How do we describe in English? These fun and educational lines on zebra will answer the question of just how to improve vocabulary! Read and repeat them all aloud, note down any new expressions to boost your vocab, review them and progress with English at a gallop!

Lines on zebra
Here are our first lines on zebra. These sentences are short and fairly simple, to aid reading, repetition, and also intonation practice. A good strategy for how to improve vocabulary would be to look at the pictures here and note down the highlighted words. Then, try to make your own sentences with them, too!
- Zebras are fascinating animals found in Africa.
- They belong to the horse family.
- Three main species exist: plains, mountain, and Grevy’s.
- They are known for their distinctive black and white stripes.
- The stripes vary in patterns among individuals.
- Zebras use their stripes for camouflage from predators.
- These striped patterns are unique, like human fingerprints.
- Zebras mainly inhabit grasslands, savannas, and open plains.
- They can be found in countries like Kenya and Tanzania.
- Zebras often live in herds for safety.
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Lines on zebra: Easy English
Here are some very simple and easy lines on zebra. They would be suitable for primary school or kindergarten students, and also beginners in English. Here, we practice the past tense.
- The zebra walked across the grass.
- The zebra ate some grass.
- Those zebras carefully drank.
- They watched a crocodile!
- The zebras stayed together.
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5 sentences about zebra
Here are another 5 sentences about zebra!
- Male zebras are called stallions; females are mares.
- Baby zebras are called foals.
- Zebras have excellent eyesight and hearing.
- They communicate with sounds and body language.
- Zebras are herbivores, eating grass, leaves, and shrubs.
Few lines about zebra
Here are another few lines about zebra. We’ll be zebra experts before the day is out at this rate!
- They have adapted to survive on limited water sources. It can be arid where they live.
- Zebras play a crucial role in the ecosystem.
- They help control vegetation through grazing.
- Many people admire zebras’ distinctive stripes and beauty!
- They are a really popular subject in art and photography.
Few lines on zebra
Here are another few lines on zebra. Practice reading and repeating them all!
- Zebras are symbols of African wildlife and nature.
- In many cultures, zebras represent balance and harmony.
- However, some farmers view them as pests.
- Zebras may compete with livestock for grazing areas.
- Conservation efforts protect endangered species like Grevy’s zebra.
Paragraph on zebra
This zebra paragraph talks about a time I was lucky enough to see a zebra in the wild. What an experience!
Something I’ll never forget is the time I saw a zebra in the wild. It was incredible! The zebra’s stripes were even cooler in real life, not on TV. And it looked way more awesome than I expected. It was just so graceful, either munching on grass or running around with its buddies. Nature really knows how to impress! That moment left me totally amazed and grateful for the beauty of our wild world. I’d recommend going on a Safari trip in Africa if you are able to. Otherwise, there are plenty of videos online about these stripey horses!
Lines on zebra: FAQs
Here are some often-asked questions about zebras. There are many things people might not know, such as the reason why zebras have stripes. The research might not be totally conclusive, but many believe it’s because it acts as a kind of group camouflage against animals such as lions.
Are zebras related to horses?
Yes, zebras are related to horses. They belong to the same family, Equidae, and share a common ancestor. Zebras, horses, and donkeys are all part of the same genus, Equus, making them close. They certainly look very alike, minus the stripes!
Zebra vs horse
Now that we have found that zebras are indeed relatives of horses, let’s look at a short zebra vs horse comparison:
- Domesticated animals used for various purposes, including riding, racing, and work.
- Generally larger in size, with a more streamlined body shape.
- Coat colors vary widely, including solid colors like black, brown, and white.
- They have been selectively bred for specific traits over thousands of years.
- Wild animals found in Africa, known for their distinctive black and white striped coat pattern.
- Smaller in size compared to horses, with a more compact and stocky build.
- Highly social animals that live in herds and communicate using vocalizations and body language.
- Although they can be tamed to some extent, they are not easily domesticated like horses.
Both horses and zebras:
- Belong to the same family (Equidae) and genus (Equus), making them closely related species.
- Herbivores with a similar diet, mostly feeding on grass and plants.
- Equipped with hooves, adapted for running and escaping predators in their natural environments.
What is a zebra?
A zebra is a cool African animal known for its black and white stripes.
How tall is a zebra?
Zebras stand around 4 to 5 feet tall at the shoulder. 5 feet is 152.4cm.
How big is a zebra?
Zebras weigh between 500 to 900 pounds, depending on the species.
Why are there lines on zebras?
Zebras have stripes as a natural camouflage to confuse predators and stay safe, it is thought.
Are zebras born with all their stripes?
Yes, baby zebras are born with their stripes; they’re adorable from the start!
What are 3 interesting facts about zebras?
- Zebras have unique stripe patterns
- They live in herds for safety
- They can run really fast!
Why are zebras so special?
That’s a bit of a relative question – it depends on who you ask! But in general:
- Zebras play an important role in their ecosystem
- They are so distinctive
- They are really beautiful
Are zebras very smart?
Zebras are clever animals with excellent senses to survive in the wild. I guess if they can avoid lions and leopards, they must be pretty clever!
Lines on zebra for all English levels
I hope you have enjoyed today’s lines on zebra! We have looked at some easy expressions for beginners, along with more detailed sentences, and even a zebra paragraph. We have also compared zebras with horses, their relatives. Which do prefer, horses or zebras? I like zebras the best because they have a wild aura about them!