In this tutorial, we will look at ways to become quick learners. We will speed up the learning process on how to learn idioms in English. It is a common worry or frustration among students: Why can’t I learn English faster? How can I learn things faster for an exam? It is a pretty universal gripe that people have. Some of the ways include testing yourself frequently, interleaving, using mnemonics, and spreading out your study schedule. Find out how to become a fast learner by reading on. Over 10 practical and effective study tips are here! Use the techniques learned in this tutorial to learn these English idioms by heart!

Quick learners just love fast idioms!
Also, on the topic of being quick learners, we will also be checking out some fast idioms. These will help you to level up your vocabulary. Here is a list of 10 fast idioms, then further down the article we will look at their meanings, how to use them, and example sentences.
- As fast as lightning
- Get your skates on
- As fast as possible
- Have at it
- Quick temper
- Quick fix
- Fast friends
- Life in the fast lane
- Quick money
- fast Track
Quick learners: How to learn idioms in English in 11 steps
How do we become quick learners? How to learn idioms in English? Here are 10 steps, backed by science, which can help you learn. Credits are at the bottom of this section for the valuable information provided in these steps. Additionally, you can find more English idioms in this article I wrote about idioms on horses, to further improve your vocabulary.
Quick learners 1: Inclination to study and do research
This is one of the most important steps that contribute to becoming a fast learner. If we have the inclination to actually sit down and do the reading, writing, listening, and speaking necessary to learn idioms and phrases, then half of the battle for becoming quick learners is already won! Why not get started now and check out the fast idioms at the bottom of this page?
Quick learners 2: Use a pen and paper
Research has shown that people who take handwritten notes retain the information better than those who take notes on their computers or phones. There is something really fundamental with the way we use our hands to form words on paper, that connects to the brain. Quick learners know this makes pathways in the mind more solid and wide. I have seen many students in my English classes over the years, and I have noticed one very clear fact. Those that know how to learn idioms in English take notes regularly, and also organize them logically, to improve faster. See if it works for you: Scroll down to the fast idioms at the bottom of this page. Copy them out, say them aloud, and see if you can remember them a few hours later. I think you will be able to recall them better than if you just read them on a screen!
Quick learners 3: Distributed practice is how to learn idioms in English!
This expression just means that you spread out your study sessions. Quick learners realize that instead of practicing for 3 hours straight, break this up into 30-minute chunks. With enough downtime between study sessions, you may find that you can better retain information. Many people also find that if they study continuously for a long period, their mind becomes distracted. If we are distracted then we aren’t remembering everything we should be. So, one method on how to learn idioms in English just involves resting. Great!
4: The sleep sandwich approach – get to sleep!
There is a strong connection between getting good sleep and being a fast and effective learner. Research shows that if we get to sleep within 12 hours of learning something new, we can better retain and utilize that information in the future. It comes down to getting deep sleep, also known as non-rapid-eye-movement sleep. Even without research backing this up, it makes sense that being refreshed and untressed would help us to be not only quick learners but to also acquire knowledge more deeply.
5: Utilize mnemonics to quickly memorize
Mnemonics can be a very helpful tool for us quick learners. We pronounce the word “nuh·mo·nuhks”. When you were a child, you more than likely learned to sing the alphabet by heart. This is because of mnemonics. If you can find a correlation between the words and their meanings, then your memory processes will be triggered. Try to find something to connect a new word or expression to. Make a chant or song to connect every phrase. It can be silly and doesn’t have to make sense to anyone but you! An example of mnemonics for learning the alphabet:
A B C D E F G…H I J K L M N O P…Q R S…T U V…W X…Y and Z. Now I know my ABCs…next time won’t you sing with me?
This is one surefire way to master how to learn idioms in English, just give it a shot!
6: Change up!
Do you think it is effective to always study in exactly the same way? Not really. It follows the rule of ever-diminishing returns. If you keep doing the same thing, you will improve your English, but at a slower rate than you would if, you rotate and refresh your learning routine. Basically, you won’t be a quick learner. Research has shown that if we alter some part of our study routine, the brain reacts in a positive way. Examples of changing it up would be writing out a conversation instead of saying it. Also, speeding up your study session, or doing it at a different time of day. Learn today’s fast idioms by repeating them and walking at the same time. Then try it sitting down. Then, while doing something else.
Another way to alternate things would be to try different exercises. If you always study by “filling in the gaps” from a list, try doing the exercise with no suggestions. Instead, use your imagination to try and figure out a word. Like this:
Where did Ralph visit ( ) the weekend?
Maybe your textbook suggests on, over, in, by. Change this up by covering the answer choices and using your own judgment. It is a small change, and that is the way to do it, slight alterations to your study methods. These incremental steps on how to learn idioms in English can really add up.
7: Try these other methods for changing it up, too:
- Use information-gap exercises, and alternate where the “gaps” go.
- Try memorizing today’s fast idioms by writing them down in a sentence, then repeating them. Gradually erase words from the sentence (works best on a whiteboard) and keep repeating the whole sentence, until there is nothing left on the board.
- Repeat longer phrases and sentences multiple times in different accents or voices (for example a high pitch voice and then a low-pitch voice) These differences may help our brains to remember.
8: Say out loud what you want to remember
Research has shown that while reading information is one way to remember things if we actually say aloud what we are learning, the brain benefits from active involvement. So, if you are reading a list of English idioms that you need to remember for an upcoming exam, what should you do? Instead of simply reading through the list several times, quick learners do this instead: Say what you are reading. I would add to this, as an English teacher – try to pronounce the words as a native speaker would. Include correct stress and intonation. If you are unsure about this, there are plenty of resources online. Youtube or Google will be your savior! Another example of this is with our fast idioms: say them all with energy and intonation – reading them silently isn’t as useful!
9: You should test your knowledge and understanding frequently
Do not just assume that you know the words and phrases. In my experience, when learners say they “understand” a passage, they probably do not understand all of it or have missed a few nuances. They want to be quick learners but do not take all the steps necessary. Look into the details, and check words’ meanings against a dictionary. Check frequently. Getting things wrong is actually a good thing as it registers in your brain that you made a mistake, and perhaps it will be more difficult for you to make that same mistake again in the future. Think about riding a horse. Did the professional riders never fall off when they were learning to ride? Highly unlikely!
10: Look after your body and mind if you want to really know how to learn idioms in English
Exercise frequently. Studies have shown that regular exercise improves memory recall. Research also demonstrates that staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water actually helps our brains learn. If the body is feeling dehydrated, then the brain has to work harder. Think about a car. If it is overheating, some damage is occurring to the engine. If it is well maintained, you get much better performance out of it, and it also lasts longer! Therefore, if we want to know how to learn idioms in English, one fundamental step is to be in good physical condition.
11: Do not discount sleep
Sleep is so important. Not only for studying, remembering, or speeding up the learning process. But also for general well-being. How much sleep is a healthy amount? It depends on many factors, but here is a good guide. But, in terms of becoming a fast learner, studies have shown that if the person is well-rested through sleep, information can be committed to memory more effectively. Get enough sleep every day! Just think how fast you will be able to learn the fast idioms below with plenty of shut-eye!
Once again, thanks to the sites and for the great information on the above steps.
How to be quick learners for exams: Guide for beginners
Studying for exams can be a stressful endeavor, even at the best of times. One of the pressures students encounter is the sheer volume of information that is needed to be learned. It stands to reason that we would like to be quick learners so that we can save valuable time in the revision process. While some sites and videos claim to teach you how to learn idioms in English or learn anything 10x faster, I am not convinced it’s actually possible to learn that much more quickly, but some of these tips will definitely help you learn more speedily!
Quick learners always ask: How to learn fast idioms (or anything else!) by heart fast?
One simple method of learning things by heart, as mentioned earlier is mnemonics. If we chant an English sentence with a memorable rhythm, we will be able to remember it by heart eventually. If you want to learn more rapidly, space out the practices throughout the day. Practice intensely, then relax. Come back when you are refreshed and do it again. And again! You will find that you quickly learn to speak or produce an idiom or phrase by heart! You’re well on your way to becoming a quick learner!
Talk to yourself (Don’t worry, it’s not crazy!)
According to this article, simply talking to yourself, and covering the material needed for the exams can help you to remember, and to commit the memories. They also mention it is good to practice interleaving. This technique involves mixing up the things you need to study. For instance, you could study English grammar for a time, then move on to vocabulary practice, and come back to grammar. Or, you could study science for a while, then have a go at maths, history, and then back to science again. It is said that this technique yields better results than simply concentrating on one area for an extended period. So, if you want to know how to learn idioms in English, try this. It sounds counterintuitive, but I think it is worth trying.
Bring the past into the present (It’s one method quick learners of grammar use)
It may seem obvious but a lot of English students fail to practice past exam papers. These are absolutely invaluable. If we can learn past papers by heart, we not only discover new things but also attune our brains to the patterns required to take the exam. One very good example is the Eiken test for English. In the written section, there are various patterns that play out each time. For instance, in the Grade 3 test, examinees are expected to give an opinion. The question might be: Which do you like better, summer or winter? The ideal answer for this test would follow a distinct pattern:
I like summer better. I have two reasons for this opinion. First, I can go to the beach in the summer. Second, there is a long school vacation in the summer.
The underlined parts are the same for the majority of questions in the written section. Quick learners realize these patterns fast. So, if you practice past papers frequently, by the time the eventual test day comes, you should be more than ready to give a winning answer.
How to learn idioms in English, or anything faster
Here is a summary of the points covered in today’s post, covering the techniques required to be quick learners, and consequently, How to learn idioms in English speedily. After that, we’ll check out some fast idioms so that we can apply the things we have just gone over!
Be inclined to study and look things up | Quick learners use a pen and paper a lot of the time |
Try the “distributed practice” method for speedy language acquisition | Sleep -Study – Sleep! |
Practice mnemonics – nuh·mo·nuhks (It’s more fun than it sounds!) | Variety is the spice of life, so change things up! |
Use information gaps differently each time for English practice. | Memorize sentences from the whiteboard and gradually erase words whilst repeating the whole sentence. |
Repeat longer phrases and idioms using different intonations, accents, and pitches. | Want to remember something? Keep saying it out loud. |
Test yourself as much as possible | Take care of your physical and mental condition – be in the best shape for your brain to learn and remember. |
Get plenty of shut-eye (sleep) At least 8 hours a day! | Learn things by heart if possible. |
Talk to yourself – it helps commit things to memory. | Do lots of past exam papers – this consolidates knowledge and test expectations. |
Fast idioms that quick learners have no problem with!
Here are a few English idioms that are related to speed. Very fitting considering we are talking about quick learners and how to learn idioms in English!
Fast idioms for quick learners 1: As fast as lightning
Just like lightning in the night sky comes and goes before you can even see it sometimes, this expression means: extremely fast! Perfect for all you quick learners!
As fast as lightning in a sentence: Usain Bolt, the fastest runner in the world, runs as fast as lightning.
Fast idioms for quick learners 2: Get your skates on
This simply means hurry up. Imagine putting your ice skates on in preparation for having a skate.
What is an example of getting your skates on in a sentence? How about two?
Look at the time! We’ll have to get our skates on if we want to finish this test revision today!
Quick learners know how to get their skates on!
Fast idioms for quick learners 3: As fast as possible
This means to move or do something at the fastest possible speed.
Example: Try to complete the past paper as fast as possible. If you have any time left over, you can go over your answers again.
Fast idioms for quick learners 4: Have at it
This means doing something with energy and enthusiasm. There may also be the feeling of speed associated with it. What is an example sentence for “have at it”?
We should be more time-efficient. Let’s have at it, otherwise, we won’t finish our English project!
Fast idioms 5: Quick temper
If someone has a quick temper, they anger easier, or quickly. They are emotional people, in the negative.
Example: Emma has a quick temper, so I’d avoid her when she is feeling grumpy!
Fast idioms 6: quick fix
A quick fix is something done to remedy a situation, but it is not considered good for the long term. Although many people want to know how to learn idioms in English quickly, quick-fix techniques should be avoided. Always use tried and tested methods.
Example: As a quick fix, I taped over the hole in the door!
Fast idioms 7: Fast friends
The phrase fast friends means you have a very close friendship with someone. It doesn’t mean fast in terms of speed, but it means tight, stuck to, or adhered to. Sorry, quick learners! Fast friends isn’t about speed, but kind of related, at least!
Example: Martin and Kevin became fast friends through their love of Engish idioms.
Life in the fast lane: Fast idioms 8
Life in the fast lane means you are living life at a rapid pace, doing many different things, perhaps living extravagantly or taking unnecessary risks. But, you have an exciting lifestyle to show for it. I’m not sure if I would recommend life in the fast last to any of you quick learners out there, as it can’t help you figure out how to learn idioms in English!
Example: Oliver has a busy corporate job in NYC. He is living in the fast lane.
Quick money: Fast idioms 9
When we make money in a speedy or easy fashion, we can call it quick money. There may be consequences at a later time.
Example: Elijah made some quick money on the stock market, but soon lost it again!
Fast track: Fast idioms 10
You quick learners out there will absolutely love this next English saying. Fast track means being put in a different group so that you can advance more quickly. It can also be used for requests or questions. If I fast-track a query, then I plan to answer it first, or at least at a higher priority than other people’s queries. How to fast-track learning idioms in English? Well, there is no way to hack the system, but using the techniques in this article will surely help!
Example: My loan application was fast-tracked. Lucky me!
How can we be quick learners and know how to learn and memorize idioms and quickly?
Use the various techniques outlined in this post to memorize vocabulary quickly and join all the quick learners! Spend time with mnemonics, get plenty of sleep, interleave and read out aloud. Other methods on how to learn idioms in English? Yes! There are more things you can do, too. Take plenty of notes if you are taking an English class. Even if you aren’t, take notes from your own study sessions, and organize them into clear groupings. For instance, make a chart for sports idioms, one for business, and one for animal idioms. Learn today’s fast idioms by heart. Have another area for writing out whole, original sentences. There was a lot to remember in this post. I would recommend going back through it several times until you have gotten all of the concepts. Good luck in learning English idioms and everything else, quickly!