descriptive words in a sentence

100 Descriptive Words In A Sentence

Upgrade your vocabulary and grammar with over 100 examples of descriptive words in a sentence – see how to use natural, smooth English! This post is useful for learners of English & ESL students.

Descriptive words in a sentence

Here are the first 10 examples of descriptive words in a sentence. Read and repeat them all. They are highlighted for readability:

descriptive words sentences, happy sentence
Descriptive words sentences
  1. Jake is happy with his birthday present.
  2. She felt sad after the movie ended.
  3. The sun was bright in the clear sky.
  4. It was a dark and stormy night.
  5. The cheetah is very quick.
  6. The turtle is slow.
  7. The coffee was hot and burned my tongue.
  8. My hands felt cold in the winter air.
  9. The pillow was incredibly soft and comfy.
  10. The rock was too hard to break.

Related: 100 Examples Of Adjectives + Example Sentences For Better English

Describing words in English

Here are some of the describing words in English that are using to make our 100 sentences with today! It is recommended to read and repeat all of them out loud so that you can become comfortable with their pronunciations.

describing words in english, Dirty, Full, Empty, Heavy, Light
Describing words in English
Describing words in EnglishDefinitions
HappyFeeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
SadFeeling or showing sorrow; unhappy.
BrightGiving out or reflecting a lot of light.
DarkWith little or no light.
QuickMoving fast or doing something in a short time.
SlowMoving or operating at a low speed.
HotHaving a high degree of heat or a high temperature.
ColdOf or at a low or relatively low temperature.
SoftEasy to mold, cut, compress, or fold; not hard or firm.
HardSolid, firm, and resistant to pressure; not easily broken, bent, or pierced.
SmoothHaving an even and regular surface; free from perceptible projections, lumps, or indentations.
RoughHaving an uneven or irregular surface; not smooth or level.
LoudProducing or capable of producing much noise.
QuietMaking little or no noise.
ClearEasy to perceive, understand, or interpret.
Use these describing words in English to make your own sentences.

Related: 50 Conjunction Example Sentences: Better Grammar, Clear English!

100 descriptive words in a sentence: part 2

Here is the second set of expressions that make up our 100 descriptive words in a sentence.

describing words sentences, smooth in a sentence
Describing words sentences
  1. Smooth: The glass table had a smooth surface.
  2. Rough: The road was rough and full of holes.
  3. Loud: The concert was incredibly loud.
  4. Quiet: The library was quiet and peaceful.
  5. Clear: The water was clear enough to see the fish.
  6. Foggy: The morning was foggy and gray.
  7. Sweet: The cake tasted sweet and delicious.
  8. Sour: The lemon was too sour to eat.
  9. Fresh: The bread was fresh from the oven.
  10. Stale: The chips had gone stale overnight.

Related: 100 Examples Of Degrees Of Comparison: In Sentences

100 descriptive words in a sentence: part 3

Here are the third lot of descriptive sentences:

100 descriptive words in a sentence, clean sentence, tidy sentence
Another addition to our 100 descriptive words in a sentence!
  1. Clean: She likes to keep her room clean and tidy.
  2. Dirty: His shoes were dirty after the hike.
  3. Full: The glass was full of orange juice.
  4. Empty: The bottle was empty after he drank it.
  5. Heavy: The box was too heavy to lift.
  6. Light: The balloon was light and floated away.
  7. New: She bought a new dress for the party.
  8. Old: The old house creaked with every step.
  9. Tall: The basketball player was very tall.
  10. Short: The story was short but sweet.

20 describing words with sentences

Here are another 20 describing words with sentences:

20 describing words with sentences, round sentence
20 describing words with sentences
  1. Round: The earth is round.
  2. Square: They live in a small, square house.
  3. Sharp: Be careful with that sharp knife.
  4. Dull: The old scissors were dull and useless.
  5. Wet: The ground was wet from the rain.
  6. Dry: The clothes were finally dry.
  7. Bumpy: The ride on the old bus was bumpy.
  8. Flat: The board was flat and smooth.
  9. Wide: The river was wide and fast-moving.
  10. Narrow: The path was narrow and winding.
  11. Deep: The well was deep and dark.
  12. Shallow: The water was shallow near the shore.
  13. Thin: He wore a thin jacket in the cold.
  14. Thick: The book was thick with many pages.
  15. Strong: She is strong enough to carry it.
  16. Weak: His arms were too weak to lift it.
  17. Brave: The firefighter was very brave.
  18. Cowardly: The mouse was small and looked cowardly!
  19. Friendly: The dog was friendly and happy.
  20. Mean: The bully was mean to everyone.

10 describing words with sentences

Here are another 10 describing words with sentences:

10 describing words with sentences, rich in a sentence
10 describing words with sentences
  1. Rich: Max dreamed of becoming rich someday.
  2. Poor: The family was poor but happy.
  3. Gentle: The nurse had a gentle touch.
  4. Harsh: The winter was harsh and cold.
  5. Proud: She was proud of her achievements.
  6. Humble: Despite his success, he remained humble.
  7. Calm: Her voice was calm and reassuring.
  8. Anxious: He felt anxious before the test.
  9. Lazy: The cat was lazy and slept all day.
  10. Energetic: The puppy was energetic and playful.

Simple descriptive sentences examples

Here are some simple descriptive sentences examples:

Simple descriptive sentences examples, thirsty in a sentence
Simple descriptive sentences examples
  1. Hungry: They were hungry after the long walk.
  2. Thirsty: She was thirsty after the run.
  3. Noisy: The construction site was noisy all day.
  4. Careful: Be careful with the vase.
  5. Careless: His careless mistake cost him the game.
  6. Grumpy: He was grumpy after waking up early.
  7. Cheerful: She was cheerful even on rainy days.
  8. Curious: The kitten was curious about everything.
  9. Bored: He was bored during the lecture.
  10. Honest: She is always honest with her friends.

Descriptive words in a sentence: final part

Here is the final section of today’s descriptive words in a sentence. Keep on reading and saying them out loud. You’re doing great!

Descriptive words, sentences with dishonest
Descriptive words
  1. Dishonest: The dishonest merchant overcharged him.
  2. Polite: The child was polite to everyone.
  3. Rude: The waiter was rude to the customers.
  4. Fancy: She wore a fancy dress to the ball.
  5. Plain: He preferred plain clothes without patterns.
  6. Swift: The runner was swift and won the race.
  7. Sluggish: He felt sluggish after the big meal.
  8. Thoughtful: Her gift was very thoughtful.
  9. Thoughtless: His thoughtless comment hurt her feelings.
  10. Fearless: The explorer was fearless in the wild.
  11. Afraid: She was afraid of the dark.
  12. Lucky: He felt lucky to have good friends.
  13. Unlucky: She was unlucky and lost the game.
  14. Expensive: The watch was too expensive to buy.
  15. Cheap: The souvenirs were cheap but nice.
  16. Secure: The house was secure with alarm systems.
  17. Dangerous: The cliff was dangerous to climb.
  18. Powerful: The storm was powerful and destructive.
  19. Powerless: She felt powerless to change things.
  20. Adventurous: He loved to go on adventurous trips.
  21. Timid: The rabbit was timid and shy.
  22. Comfortable: The new sofa was very comfortable.
  23. Uncomfortable: The chair was hard and uncomfortable.
  24. Cloudy: It was a cloudy day with no sun.
  25. Healthy: Eating vegetables is healthy for you.
  26. Sick: He stayed home because he was sick.
  27. Jubilant: The team was jubilant after their victory.
  28. Melancholy: The slow song made her feel melancholy.
  29. Gleaming: The polished floors were gleaming.
  30. Dim: The room was dimly lit by a single lamp.

Descriptive words quiz

Here is a descriptive words quiz – can you fill in the gaps with some of the words we have looked at today? You will find the answers at the bottom!

descriptive words quiz, describing words quiz, test
Descriptive words quiz
  1. His shoes were very ________ after playing in the mud.
  2. The box was too ________ to carry.
  3. She was excited to wear her ________ dress to the party.
  4. The glass was ________ of water.
  5. The shop shelves were ________. There was nothing to buy!
  6. The room was sparkling and ________.
  7. The tower was incredibly ________ compared to the buildings around it.
  8. That man over there is ________.
  9. The antique clock was very ________, but still worked perfectly.
  10. Balloons are usually very ________ and float easily.

Dirty, Heavy, New, Full, Empty, Clean, Tall, Short, Old, Light

Descriptive words paragraph

Here is a descriptive words paragraph – feel free to use it as inspiration if you have any writing assignments of your own! The first few descriptive words are highlighted for you.

descriptive words paragraph, descriptive words essay
Descriptive words paragraph

The sun was bright in the clear sky, shining down on the fresh, green grass. Alex felt happy as he walked through the park. His new shoes felt comfortable on the smooth path. A friendly dog ran by, its tail wagging. The air was cool and crisp, perfect for a morning stroll. Some children were playing with a ball, their laughter loud and cheerful. The playground was full of activity. Swings moved back and forth, and kids climbed the tall jungle gym. Nearby, a quiet pond reflected the clear sky above. Ducks swam lazily in the calm water, creating gentle ripples. Suddenly, the ground became rough as Alex took a detour on a bumpy trail. He didn’t mind; he was feeling adventurous. Ahead, a tall tree cast a large, dark shadow. Alex stood under it for a moment, feeling the difference between the hot sun and the cool shade. From his pocket, he pulled out a sweet apple, tasting its fresh, juicy flavor. The day was perfect, filled with simple joys. Alex felt both energetic and peaceful, appreciating the beautiful, bright day.

Words Used:

Bright, Clear, Fresh, Happy, New, Comfortable, Smooth, Friendly, Cool, Loud, Cheerful, Full, Tall, Quiet, Calm, Rough, Bumpy, Adventurous, Dark, Hot, Cool, Sweet, Peaceful, Energetic

Descriptive Words for People

Here are some descriptive words for people:

Descriptive words for people, careless, generous, quiet, dishonest, thoughtful, polite
Descriptive words for people
Descriptive words for people

Sentences with some of them

  • Generous: Maria was always generous with her time, helping anyone in need.
  • Quiet: The library was quiet, perfect for studying.
  • Dishonest: The shopkeeper was dishonest and often gave wrong change.
  • Thoughtful: His gift was thoughtful, showing he remembered her favorite book.
  • Polite: The student was polite and always said “please” and “thank you.”
  • Sluggish: After lunch, I felt sluggish and sleepy.
  • Energetic: The new puppy was energetic and loved to play.
  • Loud: The fireworks were loud, echoing across the city.

Descriptive Words List (General Topics)

Here is a short descriptive words list:

Descriptive words list, smooth, rough, quick, loud, fresh, bright, dark
Descriptive words list
Describing wordDefinition
BrightGiving out or reflecting much light.
CalmNot showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions.
DarkWith little or no light.
FreshRecently made or obtained; not tinned, frozen, or otherwise preserved.
LoudProducing much noise.
QuickMoving fast or doing something in a short time.
RoughHaving an uneven or irregular surface; not smooth or level.
SmoothHaving an even and regular surface; free from perceptible projections.
Descriptive words list

Descriptive Words that Start with A

Here are some descriptive words that start with A:

Descriptive words that start with A, agile, alert, ambitious, angry, anxious, artistic, attentive
Descriptive words that start with A
Describing wordDefinition
AdventurousWilling to take risks or try out new methods, ideas, or experiences.
AgileAble to move quickly and easily.
AlertQuick to notice any unusual and potentially dangerous or difficult circumstances.
AmbitiousHaving a strong desire for success or achievement.
AngryFeeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.
AnxiousFeeling or showing worry, nervousness, or unease.
ArtisticHaving or revealing natural creative skill.
AttentivePaying close attention to something.
Descriptive words that start with A

Descriptive Words that Start with E

Here are some words that start with the letter E:

Descriptive words that start with E, Eager, Earnest, Easygoing, Efficient, Energetic, Enthusiastic, Elegant, Eloquent
Descriptive words that start with E
Describing wordDefinition
EagerStrongly wanting to do or have something.
EarnestShowing sincere and intense conviction.
EasygoingRelaxed and tolerant in approach or manner.
EfficientAchieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.
EnergeticShowing or involving great activity or vitality.
EnthusiasticHaving or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
ElegantPleasingly graceful and stylish in appearance or manner.
EloquentFluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.
Descriptive words that start with E

Descriptive Words that Start with N

Here are some descriptive words that start with N:

Descriptive words that start with N, Naïve, Natural, Neat, Nervous, Noble
Descriptive words that start with N
Describing wordDefinition
NaïveShowing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.
NaturalExisting in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind.
NeatArranged in a tidy way; in good order.
NervousEasily agitated or alarmed; tending to be anxious; highly strung.
NobleHaving or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles.
NoisyMaking or given to making a lot of noise.
NurturingCaring for and encouraging the growth or development of.
NutritiousNourishing; efficient as food.
Descriptive words that start with N

Descriptive Words that Start with R

Here are some descriptive words that start with R:

Descriptive words that start with R, Radiant, Rational, Relaxed, Reliable, Resourceful
Descriptive words that start with R
Describing wordDefinition
RadiantSending out light; shining or glowing brightly.
RationalBased on or in accordance with reason or logic.
RelaxedFree from tension and anxiety; at ease.
ReliableConsistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted.
ResourcefulHaving the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties.
RespectfulFeeling or showing deference and respect.
RigidUnable to bend or be forced out of shape; not flexible.
RuthlessHaving or showing no pity or compassion for others.
Descriptive words that start with R

Descriptive words in a sentence: a handy vocab exercise!

I hope you have enjoyed reading through and repeating today’s descriptive words in a sentence! As we recap, we use descriptive words to make our writing more vivid. They help create clear images in the reader’s mind. For example, saying “The sun was bright” paints a precise picture. Descriptive words add depth and color to sentences. They tell us exactly how something looks, feels, or sounds. This makes the story more engaging. Without them, writing would be dull and lifeless. They also help readers connect emotionally. Words like “happy” or “sad” evoke feelings. Descriptive words make writing come alive. They are essential for effective storytelling and communication, too!