close in a sentence

Close In A Sentence + Paragraph & Conversation Questions

Today we are going to check out many examples of close in a sentence, along with a paragraph and conversation questions! Please use the various examples to practice English with. We will also be looking at some phrasal verbs with close, too!

Close In A Sentence

This is the first set of examples for close in a sentence that we will practice today. These sentences will help you get comfortable with how to use the word in different situations. Read and repeat them to get used to the word’s pronunciation.

  1. Please close the door when you leave.
  2. She closed the window because it was cold.
  3. He closed the book after reading the last page.
  4. The shop closes at 8 PM.
  5. They closed the meeting after discussing all the points.
  6. I closed the door quietly so no one would hear.
  7. Can you close the blinds, please?
  8. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.
  9. The restaurant is closed on Mondays.
  10. We closed the deal yesterday.

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Sentences with close
Sentences with close

How to make sentences with close?

To make sentences with close, first remember it is a verb. It can mean to shut something, bring something to an end, or make something more personal or intimate. You can place close after the subject in a sentence. For example, “She closes the door every night before going to bed.” We use close when talking about shutting something, such as a door or a window. For example, “He closed the book after reading it.” It can also refer to bringing something to an end or completing a process, such as closing a meeting or a transaction.

It’s important to note that “close” can also be used as an adjective. When used as an adjective, it typically means near in distance or time, or having a strong connection. For example, “We are close friends” or “The store is close to my house.” It can also describe something that is nearly finished or near completion, such as “The meeting is close to ending.”

Related: Come In A Sentence + Paragraph & Conversation Questions

Closed in a sentence

Next up, we shall look at today’s word used in the past. Here are 10 examples of closed in a sentence. As with the other ones, read and repeat them out loud to practice your English.

Closed in a sentence
Closed in a sentence
  1. The restaurant closed early last night.
  2. She closed the window when the storm started.
  3. We closed the door softly so as not to wake anyone.
  4. The museum closed at 6 PM yesterday.
  5. He closed the door behind him when he left.
  6. They closed the store because of a power outage.
  7. The company closed the office for the holiday.
  8. He closed the case after reviewing all the documents.
  9. I closed my eyes for a few minutes to rest.
  10. She closed the book and went to bed.

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Questions with close

Now that we’ve practiced many examples, let’s move on to conversation questions. These will help you practice using “close” and “closed” in full sentences. Try to answer them completely, in full sentences, to practice your English. Use your imagination for the answers if you don’t have experience with the questions.

  1. Do you close the door when you leave the room?
  2. Have you ever closed a business deal?
  3. Do you close your laptop when you finish working?
  4. How do you feel when a store closes early?
  5. How do you close a meeting at work?
  6. What time do you usually close your shop?
  7. When did you last close a file on your computer?
  8. Do you close your windows at night?
  9. How do you close an email to a colleague?
  10. How do you feel when a company closes its services?
  11. Have you ever closed your social media accounts?
  12. How do you close a jar of jam?
  13. Have you ever closed a project successfully?
  14. Do you usually close your doors quietly at home?
  15. Have you ever closed an important deal or agreement?

Close as an adjective

Now let’s look at some examples where “close” is used as an adjective. When “close” is used this way, it refers to being near in distance or time, or having a strong bond or connection. Here are 10 sentences to help you understand how “close” works as an adjective.

  1. She is my close friend.
  2. The store is very close to my house.
  3. We live in a close-knit community.
  4. The meeting is close to finishing.
  5. They have a very close relationship.
  6. The deadline is close, so we need to work faster.
  7. It was a close call, but we managed to finish the project on time.
  8. We are very close in age, so we have a lot in common.
  9. The hotel is close to the airport.
  10. The two companies are close competitors in the market.

Paragraph using close

Now, here’s a short fictional paragraph that uses the word “close” a few times. Feel free to use this as inspiration for any writing projects you have. Also, note how the word is used in sentences.

At the end of the day, Becky closed her laptop and looked around the office. She had worked hard, finishing every task. The meeting had gone well, and now it was time to close the office for the night. She turned off the lights and locked the doors, making sure everything was secure. As she left, she smiled, knowing tomorrow would bring new challenges to close. For now, she was happy to have everything finished for the day. It had been a busy one, but also a satisfying day!

Paragraph with close: simple English

Here is a short and simple paragraph that uses the word close. How many times can you find the word?

Tim worked all day. At the end of the day, he decided to close his office. He closed his files and shut his computer. After closing everything, he went home. The store near his house was closing, so he quickly ran inside. He bought his groceries and left before the store closed. That was a busy day for Tim, but he finished it with a smile.

Phrasal Verbs with Close

In this table, you’ll find three useful phrasal verbs with “close.” These phrases are commonly used in everyday English. Each one has a clear meaning and is followed by easy-to-understand example sentences. Practice using them to improve your English skills and sound more natural in conversations!

Phrasal Verb with CloseMeaningExample Sentences
Close downTo stop the operation of something, usually a business.– The store will close down next month. – They had to close down because of low sales.
Close in onTo move closer to someone or something.– The police are closing in on the suspect. – The storm is closing in on the coast.
Close upTo shut or seal something completely.– Please close up the shop before you leave. – He closed up the box and locked it.

Close in a sentence, along with questions and a paragraph, too!

I hope you have enjoyed reading through and repeating all of today’s examples of close in a sentence! Learning to use the word close is useful because it helps you talk about ending things or making things more private or secure. It can be used in many situations like finishing work, closing doors, or closing an agreement. Knowing how to use it correctly can make your conversations smoother and more precise.