Today we are going to have a look at 100 examples of burden in a sentence, illustrating their natural and smooth use in English. Say them all out loud as many times as you need—practicing English nouns is a good way to boost your vocabulary.

Burden in a Sentence
These are the first 25 examples of burden in a sentence. Read and repeat each of them. If you struggle with pronunciation, say the sentences slowly until you’re confident.

- Carrying the heavy burden of the shopping bags was exhausting.
- The burden of proof lay on the defendant.
- She felt like a burden on her family.
- His heavy burden was hard to bear.
- The burden of homework weighed him down.
- They shared the burden equally.
- Her secret became an unbearable burden.
- Financial burden troubled them a lot.
- The burden was almost too much.
- He shouldered the burden bravely.
Related: Sentences With Bond: 100 Examples for Great English
- The burden of responsibility fell on her.
- A burden is something that can be hard to deal with.
- This heavy burden slowed him down.
- The financial burden hit them hard.
- She carried her responsibilities as a burden.
- His burdens made him weary.
- The burden of guilt was crushing.
- He struggled under the burden of debt.
- Their friendship lightened his burdens.
- He wanted to free her from that burden.
- The family’s financial burden was huge.
- Each added task was another burden.
- Trust lifted a heavy burden from her.
- The burden of care was immense.
- Her burdens slowly wore her down.
Related: Breeze in a Sentence: 100 Examples for Great English

Burden meaning
The word burden refers to something heavy or difficult that you have to carry or deal with. It can be a physical load or an emotional one. For example, “She felt the burden of responsibility as she took care of her younger siblings.” This means she faced the difficult task of looking after them. Another example is, “The burden of carrying all the groceries tired him out.” Here, it shows a physical load that caused fatigue. Burden is a common term used to describe challenges, whether they are tangible or not.
Burden in a Sentence: Part 2
Here you will find the next set of examples of burden in a sentence. Keep reading and repeating, you’re doing great!
- The burden of grief was relentless.
- Hardship was a familiar burden.
- The burden caused stress and worry.
- It was a big burden to bear.
- His burdens affected his health.
- The burden caused him to lose sleep.
- She carried the burden with grace.
- His past was a heavy burden.
- The burden was too great for him.
- Bearing the burden took its toll.
- They faced the burden together.
- He took on the burden willingly.
- The burden was hard to ignore.
- He lightened her burden with a smile.
- Her burden was both visible and hidden.
- The burden of loneliness was sorrowful.
- They shared each other’s burdens.
- Sometimes love can be a burden.
- He managed his burdens alone.
- The burden of secrets was heavy.
- Her burdens were invisible to others.
- She accepted the burden of leadership.
- He bore the burden without complaint.
- The burden grew heavier with time.
- The burden made him stronger.
Sentences with Burden: More Examples
Here are some more sentences with burden. Keep on reading them out loud, you’re doing well!
- She carried a heavy heart as her burden.
- The burden of loss never left her.
- His burden seemed endless.
- Sharing burdens built their bond.
- He sought help to lighten his burden.
- The burden shaped who they became.
- She felt a burden of doubt.
- Beneath his smile was a burden.
- They were crushed by the burden.
- His responsibilities became a burden.
- The burden revealed their true character.
- The journey itself was a burden.
- He layered burden upon burden.
- The burden weighed on his shoulders.
- Life’s burdens can teach resilience.
- He ran from the burden for years.
- The burden was a constant shadow.
- Her burden became their burden.
- The burden pushed him to his limits.
- She endured the burden with strength.
- Their burdens were intertwined.
- He couldn’t escape the burden.
Burden questions
Here are 25 questions that use the word burden. Try to answer these questions using full sentences for English conversation practice! If you have no experience with the topic, fear not! Try to use your imagination for the answers. Making sentences is a useful way to practice English.
- What does it mean to carry a burden?
- Have you ever felt like a burden to someone?
- How can a financial burden affect a family?
- Can you share a time when you faced a heavy burden?
- How do people usually deal with emotional burdens?
- Why might a secret become a burden?
- What are some ways to lighten someone’s burden?
- How does the burden of responsibility change as you grow older?
- Is it possible for love to be a burden? How?
- How can friends help each other with their burdens?
- What responsibilities can feel like a burden sometimes?
- Do you think sharing your burdens makes them easier to handle?
- What is the biggest burden you have faced?
- How can carrying too many burdens affect someone’s health?
- In what situations might homework become a burden?
- Do you think it’s important to talk about your burdens? Why or why not?
- How do financial burdens impact a student’s life?
- Can a dream or goal ever become a burden? How?
- What burdens do you think parents carry?
- Why is it important to help others with their burdens?
- How does society handle the burden of poverty?
- What are some everyday burdens people face?
- Can physical burdens be more challenging than emotional ones?
- How do people you know cope with burdens?
- Does everyone carry some kind of burden? Why do you think so?
Burden paragraph
Here is a paragraph using the word burden. Feel free to use it as inspiration for your own writing projects!
The concept of burden often comes up in life. Everyone carries some type of burden. It can be physical, like heavy school books. It can also be emotional, such as worrying about a friend. Sometimes, burdens are shared. Friends and family help each other through tough times. This makes the burden lighter. Other times, we must carry our burdens alone. This can be challenging. Financial troubles are a common burden. For example, if money is tight, paying for necessities can be stressful. Students often face the burden of homework. They may feel overwhelmed with assignments. It’s important to find ways to manage these burdens. Talking to others helps. Asking for help is okay. Remember, burdens do not define us. They are just parts of life we must handle. With support and effort, we can overcome them. Life can get easier when we share our burdens with the right people, and seek help.
Burden in a Sentence: A Useful English Noun Practice
I hope you have enjoyed reading through and repeating all of today’s examples for a burden in a sentence! Don’t forget, if you would like to read and practice more English sentences, there are plenty to be found right here! Just browse through this website. As a final wrap-up, here are 3 more examples with today’s word:
- The burden was unbearably heavy.
- Relief came when the burden was lifted.
- Sharing burdens brought them closer.