avenue in a sentence

Avenue In A Sentence: 103 Examples For Great English!

Here, we’ll have a look at 103 examples of avenue in a sentence, illustrating their natural and smooth use in English! Say them all out loud as many times as you need – practicing English nouns is a good way to boost your vocabulary.

sentences with avenue
Sentences with avenue

Avenue In A Sentence

These are the first 50 examples of how to use avenue in a sentence. Read and repeat each of them. If you struggle with pronunciation, say the sentences slowly until you’re confident.

  1. The restaurant is located on a busy avenue.
  2. She walked down the tree-lined avenue.
  3. He bought a house on a quiet avenue.
  4. The parade marched along the main avenue.
  5. Students gathered on the avenue before school.
  6. The avenue was beautifully decorated for the holidays.
  7. They took a stroll down the avenue.
  8. The avenue is known for its shops and cafes.
  9. Cars lined both sides of the avenue.
  10. The avenue was crowded with tourists.

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  1. The new store opened on the avenue.
  2. They planted flowers along the avenue.
  3. The avenue turned into a bustling market.
  4. The police closed off the avenue for the race.
  5. Buses run frequently along this avenue.
  6. The avenue was lit up with streetlights.
  7. The houses on that avenue are very expensive.
  8. They renamed the avenue in honor of the mayor.
  9. I jog along this avenue every morning.
  10. The avenue has a beautiful fountain at the end.
  11. We took family photos on the scenic avenue.
  12. The avenue is busy during rush hour.

What’s the difference between an avenue and a street?

Before we continue with our examples of avenue in a sentence, let’s briefly look into one common question: What’s the difference between an avenue and a street?

An “avenue” is usually a wide road that often has trees or vegetation along its sides and is designed for more significant traffic flow. A “street” is a more general term and can be narrower, typically found in residential areas. While avenues are often major thoroughfares, streets can vary in size and importance. Both terms describe types of roads in a city’s layout.

  1. The trees provide shade along the avenue.
  2. There are many restaurants on this avenue.
  3. The avenue stretches for miles.
  4. The fireworks were visible from the avenue.
  5. The avenue has a bike lane.
  6. She parked her car on the avenue.
  7. New apartments are being built on the avenue.
  8. The avenue is popular with joggers.
  9. He walked his dog down the avenue every day.
  10. They paved the old avenue last week.
  11. The avenue was quiet in the early morning.
  12. We rented bikes to explore the avenue.
  13. The new avenue connects two major highways.
  14. The avenue was blocked due to construction.
  15. They held a festival on the avenue.
  16. The avenue is lined with old buildings.
  17. We met at the coffee shop on the avenue.
  18. The avenue is a great place for a walk.
  19. The new park is located off the avenue.
  20. The avenue was busy with shoppers.
  21. The avenue leads directly to the beach.

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  1. The avenue was transformed into a pedestrian zone.
  2. The avenue’s streetlights were recently upgraded.
  3. She lives in an apartment on the avenue.
  4. They cleaned the avenue after the parade.
  5. The avenue has wide sidewalks.
  6. The avenue intersects with Main Street.
  7. The tree branches hovered over the avenue.

Avenue In A Sentence: part 2

Here you will find the next set of sentences with avenue. Keep reading and repeating, you’re doing great!

  1. The avenue’s greenery made it pleasant to walk.
  2. The avenue lighting was very welcoming.
  3. She adjusted her bag as she walked down the avenue.
  4. The students met on the avenue before heading to the park.
  5. The city holds events on the main avenue.
  6. She prefers sitting on the benches along the avenue.
  7. The avenue’s trees were tall and elegant.
  8. They fixed the potholes in the avenue.
  9. Standing on the avenue, he felt at ease.
  10. The avenue lighting was modern and bright.
  11. Everyone admired the decorations on the avenue.
  12. The sound of traffic filled the avenue.
  13. The avenue was designed for smooth traffic flow.
  14. The city is planning to widen the avenue.
  15. The avenue has beautiful street art.
  16. The baker opened a new shop on the avenue.
  17. The avenue has wide pedestrian pathways.
  18. The avenue event lasted all afternoon.
  19. The benches on the avenue were newly installed.
  20. Everyone was enjoying the sunny day on the avenue.
  21. The bookstore on the avenue is very popular.
  22. The jogger waved at familiar faces on the avenue.
  23. There’s not a bad coffee spot on that avenue.
  24. The avenue was lively with street musicians.
  25. The avenue’s atmosphere felt just right.
  26. People enjoyed the market on the avenue.
  27. The new avenue uses eco-friendly decorations.
  28. The artist set up her stand on the avenue.
  29. The ambulance sped down the avenue.
  30. The show at the avenue theater was outstanding.
  31. The avenue echoed with laughter.
  32. The celebration was hosted on the main avenue.
  33. They raised money for charity on the avenue.
  34. He could see all the shops from the intersection of the avenue.
  35. The avenue was peaceful at dawn.
  36. The sound of birds chirping filled the avenue.
  37. She forgot her wallet on the avenue.
  38. They held interviews at the avenue office.
  39. The avenue features modern infrastructure.
  40. The avenue thrived with the energy of students.
  41. The avenue trees were well-lit.
  42. The avenue has excellent facilities for events.
  43. The avenue echoed with sounds of traffic.
  44. The avenue was newly renovated.
  45. She hurried to the avenue to catch the bus.
  46. The walls along the avenue were painted with murals.
  47. The actor made his way down the avenue.
  48. The avenue was packed with visitors.
  49. She gave her speech on the avenue.
  50. The avenue has comfortable walkways.

Avenue In A Sentence: a useful English noun practice

I hope you have enjoyed reading through and repeating all of today’s examples for avenue in a sentence! Don’t forget, that if you would like to read and practice more English sentences, there are plenty to be found right here! Just browse through this website. As a final wrap-up, here are 3 more examples, getting a little bit trickier each time:

  1. The avenue was narrow.
  2. Do you know where the avenue is?
  3. When was this avenue paved?