Boost your English vocabulary, conversation skills, and fluency with 100 examples of blended words! Including quiz and paragraphs. Not only that, but we will be looking at example sentences with these portmanteau examples, too!

Examples of Blended Words
Here are some examples of blended words. After this, we will go through a complete list of 100 examples of blending words with example sentences, so that you can see just how they are used in natural English!
- Brunch (breakfast + lunch)
- Smog (smoke + fog)
- Motel (motor + hotel)
- Edutainment (education + entertainment)
- Biopic (biography + picture)
- Guesstimate (guess + estimate)
- Podcast (iPod + broadcast)
- Squeegee (squeeze + g)
- Glamtastic (glamorous + fantastic)
Related: 100 Examples Of Direct And Indirect Speech: Better Grammar!

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100 examples of blending words: table 1
Here’s a table of examples of blended words with meanings and example sentences:

Blended Word | Meaning | Example Sentence |
Brunch | A meal between breakfast and lunch. | We had brunch at a café on Sunday. |
Smog | Fog mixed with smoke or pollution. | The city had heavy smog after the factory fires. |
Motel | A roadside hotel designed for motorists. | We stayed at a motel during our road trip. |
Infomercial | A TV program that promotes a product. | I saw an infomercial for a new kitchen gadget. |
Spork | A utensil that combines a spoon and a fork. | I used a spork to eat my salad and soup. |
Glamping | Luxury camping with amenities. | She prefers glamping over traditional camping. |
Webinar | An online seminar. | I attended a webinar about climate change. |
Ginormous | Extremely large or huge. | The cake was ginormous, big enough for a party! |
Frenemy | A friend who is also an enemy. | She called him her frenemy because they often argue. |
Mockumentary | A humorous film that imitates a documentary. | The show was a mockumentary about office life. |
Chocoholic | A person who loves chocolate. | He is such a chocoholic that he eats it every day. |
Workaholic | A person who is addicted to working. | My dad is a workaholic and rarely takes vacations. |
Bollywood | The Indian film industry based in Mumbai. | Bollywood movies are famous for their colorful dance. |
Hangry | Irritable due to hunger. | I get hangry if I don’t eat lunch on time. |
Frappuccino | A blended coffee drink with milk. | I ordered a caramel frappuccino from the café. |
Liger | A hybrid of a lion and a tiger. | The liger was larger than both of its parents. |
Cosplay | Dressing as a character from a movie or game. | She loves to cosplay as her favorite superhero. |
Chillax | To relax and unwind. | After a long week, I just want to chillax at home. |
Nailart | (nail + art) | Nail art is the creative decoration of nails using paint, designs, and embellishments. |
Blog | A personal website for writing and sharing ideas. | She writes a blog about her travels. |
Simulcast | A simultaneous broadcast of a program. | The concert was simulcast on TV and online. |
Camcorder | A portable video camera. | He recorded the party with his camcorder. |
Spandex | A stretchy fabric often used in clothing. | She wore spandex leggings for her workout. |
Edutainment | Educational content that is also entertaining. | The edutainment show taught kids about science. |
Related: 50 Examples of Present Participle: Better English Grammar!
100 examples of blending words: table 2
Here’s another table of portmanteau examples, including their meanings and example sentences:

Word | Meaning | Example Sentence |
Biopic | A film about a person’s life. | The biopic about the famous musician inspired many. |
Guesstimate | An estimate made with limited information. | I had to guesstimate the number of guests for the party. |
Electrocute | To kill or injure someone with electricity. | He was electrocuted while trying to fix the faulty wiring. |
Globetrotter | A person who travels widely around the world. | As a globetrotter, she has visited over 50 countries. |
Netiquette | The rules of polite behavior on the internet. | Following good netiquette helps create a friendly online environment. |
Workstation | A designated area for working, often with equipment. | He set up his workstation with a computer and printer. |
Televangelist | A preacher who broadcasts religious programs on TV. | The televangelist reaches millions of viewers every Sunday. |
Shopaholic | A person who shops excessively. | My sister is a shopaholic; she shops every weekend. |
Infotainment | Media that combines information and entertainment. | The infotainment program kept us both informed and entertained. |
Dogtired | Extremely tired, like a dog after playing. | After the marathon, I felt completely dogtired. |
Nonsense | Something that makes no sense; silly talk. | His explanation was pure nonsense and didn’t convince anyone. |
Automagically | Happening automatically and surprisingly. | The software updates automagically while I work. |
Accidental | Happening by chance or without intention. | It was an accidental discovery that led to a breakthrough. |
Edible | Safe to eat; fit for consumption. | That pie is so burnt. It does not look edible! |
Smokejumper | A firefighter who jumps into remote areas to fight fires. | Smokejumpers are crucial for quickly containing wildfires. |
Skort | A garment that combines a skirt and shorts. | She wore a skort while playing tennis for comfort. |
Staycation | A vacation spent at home or nearby. | During our staycation, we explored local attractions. |
Velcro | A fastening material made of two strips that stick together. | My shoes have Velcro instead of laces. |
Sweatpants | Comfortable pants made for exercise or lounging. | He loves wearing sweatpants when relaxing at home. |
Workfest | An event focused on working or productivity. | The workfest included several helpful workshops. |
Glucagon | A hormone that raises blood sugar levels. | The doctor has some Glucagon. |
Biofuel | Fuel made from living matter. | Many vehicles now use biofuel to reduce emissions. |
Cyberbullying | Bullying that occurs online. | Cyberbullying can have serious emotional effects on young people. |
Spinoff | A new product or show derived from an existing one. | The spinoff series gained a huge following of its own. |
Cybercrime | Criminal activities conducted online. | Cybercrime is becoming a serious issue in today’s digital age. |
Examples of blended words: table 3
Here’s table 3 of examples of blended words, including their meanings and example sentences:

Word | Meaning | Example Sentence |
Frappé | A frozen coffee drink. | I ordered a frappé to cool down on a hot day. |
Modem | A device that modulates and demodulates signals. | The modem connects our computers to the internet. |
Microchip | A small semiconductor used in electronics. | The new phone has a faster microchip than the old one. |
Mocktail | A non-alcoholic cocktail. | She enjoyed a refreshing mocktail at the party. |
Heliport | A landing area for helicopters. | The heliport was busy with choppers coming and going. |
Cryotherapy | Treatment using cold temperatures. | Athletes use cryotherapy to reduce muscle soreness. |
Podcast | A digital audio program available for streaming. | I listen to a podcast about true crime every week. |
Squeegee | A tool for cleaning surfaces with a rubber blade. | Use a squeegee to remove water from the windows. |
Glamtastic | Extremely glamorous and fantastic. | Her outfit was glamtastic for the awards ceremony. |
Hipster | A person who embraces alternative culture. We don’t usually call ourselves hipsters. | The hipster cafe served organic coffee and vegan snacks. |
Affluenza | A social condition arising from wealth. | He struggled with affluenza and felt unfulfilled. |
Ginormous | Extremely large or huge. | The pizza was ginormous; we couldn’t finish it! |
Jam-packed | Completely full or crowded. | The concert was jam-packed with fans. |
Camisole | A women’s sleeveless undergarment. | She wore a camisole under her dress. |
Pantomime | A performance using gestures without words. | The children enjoyed the pantomime at the theater. |
Screenplay | The script of a film or television show. | He wrote a screenplay for his first movie. |
Curlicue | A decorative curl or twist. | The artist added a curlicue to the design. |
Spindrift | Spray blown from the crest of waves. | The spindrift from the ocean misted the air. |
Snark | A sarcastic or snide remark. | Her snark about the movie made everyone laugh. |
Transponder | A device that receives and transmits signals. | The transponder helped track the airplane’s location. |
Fluffernutter | A sandwich made with marshmallow and peanut butter. | I made a fluffernutter for a sweet snack. |
Malapropism | Misusing words for humorous effect. | His malapropism made everyone giggle during the speech. |
Readathon | An event where people read for a long period. | The school held a readathon to promote English literacy. |
Workhorse | A person or thing that performs hard work. | The workhorse of the team, she handles most of the tasks. |
Workaholic | A person addicted to work. | As a workaholic, he often stays late at the office. |
Examples of blended words: table 4
Here’s the last table that makes up today’s 100 examples of blending words, including their meanings and example sentences:

Word | Meaning | Example Sentence |
Suitmation | Animation using a suit, often for characters. | The movie used suitmation for its lead character. |
Hybrids | Crossbred varieties of plants or animals. | The gardener grew hybrids of tomatoes for better flavor. |
Flavonoids | Compounds found in plants that affect flavor. | Berries have flavonoids and may support health. |
Spinoff | A new product or show derived from an existing one. | The spinoff series was a hit with fans. |
Garbology | The study of waste and trash. | Garbology helps us understand consumer habits. |
Biodegradable | Capable of being decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms. | Many products are now biodegradable to reduce waste. |
Cosmopolitan | Familiar with and at ease in many different countries. | She has a cosmopolitan attitude after living abroad. |
Exosphere | The outermost layer of Earth’s atmosphere. | Satellites orbit in the exosphere. |
Antisocial | (anti + social) | His behavior is antisocial. |
Infomercial | A TV program that promotes a product. | The infomercial showed how the product works. |
Netizen | A citizen of the internet. | As a netizen, he contributes to online discussions. |
Dancercise | A workout that combines dancing and exercising. | She enjoys dancercise for a fun way to stay fit. |
Bigfoot | A mythical ape-like creature said to inhabit North America. | Many believe Bigfoot is just a legend. |
Squiggle | A twist or curl in writing or design. | The artist added a squiggle to the drawing. |
Quokka | A small marsupial known for its friendly nature. | The quokka is often called the world’s happiest animal. |
Transcontinental | Extending across multiple continents. | The transcontinental train ride was an adventure. |
Smores | A dessert made of marshmallow, chocolate, and graham crackers. | We made smores around the campfire. |
Infobox | A box containing information, often on websites. | The infobox on the page provided key details quickly. |
Ringtones | A sound used to alert a phone user. | I changed my phone’s ringtone to something fun. |
Codswallop | Nonsense or rubbish. | His explanation was just a load of codswallop. |
Snackable | Easy to eat or consume as a snack. | These bite-sized treats are perfect for a snackable moment. |
Yuppie | A young urban professional, often associated with wealth. | The yuppie lifestyle includes trendy cafes and boutiques. |
Zoodle | A noodle made from zucchini. | She made a healthy meal using zoodles instead of pasta. |
Globetrotter | A person who travels widely around the world. | The globetrotter shared stories from her adventures. |
Huntress | A female who hunts. | The huntress tracked the deer through the forest. |
Blended words questions
Here are some conversation questions that use blended words (portmanteau). Try to answer them using full sentences to practice your English conversation skills. Use your imagination to make up the answers if you are not sure about what to say.

- Brunch: What’s your favorite place to go for brunch, and what do you usually order?
- Smog: How do you think cities can reduce smog levels and improve air quality?
- Motel: Have you ever stayed in a motel during a road trip? What was your experience like?
- Edutainment: Do you think edutainment is an effective way to learn new things? Why or why not?
- Biopic: What’s the best biopic you’ve seen, and what did you like about it?
- Guesstimate: How often do you find yourself having to guesstimate something in your daily life?
- Podcast: What’s your favorite podcast, and what topics does it cover?
- Squeegee: Have you ever used a squeegee for cleaning? Do you think it makes the job easier?
Blended Words Quiz
Here is a blended words quiz. The answers can be found at the bottom.

- What does “brunch” mean?
a) Breakfast + Lunch
b) Breakfast + Dinner
c) Lunch + Dinner - What is a “motel”?
a) Motor + Hotel
b) Motor + Restaurant
c) Motor + House - What does “smog” refer to?
a) Smoke + Fog
b) Snow + Fog
c) Smoke + Rain - What is a “webinar”?
a) Web + Internet
b) Web + Seminar
c) Web + Conference - What does “glamping” mean?
a) Glamorous + Camping
b) Glamorous + Shopping
c) Glamorous + Cooking - What is a “spork”?
a) Spoon + Fork
b) Spoon + Knife
c) Spoon + Plate - What does “hangry” mean?
a) Happy + Angry
b) Hungry + Angry
c) Tired + Angry - What is a “chocoholic”?
a) Chocolate + Addict
b) Chocolate + Fan
c) Chocolate + Lover - What does “infomercial” mean?
a) Information + Commercial
b) Information + Advertisement
c) Information + Program - What is a “workaholic”?
a) Work + Alcohol
b) Work + Addict
c) Work + Hobby
- a) 2. a) 3. a) 4. b) 5. a) 6. a) 7. b) 8. a) 9. a) 10. b)
Blend words paragraph
Here is a blend words paragraph. How many can you spot?
On a sunny Saturday, Jenna decided to host a brunch for her friends. She prepared fluffy pancakes and fresh fruit. Everyone arrived excited and hungry. As they ate, they chatted about a recent biopic they all enjoyed. “That actor really nailed the role!” said Mark. The conversation turned to smog in the city. “It’s so thick some days,” Jenna added, shaking her head. After brunch, they decided to relax and listen to a podcast about travel adventures. The stories inspired them to plan a road trip. “Let’s find a cozy motel along the way!” suggested Lisa. They began to guesstimate how much it might cost. It was fun to dream about their journey. To keep things tidy, Jenna grabbed a squeegee to clean the table. It was a perfect day filled with laughter, good food, and exciting plans for the future.
Portmanteau paragraph
Here is a portmanteau paragraph. How many can you spot?
Tom and Sarah loved their weekend adventures. One sunny morning, they planned a brunch at their favorite café. The place was buzzing with people. As they sipped coffee, they discussed the latest edutainment show they’d watched. “I learned so much about history!” Sarah exclaimed. After their meal, they wandered outside, only to find the air thick with smog. “Ugh, not again!” Tom sighed. They decided to head home and catch a podcast about urban gardening. “We should try growing our own veggies!” Sarah suggested, her eyes bright with excitement. Later, they stumbled upon a small motel that caught their eye. “Looks charming! We could stop there on our next trip,” Tom said. They spent the afternoon making plans, laughing and guesstimating how much it would cost. It felt good to escape the everyday routine, if only for a little while, dreaming of future adventures together.
Sentences with Brunch
Here are some sentences with a common portmanteau, brunch.

- Brunch is a meal that combines breakfast and lunch.
- brunch often includes dishes like pancakes and eggs.
- Many people love to go out for brunch on weekends.
- Brunch can be a great time to catch up with friends.
- Some restaurants even have special brunch menus.
Sentences with Blog
Here are some sentences with a common portmanteau, blog.

- A blog is an online space where people share their thoughts.
- Many blogs focus on specific topics like travel or cooking.
- Writing a blog can help improve your writing skills.
- Would you like to write a blog?
- Readers can learn things from blogs.
Sentences with nonsense
Here are some sentences with a common portmanteau, nonsense.

- Nonsense is speech or writing that makes no sense.
- Kids often enjoy telling nonsense jokes.
- Some poems are filled with playful nonsense.
- It can be fun to play with nonsense words.
- People might roll their eyes at nonsense arguments.
100 examples of blending words
Here is the final list of 100 examples of blending words for your reference! They are what we have looked at today with example sentences above.

- Brunch (breakfast + lunch)
- Smog (smoke + fog)
- Motel (motor + hotel)
- Infomercial (information + commercial)
- Spork (spoon + fork)
- Glamping (glamorous + camping)
- Webinar (web + seminar)
- Ginormous (gigantic + enormous)
- Frenemy (friend + enemy)
- Mockumentary (mock + documentary)

- Chocoholic (chocolate + alcoholic)
- Workaholic (work + alcoholic)
- Bollywood (Bombay + Hollywood)
- Hangry (hungry + angry)
- Frappuccino (frozen + cappuccino)
- Liger (lion + tiger)
- Cosplay (costume + play)
- Chillax (chill + relax)
- Nailart (Nail + Art)
- Blog (web + log)
- Smog (smoke + fog)
- Simulcast (simultaneous + broadcast)
- Camcorder (camera + recorder)
- Spandex (expands + latex)
- Edutainment (education + entertainment)

- Biopic (biography + picture)
- Guesstimate (guess + estimate)
- Electrocute (electric + execute)
- Globetrotter (globe + trotter)
- Netiquette (network + etiquette)
- Workstation (work + station)
- Televangelist (television + evangelist)
- Shopaholic (shopping + alcoholic)
- Infotainment (information + entertainment)
- Dogtired (dog + tired)
- Nonsense (non + sense)
- Automagically (automatically + magically)
- Accidental (accident + incidental)
- Edible (eat + able)

- Smokejumper (smoke + jumper)
- Skort (skirt + shorts)
- Staycation (stay + vacation)
- Velcro (velvet + hook)
- Sweatpants (sweat + pants)
- Workfest (work + festival)
- Glucagon (glucose + agon)
- Biofuel (biological + fuel)
- Cyberbullying (cyber + bullying)
- Spinoff (spin + off)
- Cybercrime (cyber + crime)
- Frappé (frozen + cappé)
- Modem (modulator + demodulator)
- Microchip (micro + chip)
- Mocktail (mock + cocktail)
- Heliport (helicopter + airport)
- Cryotherapy (cryo + therapy)
- Podcast (iPod + broadcast)
- Squeegee (squeeze + g)
- Glamtastic (glamorous + fantastic)
- Hipster (hip + hipster)
- Affluenza (affluence + influenza)
- Ginormous (gigantic + enormous)

- Jam-packed (jam + packed)
- Camisole (cami + sole)
- Pantomime (pan + mime)
- Screenplay (screen + play)
- Curlicue (curl + cue)
- Spindrift (spin + drift)
- Snark (snide + remark)
- Transponder (transmitter + responder)
- Fluffernutter (fluff + nutter)
- Malapropism (malaprop + ism)
- Readathon (read + marathon)
- Workhorse (work + horse)
- Workaholic (work + alcoholic)
- Suitmation (suit + animation)
- Hybrids (hybrid + breeds)
- Flavonoids (flavor + noids)
- Spinoff (spin + off)
- Garbology (garbage + ology)
- Biodegradable (bio + degradable)
- Cosmopolitan (cosmos + polite)
- Exosphere (exo + sphere)
- Garmentory (garment + inventory)
- Infomercial (information + commercial)
- Netizen (internet + citizen)
- Dancercise (dance + exercise)
- Bigfoot (big + foot)
- Squiggle (squiggle + wiggle)
- Quokka (quokka + koala)
- Transcontinental (trans + continental)
- Smores (s’mores + s)
- Infobox (info + box)
- Ringtones (ring + tones)
- Codswallop (cod + wallop)
- Snackable (snack + able)
- Yuppie (young + urban + professional)
- Zoodle (zucchini + noodle)
- Globetrotter (globe + trotter)
- Huntress (hunter + ess)
Examples of Blended Words
Thanks for reading through and practicing all of today’s examples of blended words! You will have seen that English really is a flexible language! Which portmanteau example was your favorite? Without a doubt, some of them are not as common as others, so it is always a good thing to use them in moderation, and only when the situation is suitable and natural.