Practice 30 + examples of awaken in a sentence and learn how deep of an English verb it truly is! (Hint: it does not just mean wake up!) In today’s examples, we will not only practice the present tense but also awakened and awakening. As well as that, we will look at just how to pronounce it, too!
Awaken in a sentence
Here are 10 examples of awaken in a sentence – read and repeat them all to gain a better mastery of this verb.

- Every morning, the sun’s rays awaken the sleepy town.
- Her stirring speech will surely awaken the crowd’s passion.
- The scent of rain begins to awaken memories of spring.
- The first bite of spicy food is all it takes to awaken your taste buds.
- Soft whispers in the theater are enough to awaken curiosity.
- The artist hopes his work will awaken a sense of wonder.
- Distant thunderstorms awaken the calm of the early night.
- The crisis will awaken the need for decisive action.
- A touch of love is sufficient to awaken the heart.
- The melodic bird song at dawn serves to awaken the world.
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How to pronounce awaken
Before we continue with this slightly formal word, let’s practice the awaken pronunciation together:
- The thunderstorm will awaken our pets
Awaken is pronounced as uh-wāk-ən, and it comprises three distinct sounds:
- The initial sound is ‘uh’ as in ‘up’.
- The middle sound is ‘wāk’, where the ‘ā’ represents a long ‘a’ sound as in ‘way’.
- The final sound is ‘ən’, with a soft ‘n’ sound where the ‘e’ represents a schwa (/ə/), which is similar to a quick and soft ‘uh’ sound.
To pronounce it correctly, stress the second syllable: uh-WĀK-ən.
What does awaken mean? Awaken meaning
Awaken is a verb that often signifies the act of coming out of sleep. It carries various connotations and uses far beyond its most literal meaning! Let’s check them out now.
Literal Meaning
The most literal use of “awaken” is the transition from sleep to wakefulness. You might say, “I awaken every morning to the sound of birds outside my window,” which simply means that the sounds of birds lead you to stop sleeping.
Metaphorical Uses
Awaken can also be used metaphorically to describe becoming aware of something, as if from a metaphorical sleep. For example:
- Realization: “The documentary served to awaken the public to the realities of climate change,” suggests that the documentary raised awareness about climate change.
- Emotions: “The music seemed to awaken a sense of nostalgia in him,” implies that the music brought forth an emotional response that was previously dormant.
- Renewal or Revival: “The spring flowers awaken a sense of joy after the long winter,” meaning they bring back a feeling that had been absent.
Nuances and Variations
There are nuances to the word “awaken” that may be highlighted in different contexts:
- Immediate vs. Gradual: Sometimes, awaken can describe a quick action, akin to an alarm abruptly rousing someone from sleep, or it can illustrate a gradual process, such as slowly becoming conscious of societal issues.
- Stirring to Activity: The word can also imply stirring someone or something to activity or new life—“The coach’s speech awakened a spirit of determination in the team.”
- Spiritual Connotation: In a spiritual sense, to awaken can mean to reach a new level of consciousness or enlightenment, as in “She has awakened to a higher sense of purpose.”
Awaken can have a certain poetic quality, often used in literature and discourse where a deeper, more profound realization or renaissance is being described.
Awakened in a sentence
Now let’s practice the past tense version, with 10 examples of awakened in a sentence:
- The aroma of coffee awakened my senses early in the morning, as it always does!
- News of the promotion awakened ambition within Sally.
- A gentle nudge from the cat awakened me from my afternoon nap.
- Mike’s first trip abroad, to France, awakened a passion for travel.
- The loud bell awakened all the students during the fire drill at school.
- The cold ocean breeze awakened his spirit as he walked along the beach.
- An inspiring speech by the CEO awakened a sense of purpose in the employees.
- The sight of blooming cherry blossoms in the park awakened joy in the visitors to Japan!
- A random act of kindness at the grocery store awakened Sarah’s faith in humanity.
- The taste of a fresh apple pie awakened childhood memories with her grandmother.
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Awakening in a sentence
Awakening is a noun that refers to the act or moment of becoming cognizant, aware, or enlightened. It can also refer to a revival of interest or feeling. In its gerund form, awakening functions as a verb form that describes the process or state of coming to wakefulness or becoming aware.
Here are 10 examples of awakening in a sentence:
- The cultural awakening of the 1960s had a profound impact on art, music, and society as a whole.
- Reading the novel was an awakening for Gemma, changing her perspective on life.
- The early morning awakening of nature is the best time for a peaceful walk.
- His trip to the Himalayas was not just a journey but an awakening to the splendors of the natural world.
- The political awakening in the region led to widespread calls for democracy and freedom.
- After years of routine, the sudden change in her career was like a fresh awakening.
- The spiritual awakening within him spurred a newfound commitment to helping others.
- The national tragedy was an awakening for the country, uniting its people in solidarity.
- For many, the first sip of coffee is more than a habit; it’s a daily awakening.
- The earthquake was a rude awakening for the city, highlighting the need for better emergency preparedness.
Awaken in a sentence: a handy verb to know!
I hope you have enjoyed practicing awaken in a sentence with me today! (along with its pronunciation and also variants – awakened and awakening). Before we go – let’s quickly remind ourselves of the point of this verb, so that we’re better able to remember it!
- Awaken is a verb with multiple meanings:
- Literally, it means to cease sleeping.
- Metaphorically, it describes the process of becoming aware or enlightened.
- It can evoke emotions or provoke a reaction or change.
- It signifies a revival or renewal of interest, emotion, or thought.