiser in the auditorium.
  34. He could see the whole auditorium from the stage.
  35. The auditorium was dark and quiet before the show.
  36. The sound traveled well inside the auditorium.
  37. She left her jacket in the auditorium.
  38. They held auditions in the auditorium.
  39. The auditorium is equipped with the latest technology.
  40. The auditorium was full of students.
  41. The stage in the auditorium was well-lit.
  42. The new auditorium has excellent facilities.
  43. The microphone squealed in the auditorium.
  44. The auditorium was newly built.
  45. She ran to the auditorium to avoid the rain.
  46. The ceiling of the auditorium was painted sky blue.
  47. The actor made his way to the center of the auditorium stage.

More Examples with Auditorium

  1. The auditorium was packed with guests.
  2. She gave her speech in the auditorium.
  3. The auditorium has comfortable seating.
  4. The event took place in the main auditorium.
  5. Students filled the auditorium quickly.
  6. The principal addressed everyone in the auditorium.
  7. There was a talent show in the auditorium.
  8. The auditorium is reserved for the assembly.
  9. They installed new speakers in the auditorium.
  10. The auditorium needs better lighting.
  11. We practiced our play in the auditorium.
  12. The auditorium seats were very comfortable.
  13. He sang a solo in the auditorium.
  14. They held a debate in the auditorium.
  15. A concert is scheduled in the auditorium.
  16. The auditorium was decorated for graduation.
  17. The fire alarm went off in the auditorium.
  18. She waited nervously backstage in the auditorium.
  19. The auditorium walls were recently painted.
  20. The entire school gathered in the auditorium.

Auditorium In A Sentence: a useful English noun practice

I hope you have enjoyed reading through and repeating all of today’s examples for auditorium in a sentence! Don’t forget, that if you would like to read and practice more English sentences, there are plenty to be found right here! Just browse through this website. As a final wrap-up, here are 3 more examples, getting a little bit trickier each time:

  1. The auditorium is over there.
  2. Do you know where the auditorium is?
  3. When was this auditorium built?