Today’s lines on zoo will help you learn and use new vocabulary, and in this way expand your English ability. Also, they can be used as ideas for students looking for information about zoos!
Do you go to the zoo? If so, how often? Are there any good zoos near where you live?

Lines on zoo
Here are some lines about the zoo in general English, practicing a variety of tense structures.
- I saw elephants at the zoo
- Can you hear those lions in the enclosure?
- Which zoo animal is your favorite?
- How many penguins can you see?
- I can see some falcons over there!
- There is a group of monkeys in this section.
- Can you see the orangutan eating?
- This zoo has several giraffes.
- The zoo I went to last week had a beautiful tiger.
- Jack enjoys going to the zoo with his family.
Related: 78 Lines On Tiger: Awesome Sentences To Boost Vocab
Lines on zoo: adjectives
Here are some lines on zoo that practice English adjectives. Can you spot them all?
- The giraffe is black and yellow.
- This puma is a dark gray color, or even black.
- The cheetah is so fast.
- The lion is very loud.
- Spending time at the zoo is very enjoyable.
- The ticket for the zoo was very expensive.
- The zoo spends a lot of money every year taking care of the beautiful animals.
- The zoo helps protect endangered animals.
- The gorillas look quite scary.
- The monkeys look very cute!
10 lines on zoo
Here are 10 lines on zoo that practice various tenses.
- Emma will go to the zoo this summer.
- Tanya and Tina went to the zoo last weekend.
- The horses ate their food.
- The crocodiles might perform in a show!
- The lion roared this afternoon.
- The ducks are quacking now.
- Because it can’t make enough money, this zoo is going to close.
- This zoo has been open for many years and has attracted people from all around the world.
- San Diego Zoo is one of the most famous zoos in the whole world.
- I have been interested in zoos for a long time.
5 Lines on zoo
Here are 5 lines on zoo to practice adjectives some more!
- I went to the zoo and it was so interesting
- I was scared when I heard the roar of the lions!
- Those peacocks are so beautiful, aren’t they?
- The penguins can swim so fast.
- The tickets to this zoo are pricey but worth it!
What are some of the more famous zoos?
Some of the most well-known zoos around the world include San Diego Zoo, Bronx Zoo, and London Zoo. There are plenty more around the world that are famous too, of course.
What animals are at San Diego Zoo?
There are many kinds of animals living at the zoo, including camel, leopard, and alligator.
Is San Diego Zoo the largest in the world?
It is definitely one of the largest zoos in the world, but it comes down to different criteria like overall space used, number of animals, etc.
Animal quiz
Let’s try a short animal quiz. Can you identify the correct animal? Answers are at the bottom!
- This animal is big, grey, and has tusks.
- This animal is small, cute, and has fur and meows.
- This animal is also small-medium sized, is a good pet, and goes “Woof!”
- These animals live on the savannah, are yellow/dun-colored, and are known as “kings”.
- These animals are black and white and have stripes.
Animal quiz answers
- Elephant
- Cat
- Dog
- Lions
- Zebras
Lines on zoo for various English levels
I hope you have enjoyed these lines on zoo, broken down into sets of 10. We have learned about various animals living in zoos and also practiced English adjectives and verb tenses. An example of the past tense would be:
I went to London Zoo last year.
And an example of the simple future tense would be:
I will visit San Diego Zoo when I next take a vacation.
Thanks for reading and see you later!