bureaucracy in a sentence

Bureaucracy in a Sentence: 100 Examples for Great English

Today we are going to have a look at 100 examples of bureaucracy in a sentence, illustrating their natural and smooth use in English. Say them all out loud as many times as you need—practicing sentences with bureaucracy is a good way to boost your vocabulary.


Bureaucracy in a Sentence

Here are the first 25 examples using bureaucracy in a sentence. Read through and repeat each one. If needed, take your time to pronounce each sentence clearly.

  1. The new policy faced many hurdles due to excessive bureaucracy.
  2. Bureaucracy can slow down the decision-making process.
  3. She felt frustrated by the layers of bureaucracy in her office.
  4. The project was delayed because of bureaucratic red tape.
  5. Bureaucracy often leads to inefficiencies in large organizations.
  6. They tried to simplify the bureaucracy to improve workflow.
  7. The company’s bureaucracy made it hard to get approvals quickly.
  8. He navigated through the complex bureaucracy of government regulations.
  9. Bureaucracy can sometimes stifle creativity and innovation.
  10. The team was bogged down by the bureaucracy of the approval process.

Related: Sentences with Brevity: 100 Examples for Great English

bureaucracy sentence
Bureaucracy sentence
  1. She wished for a less bureaucratic approach to handling requests.
  2. The new manager aimed to reduce unnecessary bureaucracy.
  3. Bureaucracy can be a barrier to effective communication in organizations.
  4. The project struggled under the weight of bureaucratic procedures.
  5. He felt overwhelmed by the bureaucratic requirements for the permit.
  6. The organization’s bureaucracy was a major obstacle to progress.
  7. They implemented reforms to cut down on bureaucratic red tape.
  8. Bureaucracy often involves multiple levels of approvals.
  9. The team faced delays due to the bureaucracy of the funding process.
  10. Bureaucratic procedures can sometimes seem outdated and cumbersome.
  11. She found the bureaucracy at her workplace to be excessive.
  12. The new policy aimed to streamline the existing bureaucracy.
  13. He encountered a lot of bureaucracy while trying to get his visa.
  14. The excessive bureaucracy led to a slowdown in productivity.
  15. Bureaucracy can hinder the efficiency of government operations.

Related: Baseline in a Sentence: 100 Examples for Great English

Sentences with Bureaucracy

Here are more sentences with bureaucracy. Keep practicing by reading them out loud.

sentences with bureaucracy
Sentences with bureaucracy
  1. Bureaucracy can create obstacles for employees seeking quick solutions.
  2. The organization’s bureaucracy was restructured to improve efficiency.
  3. He was frustrated by the slow pace caused by bureaucratic processes.
  4. Bureaucratic red tape often complicates straightforward tasks.
  5. The company aimed to reduce bureaucracy to foster innovation.
  6. She navigated the bureaucracy to get the necessary approvals.
  7. Bureaucracy sometimes leads to unnecessary paperwork and delays.
  8. The new system was designed to eliminate excessive bureaucracy.
  9. Bureaucratic procedures can be challenging for new employees.
  10. He was exasperated by the layers of bureaucracy in his department.
  11. The bureaucracy involved in the project made it difficult to manage.
  12. They sought ways to minimize bureaucracy in the organization.
  13. Bureaucracy often requires multiple steps to complete a single task.
  14. The reform aimed to simplify the existing bureaucratic framework.
  15. He encountered significant bureaucracy while applying for the grant.
  16. The team worked to overcome the challenges posed by bureaucracy.
  17. Bureaucratic delays led to frustration among the employees.
  18. The project’s success was hindered by bureaucratic constraints.
  19. She felt trapped by the bureaucracy of the large corporation.
  20. The new leadership focused on reducing unnecessary bureaucracy.
  21. Bureaucracy can sometimes slow down the implementation of new ideas.
  22. The organization struggled with bureaucratic inefficiencies.
  23. He was surprised by the level of bureaucracy in the process.
  24. Bureaucracy often involves navigating complex procedures and rules.
  25. The reforms were aimed at cutting down on bureaucratic inefficiencies.

Bureaucracy in a sentence: Part 3

Here are additional examples using bureaucracy. Continue practicing and repeating.

  1. The complexity of bureaucracy made the project difficult to complete.
  2. They streamlined the bureaucracy to speed up decision-making.
  3. Bureaucracy can create barriers to effective service delivery.
  4. He felt that the bureaucracy was impeding progress on the project.
  5. The new guidelines were introduced to reduce bureaucratic hurdles.
  6. Bureaucracy sometimes leads to a lack of accountability.
  7. The organization’s bureaucracy was reformed to enhance agility.
  8. She found the bureaucracy to be a significant hurdle in her role.
  9. Bureaucratic processes often require extensive documentation.
  10. The changes aimed to simplify the complex bureaucracy.
  11. He was frustrated with the slow pace due to bureaucratic procedures.
  12. Bureaucracy can sometimes lead to confusion and inefficiency.
  13. The organization’s goal was to minimize unnecessary bureaucracy.
  14. He navigated the layers of bureaucracy to get his issue resolved.
  15. The new approach sought to address the issues caused by bureaucracy.
  16. Bureaucracy often involves rigid structures and protocols.
  17. The excessive bureaucracy slowed down the implementation of new policies.
  18. She dealt with bureaucracy daily as part of her administrative role.
  19. The team aimed to overcome the challenges posed by bureaucracy.
  20. Bureaucracy can sometimes hinder the implementation of effective solutions.
  21. The organization’s leadership worked to reduce bureaucratic obstacles.
  22. He was overwhelmed by the layers of bureaucracy in the process.
  23. Bureaucracy can create delays in achieving organizational goals.
  24. The reform focused on eliminating bureaucratic inefficiencies.
  25. She felt constrained by the organization’s bureaucracy.

Bureaucracy Questions

Here are 25 questions that use the word bureaucracy. Try answering these questions in complete sentences for practice. Use your imagination if needed!

  1. How does bureaucracy affect decision-making in organizations?
  2. What are the common problems associated with excessive bureaucracy?
  3. Can you describe a situation where bureaucracy caused delays?
  4. How can organizations reduce unnecessary bureaucracy?
  5. What role does bureaucracy play in government operations?
  6. How does bureaucracy impact employee productivity?
  7. What strategies can be used to navigate complex bureaucracy?
  8. How can bureaucracy hinder the implementation of new ideas?
  9. What are some ways to streamline bureaucratic processes?
  10. How does bureaucracy affect communication within a company?
  11. Can you give an example of a bureaucratic process you have experienced?
  12. How can leaders address issues related to bureaucracy?
  13. What are the benefits of having a bureaucratic structure in an organization?
  14. How can technology help reduce bureaucratic inefficiencies?
  15. What challenges are associated with reforming bureaucracy?
  16. How does bureaucracy impact customer service in organizations?
  17. What are the key features of a bureaucratic system?
  18. How can employees cope with the frustrations of bureaucracy?
  19. What are some common criticisms of bureaucratic systems?
  20. How does bureaucracy influence organizational culture?
  21. What steps can be taken to make bureaucracy more flexible?
  22. How does excessive bureaucracy affect innovation?

Bureaucracy in a Sentence: A Useful English Practice

I hope you found these examples of bureaucracy in a sentence helpful for your English practice! For more sentences and practice, feel free to explore more resources available here. As a final wrap-up, here are 3 more examples with today’s word:

  1. The team implemented new procedures to simplify bureaucracy.
  2. She found the bureaucracy in her job to be overwhelming.
  3. The reform aimed to reduce the layers of bureaucracy in the organization.