bureau in a sentence

Bureau in a Sentence: 100 Examples For Great English

Today we are going to have a look at 100 examples of bureau in a sentence, illustrating their natural and smooth use in English. Say them all out loud as many times as you need—practicing English nouns is a good way to boost your vocabulary.

sentences with bureau
Sentences with bureau

Bureau in a Sentence

These are the first 25 examples of bureau in a sentence. Read and repeat each of them. If you struggle with pronunciation, say the sentences slowly until you’re confident.

  1. The bureau stood in the corner of the room.
  2. Becky locked her passwords in the bureau drawer.
  3. The new bureau had a polished oak finish.
  4. Papers were scattered across the bureau.
  5. He found an old map in the bureau.
  6. Mom keeps her jewelry in the top drawer of the bureau.
  7. The bureau was a gift from their grandmother.
  8. He dusted the bureau every Saturday.
  9. The police bureau issued a new statement.
  10. The bureau was filled with ancient documents.

Related: Bargain in a Sentence: 100 Examples For Great English

bureau sentence, drawer in a sentence
Bureau sentence
  1. Rina put a vase of flowers on the bureau.
  2. The bureau creaked as she opened the drawer.
  3. His passport was in the bureau.
  4. The weather bureau predicted heavy rain.
  5. We submitted our reports to the bureau.
  6. The bureau’s mirror reflected the sunlight.
  7. It was an antique French bureau.
  8. The bureau needed a fresh coat of paint.
  9. She hid her diary in the bureau.
  10. The bureau was moved during the renovation.
  11. He admired the craftsmanship of the bureau.

Related: Breakdown in a Sentence: 100 Examples for Great English

  1. The bureau had brass handles.
  2. She cleaned out the bureau before moving.
  3. A photograph of the family sat on the bureau.
  4. The bureau dealt with international trade.

Bureau meaning

bureau meaning, define bureau
Bureau meaning

The noun “bureau” can have a few different meanings. It commonly refers to a piece of furniture with drawers for storing items, like clothes or documents. In another context, it can mean an office or agency, such as a government bureau. For example, you might say, “She placed her diary in the bureau,” or, “The bureau issued a new report.”

Bureau in a Sentence: Part 2

Here you will find the next set of examples of bureau in a sentence. Keep reading and repeating, you’re doing great!

  1. She couldn’t find her keys on the cluttered bureau.
  2. The bureau’s history dated back to the 1800s.
  3. Important letters were kept in the bureau.
  4. He bought the bureau at an auction.
  5. The bureau drawer was stuck.
Here is another sentence with bureau
  1. They donated the old bureau to charity.
  2. She restored the bureau to its former glory.
  3. The bureau housed some exotic items.
  4. The bureau’s top was smooth to the touch.
  5. They painted the bureau a bright color.
  6. The bureau had a secret compartment!
  7. He left a note on the bureau.
  8. Dust collected on top of the bureau.
  9. The bureau was sold for a high price.
  10. She used the bureau as a makeshift desk.
  11. The bureau had intricate carvings.
  12. He leaned against the bureau, deep in thought.
  13. The bureau took up most of the wall.
  14. The bureau’s drawers were all empty.
  15. They found an old letter inside the bureau.
  16. The regional bureau handled their case.
  17. She polished the bureau every month.
  18. They assembled the bureau themselves.
  19. The bureau stored all her stationery.
  20. The bureau’s lock was broken.

Sentences with Bureau: More Examples

Here are some more sentences with bureau. Keep on reading them out loud, you’re doing well!

  1. She found a forgotten trinket in the bureau.
  2. He placed a lamp on the bureau.
  3. The bureau was too heavy to move alone.
  4. The bureau drawers were lined with velvet.
  5. She organized the items in the bureau.
  6. He admired the bureau’s design.
  7. The bureau contained many secrets.
  8. They painted the bureau a soft blue.
  9. The bureau was positioned near the window.
  10. She always kept the bureau neat.
  11. He found a watch in the bureau.
  12. The bureau had been there for years.
  13. She opened every drawer in the bureau.
  14. The bureau stood tall in the bedroom.
  15. They searched the bureau for clues.
  16. The bureau was a family heirloom.
  17. Emma stored her English lesson notes in the bureau.
  18. The bureau was made of solid wood.
  19. They moved the bureau together.
  20. She took a picture of the bureau.
  21. He needed help moving the bureau.
  22. The bureau had a special place in their home.

Bureau questions

Here are 25 questions that use the word bureau. Try to answer these questions using full sentences for English conversation practice! If you have no experience with the topic, fear not! Try to use your imagination for the answers. Making sentences is a useful way to practice English.

bureau questions, questions about bureaus
Bureau questions
  1. What items do you keep inside your bureau?
  2. Does your bedroom have a bureau?
  3. Have you ever lost something in a bureau?
  4. How often do you clean your bureau?
  5. Do you prefer a tall or wide bureau?
  6. Is there a mirror attached to your bureau?
  7. Who bought the bureau in your house?
  8. How many drawers does your bureau have?
  9. What color is your bureau?
  10. Do you use the top of your bureau for decoration?
  11. Have you ever painted a bureau?
  12. Does your bureau have a lock?
  13. Are there any valuable items in your bureau?
  14. Have you ever fixed a broken bureau drawer?
  15. Do you share your bureau with a sibling?
  16. Is your bureau made of wood or metal?
  17. Where did you buy your bureau?
  18. What would you do if you found money in a bureau?
  19. Have you ever moved a heavy bureau by yourself?
  20. Does your bureau have any unique designs?
  21. Can you describe a memorable item found in a bureau?
  22. Do you keep pens or papers in your bureau?
  23. What is the oldest item in your bureau?
  24. Could you live without a bureau?
  25. Have you ever hidden something in a bureau?

Bureau paragraph

Here is a paragraph using the word bureau. Feel free to use it as inspiration for your own writing projects!

Bureau paragraph, Bureau essay
Bureau paragraph

The word “bureau” has different meanings based on context. In one sense, a bureau is a piece of furniture with drawers used for storing clothes or other items. Many people have bureaus in their bedrooms or living rooms. For example, a family might keep old photographs or important papers in a bureau drawer. Another meaning of bureau is an office or agency that offers information or services. For instance, a weather bureau provides updates on weather conditions. These bureaus are essential for public safety. They alert people about storms or other dangerous weather events. Some government agencies are also referred to as bureaus, like the Federal Bureau of Investigation, or FBI.

Bureau in a Sentence: A Useful English Noun Practice

I hope you have enjoyed reading through and repeating all of today’s examples for a bureau in a sentence! Don’t forget, if you would like to read and practice more English sentences, there are plenty to be found right here! Just browse through this website. As a final wrap-up, here are 3 more examples with today’s word:

  1. They placed a clock on top of the bureau.
  2. The bureau was passed down for generations.
  3. She checked the bureau one last time.