How do we answer our age in English? Or ask about it? How do we politely refer to someone’s age? In this article, we will practice asking questions about age – something that affects every living thing on this beautiful planet! Use these natural English questions as conversational practice. Read and repeat them all to build up your fluency, too!
Questions about age
Here is the first set of questions about age. Read and repeat them all + answer in your own full sentences if you don’t have a conversation partner.

- How old are you?
- When is your birthday?
- What is your birthstone, if you have one?
- Were you born in the morning, afternoon, or evening?
- What is your zodiac sign?
- What is the legal drinking age in your country?
- Do you enjoy celebrating your birthday?
- Have you ever lied about your age?
- What age would you like to live until?
- At what age did you start learning English?
- What age do you consider to be “old”?
- What age do you think is the best time to get married?
- How old were you when you had your first job?
- At what age did you learn how to ride a bicycle?
- Do you feel your age or do you feel younger/older?
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Questions about age: set 2
Continue practicing each question about age here!
- What is your age now?
- At what age can you drive a car in the US?
- At what age can you drink alcohol in the UK?
- What age do you think represents peak mental sharpness?
- And what age do you think represents peak physical condition?
- Do you think that 60 years old is not as old as it used to seem?
- When is your birthday, and how old will you be?
Related: 20 Idioms About Age For Better English Communication!
Age questions: Set 2
Here are the second lot of age questions. Keep going, you’re doing great!
- What age would you like to go back to and why?
- At what age did you leave your hometown? (if you did)
- What is the legal age to get a driver’s license in your country?
- Have you ever mistaken someone’s age? How did they react?
- What age do you think people should retire?
- Have you ever celebrated someone’s 100th birthday?
- What age would you like to be forever?
- At what age did you start using a computer?
- What age do you think is the right time to have children?
- How do you think aging will change in the future?
- Have you ever asked someone’s age and regretted it?
- At what age do you think people are most physically active?
- What age were you when you learned how to swim?
- How old were your parents when they got married?
- Do you think age is just a number? Why or why not?
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Age old question: let’s practice some timeless ones
What’s an age old question? It is one that doesn’t change much through the generations, one that people have always asked, and probably always will. Here are 10 age old questions that have stood the test of time:
- What is the meaning of life?
- Is there a higher power or divine being?
- What happens after we die?
- What is the secret to true happiness?
- Can money buy happiness?
- What is the key to a successful and fulfilling relationship?
- Are we alone in the universe?
- Is there such a thing as fate or is everything purely coincidental?
- Why do bad things happen to good people?
- What is the purpose of suffering and adversity?
These age old questions have sparked discussions and contemplation for generations, encouraging us to explore the deeper aspects of human existence and the mysteries of the world around us.
Age problem questions
Age is a fundamental aspect of our lives that influences our experiences, perceptions, and challenges. As we navigate through different stages of life, various issues and concerns arise related to our age. In this section, we will explore ten thought-provoking questions about problems associated with age. Reflect on these questions with an open mind and share your insights.
- What are some common health problems that people face as they get older? How can these be mitigated or prevented?
- In what ways does ageism impact individuals and society? How can we combat age discrimination and promote inclusivity?
- What are the financial challenges that older adults may encounter, and how can society support them in achieving financial security?
- How does the aging population affect healthcare systems and resources? How can we ensure equitable access to healthcare for seniors?
- What social isolation and loneliness issues do older people face, and what can be done to foster meaningful connections and support networks?
- What are the psychological and emotional challenges that come with aging? How can individuals maintain mental well-being and resilience?
- How does age affect employment opportunities and job market participation? What can be done to address age-related biases in the workplace?
- What are the housing and living arrangement considerations for seniors? How can communities create age-friendly environments that accommodate diverse needs?
- What legal and ethical dilemmas arise when making decisions for elderly individuals who may not be able to advocate for themselves?
- How can intergenerational dynamics and relationships be nurtured to promote understanding, respect, and mutual support across different age groups?
Questions about age: FAQs
Now we will look at some common questions that are related to age, in particular when it comes to English, and talking about age:
How do I answer my age in English?
To answer your age in English, you can simply state the number. For example, if you are 25 years old, you can say “I am twenty-five.” If you want to be more expressive, you can say “I am in my mid-twenties.” Remember to use the correct tense and number when talking about your age.
Example sentences:
- “I am twenty-nine years old.”
- “I just turned eighteen last week.”
How do you refer to someone’s age?
When referring to someone’s age in English, you can use the phrase “he/she is __ years old” or “they are __ years old.” This allows you to describe the age of someone without directly asking them. It’s important to be respectful and considerate when talking about someone’s age.
Example sentences:
- “She is 35 years old.”
- “They are in their early thirties.”
What verb do we use to talk about our age?
To talk about our age, we use the verb “to be.” This verb is used to express existence or essential qualities, which includes our age. For example, you can say “I am 20 years old” or “She is 42 years old.” Remember to conjugate the verb “to be” according to the subject and tense.
Example sentences:
- “I am 27 years old.”
- “He was 50 years old at that time.”
How do I write my age?
When writing your age, you can use the following format: “I am __ years old.” If you want to be more specific, you can include the actual number. For example, “I am 30 years old.” Make sure to use the correct grammar and punctuation when writing your age.
Example sentences:
- “I am currently 40 years old.”
- “She wrote in her diary, ‘Today, I turned 18!’.”
How do you say your age in a creative way?
To say your age in a creative way, you can use phrases or expressions that describe your stage of life. For example, instead of saying “I am 50 years old,” you can say “I am half a century young!” or “I am in the prime of my life at 50!” Get creative and have fun while expressing your age.
Example sentences:
- “I am forever 29!”
- “I like to think of myself as ageless.”
What are birthstones?
Birthstones are gemstones associated with each month of the year. Each birthstone is believed to have its own unique symbolism and significance. People often wear jewelry with their birthstone as a way to celebrate their birth month and bring good luck. Birthstones can be a fun topic of conversation and a way to connect with others.
Example sentences:
- “My birthstone is the sapphire since I was born in September.”
- “Diamonds are often considered the birthstone for the month of April.”
What are star signs?
Star signs, also known as zodiac signs, are based on the position of the sun at the time of a person’s birth. There are twelve star signs representing different periods throughout the year. Each star sign is associated with specific personality traits and characteristics. People often identify with their star sign and believe it can provide insight into their behavior and compatibility with others.
Example sentences:
- “Her star sign is Pisces.”
- “People born under the star sign of Leo are known for their leadership qualities.”
What Age is Old?
Determining what age is considered “old” can vary depending on cultural, social, and individual perspectives. Age is not just a number, but a subjective experience. It’s more about how we feel, think, and live our lives rather than a specific number. For some, old age may be associated with retirement, while others may view it as a stage in life where certain physical and cognitive changes occur. Ultimately, age is a personal perception, and it’s important to embrace and celebrate every stage of life, regardless of age.
- How do you define old age?
- What are some activities or hobbies that make you feel young regardless of your age?
What Questions to Ask About Ageism?
Ageism is a form of discrimination or prejudice based on a person’s age, typically negative stereotypes and biases towards older adults. To address and understand ageism, it can be helpful to ask thought-provoking questions, such as:
- How can we challenge age-related stereotypes and promote inclusivity?
- What steps can be taken to create intergenerational connections and bridge the generation gap?
- How can society value and recognize the wisdom and contributions of older adults?
- What policies and initiatives can be implemented to combat age-related discrimination in the workplace and other settings?
How Does Ageism Affect Aging?
Ageism can have significant impacts on the aging process. When individuals face age-related discrimination or stereotypes, it can affect their self-esteem, mental health, and overall well-being. It may lead to feelings of exclusion, social isolation, and limited opportunities. Additionally, ageism can hinder access to healthcare, employment, and other essential resources that are crucial for a healthy and fulfilling aging experience. Addressing ageism is essential for promoting a society where people can age with dignity and respect.
Does Ageism Affect Any Age Group?
While ageism is often associated with discrimination against older adults, it can also impact younger age groups. Ageism can manifest in various ways, such as the assumption that young people lack experience or are less capable due to their age. It can limit opportunities, undermine young voices and ideas, and perpetuate stereotypes. Addressing ageism requires recognizing the value and potential of individuals across all age groups and fostering intergenerational understanding and respect.
Extra questions:
- How can we challenge age-related biases against young people?
- What initiatives can be implemented to promote intergenerational collaboration and mutual respect?
Questions about age: Conversation Starters for Elderly
Engaging in conversations with elderly individuals can help foster connections and make them feel valued, just the same as anyone else. Here are a few conversation starters that can spark interesting discussions:
- What are some of your favorite memories from your youth?
- How has the world changed the most during your lifetime?
- Is there a particular book or movie that has had a significant impact on your life?
- What advice would you give to younger generations about living a fulfilling life?
What is the Difference Between a Pensioner and a Retired Person?
The terms “pensioner” and “retired person” are often used interchangeably, but they can have slightly different meanings depending on the context. Generally, a pensioner refers to someone who receives a regular pension or retirement income from a pension fund or government scheme. On the other hand, a retired person signifies someone who has left their former occupation or career and is no longer actively working. In simpler terms, all pensioners are retired, but not all retired people are pensioners.
- Are you a pensioner or a retired person?
- What do you enjoy most about your retirement?
Questions about age: a diverse range of questions will boost your English ability
I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s questions about age, and have seen that there is more than just the simple “how old are you?” type of age question! We can use the topic of age as a practice in different grammatical structures – for example, past and present:
- How old were you in that photo?
- How old will Janet be when she finishes university?
Thanks for reading today – and if you would like more English practice, do not hesitate to check out our main page with various types of tutorials featuring English sentences and idioms!