Today we are going to have a look at 100 examples of bin in a sentence illustrating their natural and smooth use in English. Say them all out loud as many times as you need—practicing English nouns is a good way to boost your vocabulary.

Bin in a sentence
These are the first 25 examples of bin in a sentence. Read and repeat each of them. If you struggle with pronunciation, say the sentences slowly until you’re confident.
- The bin is full of garbage.
- Leanne threw the paper in the bin.
- Please take the bin out to the curb.
- The kitchen bin needs emptying.
- He found a toy in the bin.
- Is this the recycle bin?
- The bin smells bad!
- Let’s buy a new bin for the office.
- The bin by the desk is overflowing.
- The bin is black and silver.
Related: Sentences With Balance: 100 Examples For Great English

- Put the old clothes in the donation bin.
- The bin in the bathroom is small.
- Don’t forget to empty the bin.
- The bin is next to the fridge.
- They missed the bin with the basketball.
- The city provided new bins for recycling.
- My cat likes to play with the bin.
- We need a bigger bin for the yard waste.
- The bin was hidden under the sink.
- The classroom has a blue bin.
- The bin outside is for compost.
- A raccoon knocked over the bin.
- She painted the bin bright red.
- The park has many bins for litter.
- The old bin is broken.
Related: Blanket in a Sentence: 100 Examples for Great English
Bin meaning
The noun bin refers to a container used for storing or disposing of items, commonly garbage or recyclable materials. In the UK, people say “bin,” while in the US, they tend to say “trash can.” For example, “Please put the paper in the recycle bin.” Another example is, “The kitchen bin is full; we need to empty it.” Besides being a noun, “bin” can also be a verb meaning to throw something away. Learning these variations helps understand different English dialects and usage. Different regions might use different words, but they generally mean the same thing.
Bin in a sentence: Part 2
Here you will find the next set of sentences with bin. Keep reading and repeating, you’re doing great!
- Please throw this in the bin.
- The bin at the end of the hall is for paper.
- The janitor empties the bins every night.
- She carefully sorted the items into bins.
- The bin has a lid to keep out the smell.
- The bin was almost empty.
- I accidentally put the glass in the wrong bin.
- The street was lined with bins on collection day.
- There’s a bin for donations at the entrance.
- The cafeteria bin was overflowing after lunch.
- The school’s recycling bin is green.
- I put the kitchen scraps in the compost bin.
- The rain made the bin wet.
- Mike takes the bin to the curb every Sunday night.
- The craft room has a bin for fabric scraps.
- There was a mystery box in the bin.
- He tossed the apple into the bin.
- The bin in the garage is for tools.
- She cleaned out the bin once a week.
- The driveway bin needs to be emptied.
- The community center has a big recycling bin.
- A squirrel tipped over the bin looking for food.
- The green bin is for yard clippings.
- She organized her desk drawer with small bins.
- The fishing gear was stored in a plastic bin.
Sentences with bin: More Examples
Here are some more sentences with bin. Keep on reading them out loud, you’re doing well!

- The office bin was replaced with a new one.
- The bin was placed at the front door.
- We put old newspapers in the bin.
- The recycling bin was full of bottles and cans.
- The city collects the bins early in the morning.
- This trusty bin has been used for years.
- A sports bin was filled with balls and bats.
- Her art supplies were neatly arranged in a bin.
- The library has a bin for returned books.
- Bin tags help identify what goes in each one.
- The bin station is located near the exit.
- He used a bin to organize his tools.
- Each room has its own bin.
- The metal bin was rusted and old.
- The school organizes a bin collection twice a week.
- The kitchen bin is stainless steel.
- They labeled each bin with a different color.
- We should separate items into different bins.
- The dog tipped over the bin looking for food.
- I put my lunch wrapper in the bin.
- The garden shed has a bin for hand tools.
- The bin at the entrance is for shoes.
Bin questions
Here are 25 questions that use the word bin. Try to answer these questions in full sentences for English conversation practice! If you have no experience with the topic, fear not! Try to use your imagination for the answers. Making sentences is a useful way to practice English.

- Where in the kitchen do you usually keep your kitchen bin?
- Have you ever recycled something in the wrong bin?
- What color is the recycling bin in your house, if you have one?
- Who is responsible for taking out the bin in your family?
- Why do some bins have lids?
- Do you have a special bin for compost?
- How often do you empty your bathroom bin?
- Can you find bins easily in your school?
- What kinds of things do you put in a donation bin?
- Is there a bin for paper in your classroom?
- Do you separate your garbage into different bins?
- Does your neighborhood have a collection day for bins?
- What happens if you don’t take out the bin on time?
- How many bins are there in your house?
- Have you ever seen an animal knock over a bin?
- What was the most unusual thing you’ve found in a bin?
- Is your kitchen bin big enough for all your garbage?
- Did you ever accidentally throw something important in the bin?
- Are there enough bins for litter in your local park?
- What types of bins are commonly found in public places?
- How do you feel about sorting trash into different bins?
- Have you ever had to clean a really dirty bin?
- Do you think having more bins helps with recycling?
- When does your school empty the classroom bins?
- What type of bin would you design for a new recycling program?
Bin paragraph
Here is a paragraph using the word bin. Feel free to use it as inspiration for your own writing projects!

Bins are an essential part of keeping our homes and communities clean. We use them to collect various types of waste, such as food scraps, paper, and plastics. In schools, bins help students dispose of their lunch leftovers and classroom papers. Different colored bins can indicate what type of waste goes inside. For example, green bins are often used for compostable materials. Blue bins might be for recyclables like plastic and glass. Having separate bins makes recycling easier. Organizing waste properly reduces the amount that ends up in landfills. This practice is good for the environment. Also, some bins have lids to keep out pests like raccoons. It’s important to empty bins regularly to prevent bad odors. Teaching young people about proper bin use promotes good habits. Bins are simple but important tools in our daily lives.
Bin in a sentence: A Useful English Noun Practice
I hope you have enjoyed reading through and repeating all of today’s examples of bin in a sentence! Don’t forget, if you would like to read and practice more English sentences, there are plenty to be found right here! Just browse through this website. As a final wrap-up, here are 3 more examples with today’s word:
- The beach has bins for recyclables.
- He dumped the trash into the big bin outside.
- A small bin sat on her desk for paper clips.