Let’s practice fun and interesting lines on Christmas to improve our vocabulary. From Beginner to advanced level! And on top of that, we will have some Christmas quiz questions at the end! Learning to talk about Christmas is a very handy thing to be able to do – it is a major time of year and the topic of countless conversations! These sentences will show you a large variety of vocabulary and grammar structures so that you can talk with confidence about this popular time of year! Along with that, we have some Christmas questions that are great for conversation practice, so scroll down if you’d like to try them!

Lines on Christmas
Did you know that one of the figureheads of Christmas, Santa Claus was actually named St. Nicholas? We think of him as jolly and friendly, but he was more generous than jolly. Let’s kickstart today’s practice and look at 10 lines on Christmas!
- It is traditional to leave cookies and milk for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve.
- He is supposed to enter our homes by coming down the chimney.
- Christmas is a public holiday in the UK, USA, Australia, and some other countries.
- Christmas is not a public holiday in Japan, but people often exchange presents. It is particularly done for children.
- On Christmas Eve, children traditionally hang stockings by the fireplace or in their bedrooms.
- Christmas stockings usually contain smaller gifts than the ones found under the tree!
- Who leaves presents under the tree at Christmas?
- Santa Claus is said to live at the North Pole, or Lapland, which is an area in the north of Scandinavia.
- Many people believe a “white Christmas” (snow-covered) is the perfect one!
- In half of the world, Christmas happens in the summer!

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Lines on Christmas: Beginner English
Here are some lines on Christmas that are aimed at beginner learners of English. Before we look at each Christmas sentence, let’s review a bit of useful English grammar. You will see in the sentences an expression: would like. This means we want to. Also, we will see some English prepositions. For example, in, at, and for. Prepositions are used all the time in English and have a variety of meanings.
- I would like a video game for Christmas
- He would like a toy car for Christmas.
- She would like a teddy bear for Christmas.
- They would like money for Christmas!
- I would like to watch TV at Christmas.
- He would like to go to the beach at Christmas!
- She would like to relax at home at Christmas
- They would like to play a board game at Christmas!
- I would like to write a letter to Santa for Christmas.
- He would like to visit Santa in Lapland.
Related: 50 Sentences About Summer: Boost English Communication Skills
10 sentences about Christmas
Here are 10 sentences about Christmas that are suitable for intermediate-level English learners:
- Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December every year.
- Another name for Santa Claus is Father Christmas, and also Saint Nick.
- The round and green Christmas decoration is called a wreath.
- Christmas is a joyful time with family and friends.
- Santa Claus brings gifts to children around the world.
- Decorated trees brighten homes during the holiday season.
- Children eagerly wait for Santa’s arrival on Christmas Eve!
- Delicious food and treats are enjoyed on Christmas day.
- Carolers sing festive songs to spread Christmas cheer.
- The spirit of giving is strong during Christmas time.
Related: 34 Sentences About Halloween + Halloween Puns: English Guide
Lines on Christmas: Advanced English
Learning English is a process, and naturally, there will be advanced learners along with those who are just starting out on their English language journey. In this post, we have sentences for all student levels. Here are 10 sentences about Christmas for more advanced students! They incorporate adjectives (mesmerizing, beautifully, wintry, cozy, colorful, warm, heartwarming), prepositions (on, around, by, with, in, during), and verbs (twinkled, unwrapped, filled, left, hung, gathered, shared). These sentences aim to practice these grammatical elements all the while talking about Christmas celebrations!
- Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer was actually created as a marketing gimmick.
- Christmas is thought of as a sentimental, nostalgic, warm, and enjoyable time of the year.
- To describe Christmas in other words than festive, we can say jovial, convivial, and jubilant.
- The mesmerizing Christmas lights twinkled brightly, illuminating the wintry night sky.
- Children eagerly unwrapped their beautifully wrapped presents on Christmas morning.
- Excitement filled the air as families gathered around the cozy fireplace on Christmas Eve.
- Tasty cookies and milk were left on the table for Santa Claus as a kind gesture.
- People hung colorful stockings by the chimney with care, hoping for surprises from Santa.
- Families gathered together in their warm homes, creating joyful memories during Christmas time.
- Laughter and cheer resonated throughout the room as everyone shared heartwarming stories on Christmas day.
Christmas sentences for kindergarten
Let’s look at some easy sentences about Christmas, not only for kindergarten students but also for beginners of English in general. These sayings are about the picture below!
- There is a big, orange parcel.
- Santa is in front of the tree.
- I can see a teddy bear!
- Santa’s mittens are green
- There is a bell on the tree, near the top.
Christmas quiz questions
Today we have looked at many lines on Christmas, from kindergarten and beginner levels all the way through to advanced expressions. Now we will try some Christmas quiz questions! Answers can be found at the bottom below, but try and answer them yourself, in full sentences, first!
- Where is Santa Claus from?
- What date is Christmas Day?
- What season is Christmas in?
- How does Santa Claus deliver his presents?
- Is Santa Claus a public holiday in Japan?
- Can you name a country where Christmas Day is a public holiday?
- What do children traditionally do on Christmas Eve?
- Who leaves presents under the tree?
- Where is Lapland?
- Who is Rudolph?
- What does the word jovial mean?
- What is another name for Father Christmas?
- What is a round green Christmas decoration called?
- Is Christmas a sentimental time of the year?
- What is another way to say “I would like a toy car for Christmas”?
- What color is Saint Nick usually attired in?
- What does Santa Claus ride?
- Who pulls it?
- Who helps Father Christmas?
- How do they help him?
- What season is Christmas in Australia?
Christmas quiz questions: Answers
How did you do? Find out: here are the answers to our Christmas quiz questions!
Christmas quiz questions: Answers
How did you do? Find out: here are the answers to our Christmas quiz questions!
- Santa Claus is from Lapland.
- Christmas Day is on 25 December each year, in most countries.
- It depends on which hemisphere you live in!
- He delivers his presents by sleigh.
- Christmas Day is not a public holiday in Japan.
- Christmas Day is a public holiday in the USA.
- They hang up their stockings in preparation for Santa to visit.
- Santa Claus leaves presents under the Christmas tree.
- Lapland is in Scandinavia but also covers areas of Russia.
- Rudolph is the famous red-nosed reindeer.
- Jovial is a synonym for festive.
- Another name for Father Christmas is Santa Claus.
- A round and green Christmas decoration is a wreath.
- It is a sentimental time of the year for some people, but for other people, it isn’t!
- I want a toy car. However, it is more polite to say “I’d like”, than “I want”.
- Saint Nick is usually dressed in red.
- Santa Claus rides a sleigh.
- His reindeer pull the sleigh.
- The elves help Santa Claus.
- They help him by making toys.
- In Australia, Christmas is in the summer.
Christmas questions
How did you score on the Christmas quiz questions? Hopefully you got some right! Next, we are going to practice some Christmas questions – and these are for general conversational practice. Simply read them out, and try to answer them in full sentences. If you can include some of today’s vocabulary, even better!
- What is your favorite thing about Christmas?
- Do you decorate a Christmas tree? What kind of ornaments do you use?
- How do you usually celebrate Christmas with your family?
- Do you have any special Christmas traditions or customs in your culture?
- What is the most memorable Christmas gift you have ever received?
- What is your favorite Christmas song?
- Do you exchange Christmas cards with friends and family?
- Is there a special dish or food that you enjoy during the Christmas season?
- Do you have any funny or interesting Christmas memories or stories?
- Do you believe in Santa Claus? Why or why not?
- Have you ever dressed up as Santa Claus or any other Christmas character?
- Do you participate in any charitable activities or donate to those in need during Christmas?
- What is the best Christmas movie you have ever watched? Why do you like it?
- Do you have any Christmas-themed clothing or accessories that you wear during the holiday season?
- How do you typically spend Christmas Day? Do you have any favorite activities or traditions?
Lines on Christmas: FAQs
Here are some common questions that crop up when making lines on Christmas, or just about the season in general!
Happy Holidays vs Merry Christmas (What’s the difference?)
The main difference between “Happy Holidays” and “Merry Christmas” lies in their scope of inclusivity. “Happy Holidays” is a more inclusive greeting that encompasses various holidays celebrated during the festive season, such as Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and New Year’s. On the other hand, “Merry Christmas” specifically refers to the Christmas holiday. While “Happy Holidays” respects and acknowledges the diverse range of celebrations during this time, “Merry Christmas” is a traditional and specific greeting for the Christmas holiday.
Have a look at this comparison:
- “Wishing you a joyful holiday season filled with laughter and love! Happy Holidays!”
- “Have a Merry Christmas! Do you have any special plans for Christmas Day?”
Merry Christmas vs Happy Christmas (What’s the difference?)
The difference between “Merry Christmas” and “Happy Christmas” is primarily usage and regional preference. “Merry Christmas” is the more commonly used greeting in the United States, while “Happy Christmas” is more commonly used in British English. Both greetings convey the same warm wishes for the Christmas holiday and are equally acceptable. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on personal preference and cultural context.
Here are a few examples:
- “May your holiday season be filled with joy and love! Merry Christmas to you and your family!”
- “Happy Christmas! How do you usually celebrate Christmas in your country?”
Lines on Christmas: Xmas vs Christmas (What’s the difference?)
The difference between “Xmas” and “Christmas” is mainly in the abbreviation and the historical context. “Xmas” is a shortened form of “Christmas,” where the “X” represents the Greek letter chi, which is the initial of Christ in Greek. It is not intended to remove the religious significance of Christmas but is rather a convenient abbreviation. While some people may consider “Xmas” as a more casual or informal term, it is widely recognized and used in various contexts.
Here are a couple of examples. Also, it is worth remembering that usually “Xmas” is written, not spoken.
- “Wishing you a joyful Xmas filled with love and happiness!”
- “Merry Christmas! Do you prefer using the term ‘Xmas’ or ‘Christmas’ when referring to the holiday?”
What tree is a Christmas tree?
The traditional tree used as a Christmas tree is the evergreen conifer tree, most commonly the species fir, spruce, or pine. These trees are known for their ability to retain their vibrant green needles throughout the winter season. The Christmas tree is typically decorated with ornaments, lights, and a star or angel on top. It serves as a focal point of festive decorations and symbolizes the spirit of Christmas.
- “Have you chosen a Christmas tree yet? What type of tree do you prefer for your Christmas decorations?”
- “The Christmas tree in our living room looks beautiful with all the sparkling lights, don’t you think?”
What does the Christmas tree symbolize?
The Christmas tree holds various symbolic meanings across different cultures and traditions. It is often seen as a representation of life, renewal, and everlasting hope, as it remains green even during the winter season. The lights and ornaments symbolize the joy and beauty of the holiday season. It is also a focal point for families to gather around and exchange gifts. The Christmas tree symbolizes warmth, unity, and the spirit of giving.
Here are 2 sentences about Christmas trees:
- “The Christmas tree is such a meaningful symbol of hope and joy. What decorations do you typically put on your tree?”
- “The tradition of decorating Christmas trees has been passed down through generations. What does the Christmas tree symbolize in your culture?”
Lines Christmas for all levels to practice
Thanks for reading and I hope you have enjoyed these many lines on Christmas! From easy sentences right up to advanced, along with Christmas quiz questions, we’ve had a very beneficial English practice, I think! Do you remember any of the advanced English words? What does jubilant mean? How about nostalgic? If you are reading this around Christmas time – Happy Holidays to you!