present indefinite tense negative sentences

35 Present Indefinite Tense Negative Sentences: Better English Today!

These 35 present indefinite tense negative sentences can help level up your English grammar and fluency, and speaking! If you would like to know how to express your daily routine, and general facts using “not”, then the present indefinite tense is the one you need to know! Read and repeat all of these examples and use them as models to make your own sentences. That way you can improve your English!

present indefinite tense negative sentence
Present indefinite tense negative sentence

Related: 100 Sentences Of Simple Present Tense: Boost Your English!

Present indefinite tense definition: What is a negative sentence?

Before we jump into our present indefinite tense negative sentences, let’s clarify today’s grammar point: What is the present indefinite tense negative formula?

For most subjects (I, you, we, they) we follow this pattern:Subject + do not (don’t) + base form of the verbI do not like soy milk.
For third-person singular subjects (he, she, it):Subject + does not (doesn’t) + base form of the verbLaura does not play video games.

Present indefinite tense negative sentences: 10 short examples

Here are our first 10 present indefinite tense negative sentences. They focus on short and simple sentence constructions so that you can get familiar with the grammatical patterns in play (don’t, doesn’t).

  1. I don’t like spicy food.
  2. Ella doesn’t watch horror movies.
  3. They don’t play video games.
  4. Liam doesn’t speak French.
  5. We don’t have a pet cat.
  6. The bus doesn’t arrive on time.
  7. Max doesn’t eat vegetables.
  8. They don’t live in this neighborhood.
  9. Amelia doesn’t work on weekends.
  10. We don’t go to the gym regularly.

Related: 34 Awesome Present Simple Questions: Native English Grammar

Present indefinite tense negative sentences: 10 long examples

Now let’s check out 10 longer and more advanced present indefinite tense negative sentences:

  1. Emma dislikes waking up early in the morning, especially on weekdays when she has to hastily catch the bus to school.
  2. Jason and Sarah have a preference for milder flavors and tend to avoid dishes with excessive spiciness.
  3. The company does not offer flexible working hours, which poses a challenge for employees like Mark who juggle multiple commitments.
  4. Olivia maintains a skeptical stance toward superstitions, considering them products of unsubstantiated beliefs rather than rational thinking.
  5. Although Thomas does not actively play any musical instruments, he possesses a profound admiration for classical music and frequently attends orchestral concerts.
  6. Jessica and Alex do not possess a strong inclination for sweets, resulting in only infrequent indulgences in desserts or sugary treats.
  7. The students are not required to bring their textbooks to class today since the teacher has prepared comprehensive handouts with all the necessary information.
  8. Davel avoids watching horror movies due to their tendency to incite nightmares and anxiety within him.
  9. The train does not operate on Sundays, compelling passengers like Emily to explore alternative travel arrangements for weekend trips.
  10. Sophie and Michael have abstained from owning pets due to their demanding schedules and the responsibilities associated with pet care.

Related: 42 Present Indefinite Tense Sentences: Great Grammar Now!

10 negative sentences of present indefinite tense

Let’s now look at 10 more negative sentences of present indefinite tense to further reinforce our grammatical accuracy!

  1. I find little pleasure in running in the rain; it tends to dampen my motivation.
  2. The restaurant lacks vegetarian options, much to the dismay of numerous patrons.
  3. They struggle to grasp the intricacies of quantum physics, as it presents a formidable challenge.
  4. Sophia holds no belief in the existence of ghosts, dismissing them as mere products of imagination.
  5. Our weekdays offer scarce moments of respite; our schedules are tightly packed.
  6. The car refuses to start in frigid weather, necessitating a jump-start to get it running.
  7. Noah harbors doubts about the reliability of online shopping. He prefers to go to real stores.
  8. The movie fails to captivate its audience, falling short of delivering a compelling storyline.
  9. They have little tolerance for impolite behavior, placing great value on kindness and courtesy.
  10. Speaking before a crowd unsettles her; it triggers feelings of nervousness and unease.

Common questions/FAQs about verb structure

Although we have mostly been looking at present indefinite tense negative sentences – just straightforward examples, it is also useful to look at other topics surrounding this. So here are 5 frequently asked questions related to the simple present/indefinite:

What is present indefinite tense negative?

The present indefinite tense negative is a grammatical form used to express negation in the present, indicating that an action or state does not happen or is not true.

The sun doesn’t set in the east.

What is an example of a present indefinite interrogative tense?

In this form, we use the auxiliary verb “do” followed by the subject and the base form of the main verb to ask a question about a present action or state. An example of a present indefinite interrogative tense is:

Do you like ice cream?

By the way, the answer for me is a very definite yes! How about you?

What is the rule of negative present tense?

The rule for negative present tense is to use the auxiliary verb “do” or “does” (depending on the subject) followed by “not” before the base form of the main verb. This form is used to express that an action or state is not happening or is not true in the present. Example sentences:

  • I do not like coffee
  • Chole does not play tennis.

What are 10 negative sentences?

Here are 10 negative sentences:

  1. I don’t have any siblings.
  2. They aren’t coming to the party.
  3. Eve doesn’t like spicy food.
  4. We don’t go to the movies often.
  5. Sammy isn’t a fan of horror movies.
  6. It doesn’t rain much in this region.
  7. The dog doesn’t bark at strangers.
  8. They don’t believe in ghosts.
  9. Lucy isn’t feeling well today.
  10. We don’t usually eat breakfast.

What is the structure of negative tense?

Subject + (do/does) + not + base form of verb

  • I don’t like tea.
  • Mia doesn’t watch TV

In negative tense, use “do not” (don’t) for most subjects and “does not” (doesn’t) for third-person singular subjects, followed by the base form of the verb.

Present indefinite tense negative sentences for great grammar!

I hope you have enjoyed today’s many present indefinite tense negative sentences. When you want to talk about something with a “not”, and it is a usual state, (I don’t drink milk) the present indefinite negative tense is the one you need to use! Remember, there are plenty more English sentence articles here at Natural English Central for you to check out on your journey toward English mastery! Thanks for reading!