chance in a sentence

Chance In A Sentence: 100 Examples for Great English

Today, we’ll explore 100 examples of chance in a sentence, showing how to use this word naturally in English. Practice these sentences out loud to improve your vocabulary and understanding of how to use chance effectively.

Chance used in a sentence
Chance used in a sentence

Chance in a Sentence

These are the first 25 examples of chance in a sentence. Read them carefully and repeat each one. If you find any difficulty, say the sentences slowly until you get the hang of it.

  1. She took a chance on the new restaurant.
  2. There was a small chance of rain today.
  3. He got a chance to speak at the meeting.
  4. They missed their chance to win the game.
  5. A chance encounter led to their friendship.
  6. You have a chance to improve your grades.
  7. She doesn’t want to take a chance with her health, so takes regular check ups.
  8. He took a chance and asked her out on a date.
  9. The chance of winning the lottery is very low.
  10. They gave me a chance to lead the project.

Related: Sentences with Center: 100 Examples for Great English

chance sentence
Chance sentence
  1. She was excited about her chance to travel.
  2. He saw it as a chance to start over.
  3. There’s always a chance things will get better.
  4. She took a chance by investing in the startup.
  5. The chance to perform in the play was thrilling.
  6. He didn’t want to miss his chance at a promotion.
  7. There was a slight chance of snow this weekend.
  8. They gave him a chance to prove himself.
  9. A chance visit to the museum inspired her.
  10. She hoped for a chance to meet her favorite author.
  11. He got a chance to try out for the team.
  12. The chance to volunteer was a rewarding experience.
  13. They saw it as a chance to make new friends.
  14. There’s a good chance they’ll win the match.
  15. She took a chance on a new hairstyle.

Related: Color In A Sentence: 100 Examples for Great English

Sentences with Chance: More Examples

Here are more sentences with chance. Continue reading them out loud to practice!

sentences with chance
Sentences with chance
  1. He took a chance and applied for the scholarship.
  2. There’s a chance we might get tickets for the concert.
  3. She used her chance wisely during the interview.
  4. They decided to take a chance and move to a new city.
  5. He had a chance to visit the zoo over the weekend.
  6. She thought it was a chance worth taking.
  7. He got a second chance to fix his mistakes.
  8. There’s a slim chance of winning the raffle.
  9. She saw this as a chance to make a difference.
  10. He hoped for a chance to be in the school play.
  11. They seized the chance to go on a vacation.
  12. The chance to meet the president was exciting.
  13. She was given a chance to lead the discussion.
  14. He took every chance to learn from his mistakes.
  15. The chance to work abroad was a big opportunity.
  16. They took a chance on the weather and went hiking.
  17. She considered it a chance to challenge herself.
  18. He missed his chance to buy the rare book.
  19. There was a good chance of winning the competition.
  20. She took a chance by investing in the new company.
  21. The chance to try out new recipes was fun.
  22. He got a chance to speak to his favorite actor.
  23. She gave him a chance to explain himself.
  24. There was a chance of meeting her childhood friend.
  25. He took a chance and joined the school band.

Chance in a Sentence: Part 3

Here you will find the next set of examples for chance in a sentence. Keep practicing and you’ll get even better!

  1. She looked forward to her chance to study abroad.
  2. He saw the chance to help others as a great opportunity.
  3. The chance to play in the championship was exciting.
  4. They took a chance and renovated their house.
  5. There’s a chance she’ll be promoted soon.
  6. He missed his chance to attend the workshop.
  7. She took a chance on a new hobby.
  8. The chance to lead the team was a big responsibility.
  9. He got a chance to go on a weekend trip.
  10. She saw every challenge as a chance to grow.
  11. There was a chance of finding hidden treasures at the garage sale.
  12. He took a chance and changed his major.
  13. The chance to help in the community was fulfilling.
  14. They missed their chance to buy the concert tickets.
  15. She was excited about her chance to audition.
  16. He saw it as a chance to make things right.
  17. There was a chance to explore new places.
  18. She didn’t want to lose her chance to participate.
  19. He took a chance and tried a new sport.
  20. The chance to work with experts was a dream come true.
  21. She was given a chance to show her skills.
  22. There was a chance of finding a new job.
  23. He saw it as a chance to prove his abilities.
  24. They took a chance and went on a road trip.
  25. The chance to meet new people was exciting.

Chance Questions

Here are 25 questions using the word chance. Try to answer these questions in full sentences to practice your English conversation skills. Use your imagination if needed!

  1. What’s a chance you took that paid off?
  2. Have you ever missed a chance to do something important?
  3. What do you do when you get a chance to travel?
  4. Do you prefer taking risks or avoiding chances?
  5. How do you make the most of a chance given to you?
  6. Have you ever had a chance to meet a celebrity?
  7. What’s the best chance you’ve ever had?
  8. Do you think taking chances is important in life?
  9. How do you feel when you miss a chance?
  10. What’s a chance you regret not taking?
  11. How often do you get a chance to try something new?
  12. What chance do you hope for in the future?
  13. Have you ever taken a chance on a new job?
  14. How do you prepare for a chance to present in front of a group?
  15. What’s a chance you would like to have in the next year?
  16. Do you think everyone gets the same chances in life?
  17. What’s a chance you took that was outside of your comfort zone?
  18. How do you decide whether to take a chance or not?
  19. What’s the biggest chance you’ve ever taken?
  20. How do you handle the pressure of a big chance?
  21. What’s a chance you took that surprised you the most?
  22. How do you stay positive when you miss a chance?

Chance Paragraph

Here is a paragraph using the word chance. Use it as inspiration for your writing projects!

In the middle of a bustling city, there was a small café that offered a chance for people to pause and enjoy a moment of peace. This café, with its cozy atmosphere and friendly staff, gave patrons a chance to relax and recharge. On busy afternoons, the café was filled with the sounds of chatter and laughter, as people seized the chance to connect with friends or take a break from their day. Each cup of coffee served was not just a drink but a chance to savor a little joy. The café was more than a place to eat; it was a spot where chances for new conversations and connections were made. As the day turned into evening, the café provided a final chance to unwind, making it a cherished part of the community.

Chance in a Sentence: A Useful English Noun Practice

I hope you enjoyed exploring these examples of chance in a sentence! If you’d like more practice with English sentences, check out other resources available on this website. Here are 3 final examples for today’s word:

  1. She took a chance and started her own business.
  2. The chance to volunteer was a wonderful experience.
  3. He made the most of every chance he was given.