demonstrative pronouns

Demonstrative Pronouns: Examples For Better English

Demonstrative pronouns are an essential part of English grammar that help identify specific people, objects, or things. These pronouns point to particular items or groups, distinguishing them from others. Words like “this,” “that,” “these,” and “those” are examples of these important grammar tools. Knowing how to use them correctly is crucial for clear communication, as they help specify which person, object, or thing you are referring to.

Demonstrative Pronouns

What are demonstrative pronouns? They are words used to indicate specific items or groups of items. They help the speaker or writer point to things in particular. These pronouns can refer to both singular and plural nouns and can also indicate whether the objects are near or far in space or time.

The most common forms are:

  • This (singular, near)
  • That (singular, far)
  • These (plural, near)
  • Those (plural, far)

For example:

  • This is my book. (Refers to a singular object near the speaker.)
  • Those are my friends. (Refers to plural objects far from the speaker.)

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demonstrative pronoun
Demonstrative pronouns

Demonstrative Pronoun Examples

In English, these pronouns are used to point to specific things, people, or places, helping to clarify what is being discussed. These words are used in both singular and plural forms, and they can refer to things near or far.

Here are some demonstrative pronoun examples:

  1. This is my favorite song.
  2. I like that chair over there.
  3. These are my new shoes.
  4. Those books are on the shelf.
  5. This feels comfortable.
  6. That looks like a good idea.
  7. These are delicious cookies.
  8. Do you see those people waiting for the bus?
  9. This is exactly what I needed.
  10. Those are the keys I lost yesterday.

These sentences show how these pronouns clarify which objects or people the speaker is referring to. For instance, in sentence 1, “this” points to something near the speaker.

Related: Reflexive Pronouns: Examples For Better English

demonstrative pronoun examples
Demonstrative pronoun examples

Common Demonstrative Pronouns

Here is a table showing some common demonstrative pronouns

PronounExample Sentence
ThisThis is my notebook.
ThatI don’t like that movie.
TheseThese are my parents.
ThoseThose cars are expensive.

These examples show how demonstrative words can be used to make sentences clearer.

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Demonstrative Pronoun Sentences

Here are some more demonstrative pronoun sentences to illustrate their use in different contexts:

demonstrative pronoun sentences
Demonstrative pronoun sentences
  1. This is the best pizza I’ve ever had.
  2. Look at that! It’s incredible!
  3. These flowers smell amazing.
  4. Can you pass me those pencils?
  5. I’ll have this one, please.
  6. Do you see those kids playing outside?
  7. This seems like a great opportunity.
  8. That wasn’t what I expected.
  9. Can you hand me these papers?
  10. I’m going to buy those shoes.

In these sentences, the demonstrative pronouns help specify which items or people are being referred to. For instance, sentence 11 uses “this” for a singular, near object, while sentence 14 uses “those” for plural, distant items.

The Difference Between Demonstrative Pronouns and Demonstrative Adjectives

It’s important to distinguish between these pronouns and demonstrative adjectives. While both types of words are used to point out specific things, the difference lies in their function within the sentence. Demonstrative pronouns replace the noun, while demonstrative adjectives describe the noun.

For example:

  • Demonstrative pronoun: This is my book. (The pronoun “this” is the subject.)
  • Demonstrative adjective: This book is mine. (The adjective “this” modifies the noun “book.”)

The key difference is that demonstrative pronouns stand alone, while demonstrative adjectives accompany a noun to modify it.

Demonstrative Adjective Examples

Here are some examples showing how demonstrative adjectives are used in sentences. In these cases, the demonstrative word modifies a noun, giving more detail about the item being referred to:

demonstrative adjective examples
Demonstrative adjective examples
  1. This car is brand new.
  2. I love that movie we watched last night.
  3. These shoes are on sale.
  4. Those books are very interesting.
  5. This idea sounds great!
  6. That project is due next week.
  7. I’ll take these cookies, please.
  8. Those chairs are too expensive for me.
  9. This pizza is my favorite.
  10. That painting is beautiful.

In each of these sentences, the demonstrative adjective (“this,” “that,” “these,” or “those”) is used to modify a noun, helping to specify which item is being discussed.

Demonstrative Pronouns vs Demonstrative Adjectives Table

Here’s a table to compare the two:

Pronoun TypeExample SentenceExplanation
Demonstrative PronounThis is my notebook.“This” stands alone as the subject of the sentence.
Demonstrative AdjectiveThis notebook is mine.“This” modifies the noun “notebook.”

This, That, These, Those Sentences

In this section, we’ll take a closer look at how the words this, that, these, and those are used in different sentence structures. These words are not only helpful for referring to specific items but can also be useful for adding emphasis or specifying particular actions or ideas. Understanding how to use these words correctly will help improve your English fluency. Try to read and repeat each of these sentence examples out loud:

this that these those sentences
This used in a sentence
  1. This is the car I was talking about.
  2. That is a great idea for a project.
  3. I will go with these shoes for the wedding.
  4. Those people are always so kind.
  5. This moment will stay in my memory forever.
  6. I can’t believe that happened so suddenly.
  7. These pancakes are absolutely delicious!
  8. Those paintings look like they belong in a museum.
  9. I need to clean this desk.
  10. Have you ever seen those animals before?

These examples show how these words can be used to refer to both near and far objects or actions, providing a greater sense of clarity in your communication.

Using Demonstrative Pronouns for Emphasis

Sometimes, these words can also be used to emphasize or draw attention to a specific item or person. This adds importance or clarity to what is being discussed.

For example:

  • This is the book I was talking about.
  • That is exactly what I meant!

Using these pronouns in this way helps ensure the listener or reader understands the significance of the subject or object.

Emphasizing with Demonstrative Pronouns

Here are some sentences that use these pronouns for emphasis:

  1. This is exactly what I need.
  2. I’ve been waiting for that moment all my life.
  3. These are the types of opportunities I enjoy.
  4. Those are the rules, and they cannot be changed.

In these examples, the pronouns focus attention on the specific item or event being discussed, making the sentence more impactful.

Improving your use of demonstrative pronouns

In conclusion, demonstrative pronouns are an essential part of English grammar. They help you point to specific things, people, or ideas, making communication clearer. Whether you are using this, that, these, or those, understanding how to use these words correctly will improve your ability to express your thoughts. Practice using them in different situations, and you’ll find yourself using them naturally in both spoken and written English.