awareness in a sentence

Awareness In A Sentence: 53 Examples For Better English

Here, we will explore 53 examples of awareness in a sentence, highlighting how they are used in smooth, natural English.

Sentences with awareness,  awareness meaning, awareness synonym
Sentences with awareness

Awareness in a sentence

Presented here are the first 10 demonstrations of awareness in a sentence. Go through and recite all of them. For any tricky pronunciations, say them slowly a few times to increase your confidence!

  1. Emma’s awareness of the surroundings was impressive.
  2. He raised awareness about climate change.
  3. Their awareness of the issue was minimal.
  4. Building awareness is essential in marketing.
  5. Her sudden awareness made her act responsibly.
  6. Awareness of the problem can lead to solutions.
  7. The awareness campaign reached many people.
  8. Their awareness marks a shift in attitude.
  9. Increased awareness led to more volunteers.
  10. His awareness of the dangers saved lives.

Related: Ambition In A Sentence: 53 Examples For Better English

What does awareness mean?

Awareness means being conscious of something or someone. It can refer to understanding a situation or having knowledge about an issue. It is an English noun. The adjective form is aware. We use that like this: “I am aware of the situation.”

Common Situations for Using the word Awareness

  • Health: Knowing about health risks or conditions.
  • Safety: Understanding safety protocols.
  • Social Issues: Being informed about societal problems.

Awareness synonyms and Example Sentences

  1. Consciousness
    • Meaning: The state of being aware of and responsive to one’s surroundings.
    • Example sentence: The bus driver’s consciousness of the road’s poor condition saved many lives.
  2. Perception
    • Meaning: The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.
    • Example sentence: Her perception of the painting was unique.
  3. Understanding
    • Meaning: The ability to comprehend something.
    • Example sentence: His understanding of the subject was profound.

Related: Sentences with Award: 53 Examples for Better English

Awareness in a sentence: part 2

  1. In sports, quick awareness can be beneficial.
  2. The artist’s work showed a deep awareness.
  3. There was a growing awareness of the issue.
  4. Awareness of routine can lead to discipline.
  5. The class promotes environmental awareness.
  6. He documented his awareness journey in a journal.
  7. The weather could challenge our awareness.
  8. They celebrated increased awareness with an event.
  9. His awareness of the guidelines was commendable.
  10. The sudden awareness was profound and enlightening.

Sentences with awareness

Here is the next set of sentences with awareness:

  1. Awareness is key every time we face a problem.
  2. He developed his awareness carefully.
  3. Early awareness can prevent issues.
  4. The sign ensured awareness among visitors.
  5. The story brought awareness about social issues.
  6. Sudden awareness can be eye-opening.
  7. The movie heightened public awareness.
  8. She checked the details with awareness.
  9. Awareness schedules are shared widely.
  10. His awareness transformed the group’s perspectives.
  11. With each awareness campaign, new insights emerge.
  12. They observed increased awareness from afar.
  13. Awareness can be the start of better understanding.
  14. His awareness marked a milestone in his career.
  15. He doesn’t have much awareness.
  16. Their awareness efforts were successful.
  17. He adjusted his actions with full awareness.
  18. Awareness of new things is sometimes needed.
  19. They anticipated public awareness with plans.
  20. The pilot operated with full awareness.
  21. Awareness was a key topic at the workshop.

Questions with awareness

  1. From what point does your awareness begin?
  2. How does increased awareness affect your actions?
  3. What example of awareness in your life had the most impact on you?
  4. Can you think of a situation where new awareness changed your approach?
  5. What is the most memorable awareness campaign you’ve seen?
  6. How can awareness influence your future plans?
  7. Describe a time when awareness led to growth.
  8. Do you believe every awareness leads to better decisions?
  9. What awareness topic interests you the most?

A paragraph about the topic of awareness

Awareness is a state full of learning and understanding. I remember when I first became aware of environmental issues. The news reports shed light on pollution and waste. My heart felt heavy, but I was also determined to make a change. As I gathered more information, I started small by recycling and reducing waste. The familiar routines of disposing of plastics were now altered. Each small action felt significant. There was a sense of responsibility. I talked to friends and family about it. At first, they were hesitant. But with time, they began to see the benefits too. Daily, I learned new ways to help. My awareness journey had its challenges, but it taught me a lot. It made me more mindful and proactive. Awareness can indeed lead to meaningful change. Often, it opens doors to new ways of thinking and acting.

Awareness in a sentence: a useful word to know!

I trust you had a good time reading and repeating all these cases of awareness in a sentence! Here are the last three sentences with awareness, becoming increasingly tricky:

  1. What is the importance of awareness?
  2. How can we improve public awareness?
  3. His awareness brought a change in the organization.