sentences about fish

90 Sentences About Fish For Great Grammar & Speaking

These 90 sentences about fish, along with a paragraph on fish and an essay about fish can be used to boost your English grammar and speaking.

We’ll improve our grammar by answering various questions like: Should you say fish or fishes? It’s best to say fish. Also, we will practice plenty of English sentences about fish, of varying difficulty, so even a veteran English student will be challenged. Let’s jump into it!

5 sentences about fish in English

Here are the first of today’s 90 sentences about fish! For improved speaking and grammar, read them slowly, then more quickly, being aware of the grammar structures (EG plural/singular, and verb tense). Once you are comfortable with the sentences, say it out aloud several times, nice and smoothly.

  1. Fish are pretty to look at when snorkeling.
  2. I enjoy eating fish more than meat. I think it is tastier.
  3. Emma keeps goldfish in a small tank and feeds them every day.
  4. There are lots of fish living in this river because it is very clean.
  5. I like to keep fish in an aquarium in my living room.

Related: Horse Sentences: Help To Quickly Improve Your Vocabulary

Lines on fish

Here are some more lines on fish! These are easy to read and repeat.

  1. The fish swim in the sea.
  2. Those fish are colorful.
  3. These fish are gray.
  4. I like to keep fish.
  5. Fish are relaxing to watch.

Lines on fish: Advanced

Here are some more difficult lines on fish to practice.

  1. Those fish have been swimming languidly in the tropical waters.
  2. I would’ve liked to have seen the cleaner fish at the aquarium the other day.
  3. Something I hadn’t known until recently was that catfish have many more tastebuds than humans!
  4. It makes me wonder what food tastes like to them, in comparison to us.
  5. The killifish swam chaotically around the fish tank. I am unsure why as they are normally calm.

Few lines on fish

Next, we will go over a few lines on fish for kids. These will be simple sentences, using the present tense, and then the past tense. I would recommend saying these sentences about fish out aloud many times. If we can do this it’ll be easier to remember them.

  1. Fish live in the sea.
  2. There are some fish in my aquarium.
  3. We eat fish on the weekend.
  4. Max doesn’t like fish.
  5. He thinks fish smell bad!
  6. I ate fish and chips for supper.
  7. I drank some cola with my fish dinner.
  8. I thought it was a dolphin in the sea, but it was just a big fish.
  9. I wanted to have the fish burger.
  10. The bear caught a fish in the river.

Some lines on fish

Even more fishy sentences for you! We’ll be fish experts by the end of the day! Here are some lines on fish to get you talking.

  1. These fish live on a diet of fish flakes – a dried form of fish food.
  2. My fish lived for 8 years, and I was sad when he died.
  3. Fish do in fact have good memories.
  4. Theo is planning to buy some goldfish for his aquarium this summer.
  5. William would like to keep fish, but is worried that his cat might get them!

Fish or fishes? 10 grammatically  correct sentences

This is a common mistake some English learners make. Do we say fish or fishes for more than 1 fish? In natural English, (which is what we do here at Natural English Central!) The plural of fish is just fish. For example, there is one fish. There are three fish. Both are correct. If we would like to talk about categories, species, or something like that – then we would choose to use fishes. Now that we have understood a part of the grammar to help us make sentences about fish, let’s look at 11 accurate fish sentences.

  1. Tuna is my favorite kind of fish to eat.
  2. On the other hand, I am not keen on salmon. I don’t know why!
  3. I am pretty partial to cod. I think there is nothing better than British fish and chips.
  4. There are lots of fish in this pond.
  5. There are only a few fish in the lake.
  6. We cannot see the fish in this pond because the water is too murky.
  7. I think the catfish is a very unique and slightly ugly-looking creature!
  8. Are crayfish actually fish? I’m not sure.
  9. I have heard that it is healthier to eat fish than meat.
  10. Have you ever heard the idiom, something fishy is going on? It means something suspicious is happening.

20 sentences about fish for Engish language practice

Next, we will compose 20 sentences about fish using various grammatical structures. When we are learning English, it is important to understand how to recognize and use different verb tense structures to convey time accurately. Here we will look at the simple present tense, simple past tense, past continuous tense, and the present perfect continuous. First, here are short example sentences using each tense, and then we can go into more detail.

  1. Simple present tense: I eat fish
  2. Simple past tense: I ate a fish
  3. Past continuous tense: I was eating a fish
  4. Present perfect continuous: I have been eating fish
  5. I relax when I look at fish.
  6. I snorkel with fish in the summer.
  7. I drive past the Fish and Chip shop once a week.
  8. My cat likes to stare at the fish in my aquarium.
  9. I relaxed when I looked at the fish.
  10. I snorkeled with fish last summer.
  11. I ate a fish pie just now.
  12. I swam in the sea, and there were fish all around me!
  13. I was relaxing on the beach, and looking at the fish in the sea.
  14. I was snorkeling with the fish for a few hours yesterday afternoon.
  15. I was driving past the Fish and Chip shop when I realized I was hungry.
  16. My cat was staring at the fish in my aquarium!
  17. The fish have been living happily in my aquarium.
  18. I’ve been sitting here in the fish restaurant for a few hours now.
  19. They’ve been playing in the river this afternoon, and have seen many fish.
  20. I have been choosing some new fish for my aquarium this week.

What is fish? Find out with five fish description sentences

What is fish? Fish are creatures that live in water, whether that be salty or fresh water. Here are some description sentences to help you explain what fish are!

  1. What are fish? Fish are aquatic vertebrate animals.
  2. They live in the sea and other bodies of water.
  3. They range in size from small to large.
  4. They can live in cold, or warmer waters.
  5. Tropical fish live in areas near the equator.

Sentences with fish

Here are some more sentences with fish!

  1. I caught 5 fish in the river today!
  2. Emma at fish and chips while on holiday in New Zealand.
  3. Those fish are pretty, don’t you think?
  4. Do you prefer to eat fish or chicken?
  5. There are many kinds of fish in the ocean.

How to describe a fish

To make articulate sentences about fish, it is very helpful to also know suitable vocabulary with which to talk about them. Then, we’ll know how to describe fish well. Let’s look at words to describe fish, and after that, we’ll make some sentences using those words.

Word for describing fishMeaning
SmallUsed to describe size. Little
BigUsed to describe size. Large
ScalyUsed to describe appearance, relating to scales on a fish.
FishyFishy means a fish-like smell, unpleasant. It can also mean something suspicious.
FastAnother word for fast is quick, or speedy.
UglyUgly means something looks unattractive.
BeautifulBeautiful is the opposite of ugly.
TropicalIn terms of fish, it means the type of fish that live in the tropics – areas around the equator.
Words to describe fish with

  1. As mentioned before, tropical fish live in areas around the equator. They like warmer waters.
  2. There are plenty of small fish in this river.
  3. I ate a big fish for dinner.
  4. This fish is really scaly.
  5. It smells very fishy in here, who’s been cooking fish?
  6. This fish can swim very fast.
  7. That is such an ugly-looking fish!
  8. Those fish in the aquarium are simply beautiful.

Fish questions: practice grammar and speaking

Try these fish questions to improve your grammar. Think about what verb tense to use in order to answer each question correctly.

For example: What did you catch?
caught a catfish.

  1. Where do fish live?
  2. What do goldfish eat?
  3. What should you not feed goldfish?
  4. How often should you change goldfish water?
  5. What is the lifespan of a goldfish?
  6. How do I keep my goldfish happy?
  7. What is the oldest fish in the world?
  8. What do fish breathe?
  9. Do fish remember well?
  10. How many fish did you see in the stream?

Paragraph on fish

So far we have made many sentences about fish. Many students are given writing assignments as homework, so now we will practice a paragraph on fish. Please feel free to use this as inspiration for your own writing projects, whether this is at school or as a hobby.

I am going to talk about the fish that I like to eat. There are a few fish that I consider to be my favorites. The first of these is tuna. I like to eat it grilled, or raw like in sushi. It is really tasty, and also looks attractive, too. Another type of fish that I really like is cod. If you get a good piece of cod, it is thick, white, and juicy. It tastes great if eaten in a batter. Fish and chips, with salt and vinegar, is almost a perfect meal, I think! Haddock is a very similar fish to cod, in terms of taste. At least for me, I can’t really tell the difference! I do also like to have salmon, but usually in a salad, or in small pieces. It goes great with vegetables such as cucumbers or avocados. I highly recommend it! If possible, I would recommend trying all of these fish if you have the chance.

Essay about fish

Similarly to the above paragraph on fish, an essay on a certain topic is often given to students of English. Please feel free to use this very short essay about fish for inspiration for your own writing projects. You find plenty of sentences about fish here, too!

In this short essay, I will talk about the fish I like, and the fish that I don’t like. I will also talk about a hobby I have that is related to fish. The first of the fish I really like is tuna. It tastes really nice. It is also a very versatile food. You can have it in a sandwich, salad, or raw. I probably eat sushi tuna once a month. I also particularly enjoy eating shrimp. This too is quite a versatile food. Fried shrimp is simply wonderful. I probably have it once every couple of weeks.

Fish that I don’t like

 One of the fish I don’t like is crab. Crabs are actually shellfish, but that’s okay, at least for me because I’m not an expert. I’m not sure why I don’t like crab, or lobster either for that matter. There’s just something about its appearance that turns me off. Many of my friends swear by crab and lobster. They say it is a wonderful food and can be eaten in a variety of ways, like in a salad. I think it is a combination of its appearance, which doesn’t appear attractive to me, and also the flavor. I just have never found it delicious. I guess you can call me a fussy eater!

Fish keeping

Lastly, I’d like to talk about a hobby I have. I love keeping fish. I have two fish tanks in my living room. One of them has colorful tropical fish. I think there are 8 of them all together. The other fish tank just has normal goldfish in it. I don’t have names for them! The reason why I keep fish is that I find them so therapeutic. After a hard day of work, there is nothing more relaxing than sitting down on the sofa with a cup of tea, listening to some jazz music, and looking into my aquariums for a while!

So in summary, I find that tuna and shrimp are both really tasty, and I enjoy eating them regularly. On the other hand, shellfish such as crab is something I avoid. It just comes down to personal taste. Additionally, I highly recommend keeping fish as a hobby. It is extremely relaxing.

Sentences about fish to help with vocabulary, writing, and English grammar

Did you know there are over 30,000 species of fish? That is quite amazing! No wonder they are such a topic of conversation. Whether we are looking at them, admiring their beauty, catching them, or eating them. I hope you have enjoyed reading these 90 sentences about fish. They are a huge part of the world’s environment. We also wrote a paragraph on fish, and an essay about fish, handy inspiration for those English students out there. Additionally, here is a quick recap of today’s questions regarding fish:

What is fish?They are creatures that live in the sea, rivers, lakes, and ponds. As well as aquariums!
Fish or fishes?Say fish. Fishes can be used though – when talking scientifically about different species of fish.
What is fish? Fish or fishes?