employed in a sentence

Employed in a Sentence: 21 Creative Examples

Improve your English dexterity with 21 examples of employed in a sentence – just like a native speaker would say. Employed is a very handy past tense word to know. If we can use it accurately, our English will be concise and clear. Use these examples to see just how to do it!

Today we will:

Look at 21 awesome examples of employed in a sentenceDefine employed
Define self-employedLook at employed synonyms
employed sentence
Employed sentence

Employed in a sentence

Here are 10 short sentences using the verb employed in a sentence. Use these as models for how to make your own sentences. 

  1. John employed a new strategy to improve his sales performance.
  2. Sarah is employed as a teacher at the local high school.
  3. The company employed Mark as a software developer to work on their new project.
  4. Lisa was employed as a customer service representative for over five years.
  5. Anthony is currently employed as a graphic designer at a marketing agency.
  6. The restaurant employed Maria as a head chef to revamp their menu.
  7. Michelle was employed by the government to work on environmental policy.
  8. David was employed by a nonprofit organization to help with fundraising efforts.
  9. Emily is self-employed and runs her own catering business.
  10. The museum employed Tom as a curator to manage their art collection.
  11. I was employed at a bakery for a couple of years.

Employed meaning

Let’s quickly define employed, so that we can then use it in a sentence with fluency.

  1. Used or applied: “I employed a new technique to solve the problem.”
  2. Hired or engaged in work: “Ophelia is employed as a software developer at a tech company.”
  3. Utilized or made use of: “We employed the services of a professional designer for our website.”

Related: Grammar Hack: Awesome Examples of Thought in a Sentence

Employed in a sentence: Advanced English examples

Here are 10 advanced English examples using the verb employed in a sentence. Use these as inspiration on how to make your own sentences. Notice some of the more difficult verbs used, such as oversee, task, and specialize.

  1. The construction company employed Jack as a project manager to oversee the building of a new office tower in the city center.
  2. The hospital employed Dr. Smith as a chief of staff, responsible for managing the medical staff and ensuring the quality of patient care.
  3. The law firm employed Susan as a litigation attorney, specializing in representing clients in court cases.
  4. The tech startup employed Peter as a software engineer, tasked with developing the company’s mobile application.
  5. The university employed Professor Lee as a research fellow, conducting studies on renewable energy and its impact on the environment.
  6. The marketing agency employed Rachel as an account manager, in charge of developing marketing campaigns for several clients.
  7. The publishing company employed Sarah as an editor, who was in charge of proofreading and editing manuscripts before they were published.
  8. The non-profit organization employed John as a fundraiser, whose job it is to find donations and organize fundraising events.
  9. The manufacturing company employed Michael as a quality control manager, responsible for ensuring that all products meet industry standards.
  10. The sports team employed Coach Johnson as the head coach, responsible for training and managing the team’s performance.

Employed synonyms: boost your vocab!

Here are 3 employed synonyms that can be used to expand and also enhance our English vocabulary.

  • Employed synonym 1: Utilized – (v.) to make practical or effective use of something
  • Example: The team utilized the new software to improve their productivity.
  • Employed synonym 2: Engaged – (v.) to be involved in or participate actively in something
  • Example: She was engaged in a heated debate with her colleagues.
  • Employed synonym 3: Occupied – (v.) to be busy or actively involved in something
  • Example: The doctor was occupied with patients all day long.

Self-employed meaning

To further boost our English vocabulary, it is also handy to look at another term: self-employed. Let’s define it and then check out some example sentences.

  • Working for oneself: “A self-employed individual is someone who works for themselves rather than for an employer.”
  • Running one’s own business: “Self-employed people often run their own businesses and are responsible for managing their own finances and operations.”
  • Freelancing or contracting: “Many self-employed workers work on a freelance or contract basis, providing services to clients or businesses on a project-by-project basis.”

Self employed: Example sentences

Here are 3 examples of self-employed in a sentence:

  1. Mary is now self-employed, and very happy about it.
  2. Theo used to be self-employed but later got a job at a big sports company.
  3. Would you like to become self-employed in the future?

Employed in a sentence: better past tense awareness

Today we have looked at 21 examples of employed in a sentence. Awareness of this handy verb in the past tense can go a long way toward making your English more concise and accurate. As a summary, we covered this today:

  • 21 examples of employed in a sentence
  • Employed meaning
  • Employed synonyms
  • Self-employed meaning

If you are unsure about any of this, go back up through the article and review it. Thanks for reading!