sentences about trees

60 Sentences About Trees: Better Speaking And Writing!

If you would like to boost your English vocabulary and grammar, try learning these fun sentences about trees! This will also be useful for English students who would like to write paragraphs about trees – here we show an example paragraph on trees, and also a tree plantation paragraph. Trees are marvelous! Did you know the English Oak tree can support 284 species of insect. That is just an example of how beneficial trees are to the world. 

For these 60 sentences on trees we will use a variety of verb structures, including simple present and past tense. Also, we will practice adjectives and prepositions, too.

Sentences about trees

Here are the first 10 of our 60 sentences about trees, and these use the simple present tense. Learn these by heart to boost your vocab! After these sentences you’ll see a bit more info on using the simple present!

  1. I visit New England or Massachusetts each fall to see the red leaves.
  2. You can see lots of palm trees around the state of Florida.
  3. Although they are from Canada, we can see Sugar Maples around New York State.
  4. It’s good to read books about trees, nature, and the environment to children.
  5. I usually buy my flowers, plants, trees, and fertilizer from this garden center.
  6. The teacher likes to speak about the benefits of trees.
  7. It is good to experience the beauty and wonder of the Amazon rainforest.
  8. I go to that beach in summer because of the beautiful Palm trees.
  9. Always remember to look after the trees in the garden during summer. Otherwise, they will dry out and die.
  10. I hate to see trees being dug up in the town.

The simple present is formed by using the standard form of a verb in a sentence. For example:

Verb FormsSimple PresentExample Sentences
work/worked/worked workI work in the forest
buy/bought/boughtbuyI buy a tree every Christmas
You can use the simple present to make sentences on trees!

Related: 55 Sentences On Autumn Season: Enhance Your English Vocabulary!

Sentences about trees: the simple past

Here are the next 10 of our sentences about trees. To boost your vocab, practice saying them out loud and also write them down to help you recall them later on. For these ones, we’ll practice using the simple past tense. It is formed by: adding a “d” or “ed” to the end of the base verb. 

Verb formsSimple past tenseExample sentences
work/worked/workedworkedI worked all day in the yard
climb/climbed/climbedclimbedI climbed a tree with my sister.
  1. I bought a Christmas tree at the plantation for my family.
  2. I climbed a tree with my friend.
  3. I visited the tree plantation and gave a donation.
  4. I chopped down some of the old trees at the back of our house.
  5. I made a treehouse in our front garden for our children.
  6. Birds made a nest in the conifer tree next to my bedroom window.
  7. I saw a huge variety of trees on my drive through the Indian forest.
  8. I witnessed a beautiful sight as I saw the fall leaves of Massachusetts.
  9. I ran through the leaves that had fallen down from the trees during the fall
  10. I picked figs from the trees in the orchard.

Related: 66 Sentences About Winter: Better Speaking Guide

Sentences on trees

Next, we will practice some sentences on trees that use adjectives. Adjectives are words we can use to describe things, in this case, our lines on trees! Learning plenty of adjectives is a very effective way to boost your vocab. Here is a quick table of 10 adjectives that we can use to talk about trees, with their meanings.

AttractiveAttractive means something looks nice.
RedRed is a color near to orange. Strawberries are red.
EasyEasy can describe a task or a feeling. An easy feeling is when we are calm.
NationalNational is a word relating to a particular country. For example, the national tree of the USA is the oak.
NiceIf something is nice, it gives pleasure or a good feeling.
GoodIf something is good, then it is desired or wanted. It is similar to nice.
GreenLeaves are green in summer. Some grapes, melons and apples are also green.
BestThe best means the number one something, the most outstanding skill, or the favorite thing.
JoyousJoyous is a feeling of wonder and elation.
InexpensiveInexpensive means cheap or affordable.
Adjective examples
  1. The trees in my garden look most attractive during the summer.
  2. Gradually in the fall, the trees in the northeast of America turned red.
  3. Walking through this forest of trees gives me a tremendously easy feeling.
  4. The national tree of India is the Indian fig tree.
  5. The trees of Sherwood Forest look very nice in spring and summer.
  6. I recommend fall. It is a good time of year to see the trees in New England.
  7. England is so green in summer. Having said that, even the grass stays green during the winter!
  8. The fall colors in Japan are simply joyous! The trees look amazing.
  9. Flowering cherry trees are relatively inexpensive to buy.
  10. When is the best month to see the fall colors in New England? Do the trees look best in October?

Sentences on trees: preposition examples

We will now use prepositions to discuss the location of trees. Here is a table of 10 prepositions that will use to make sentences on trees, along with their meanings. I advise using them all to boost your vocab!

AboveAbove means over or on top of
AcrossAcross is similar to opposite, or over
AgainstAgainst is similar to next to, or touching.
AlongAlong refers to placement up or down a river or road.
AmongAmong is similar to in, contained in
AroundAround refers to the general area.
AtAt refers to being in a specific place.
BeforeBefore is the opposite of after.
BehindBehind means in the back of something.
BelowBelow is similar to under.
Preposition examples
  1. Above the town, there are some very beautiful trees.
  2. Across the river, there is a very tall fir tree.
  3. I’m going to plant a conifer tree against my garden wall.
  4. Along the banks of the river, there are many kinds of trees.
  5. Nestled among the green trees, there is a selection of rare Palm Trees!
  6. Many kinds of palm trees can be found around Australia.
  7. At the equator, many tropical varieties of trees thrive.
  8. Before I moved into this house, there were no trees in the garden. Now it looks like a wood!
  9. Behind the tree, is a bench and a small pond.
  10. My dog likes to rest below the branches of the tree during the summer.

10 lines on trees

So far we have been quite structured to boost your vocab! We have looked at sentences about trees using the simple present, a simple past, adjectives, and prepositions. Let’s review this with 10 lines on trees, mixing up all these structures. See if you can spot any of the grammatical terms we checked out.

  1. I think the most attractive tree in the world is the palm tree.
  2. I have a joyous feeling skiing down the slopes with all the snow-draped fir trees.
  3. The leaves turn red in Massachusetts during the fall.
  4. Does India have a national tree?
  5. I went to Sherwood Forest with my family last summer.
  6. My daughter climbed a tree there.
  7. The man got in trouble because he tried to cut a tree down, where it wasn’t permitted.
  8. I’d like to make a table out of wood, but I’m not allowed to cut trees down here.
  9. My dad made a rope swing for me under this tree.
  10. Palm trees can be found growing all along this beach, don’t they look amazing?

10 lines on importance of trees

Now, we will go into a little more detail and talk about why trees are important. I think most people understand that trees are important for the environment, so we will focus on that right now. Here are 10 lines on importance of trees:

  1. Trees are great for the environment. They clean the air
  2. Trees can absorb particulate matter. This helps us to breathe and be healthy.
  3. I think that trees can help us feel relaxed and calm.
  4. Trees help to hold the ground so that landslides are perhaps less likely.
  5. Trees provide a home for many kinds of animals and birds.
  6. If trees are planted in the city, it can make the place cooler in summer.
  7. If you plant a tree in your garden, it can give a home to a family of birds!
  8. Trees can filter our water and reduce the impact of flooding or storm surges.
  9. Trees help my mental health. The colors and the sounds they create make me calm.
  10. Trees are able to keep carbon dioxide, like a storage place.

Related: I wrote 60 Sentences On Beautiful, I think you’ll find it useful to enhance your vocabulary!

Tree plantation paragraph

Until now we have worked on individual sentences about trees – I think that can be highly beneficial if you want to boost your vocab. But, sometimes longer form English is required, for example at school or college. This is a short paragraph – an example of how to do a short essay. Feel free to use this as inspiration for your own school assignments. Here is a tree plantation paragraph:

A tree plantation is a forest of trees, planted for a specific need. I will discuss now some of those needs. Sometimes, we make a tree plantation for the purpose of timber. If we want to make furniture, books, or houses then we need lots of trees. Another reason plantations exist is for the environment. If we grow many trees, then we can help clean the air and protect the ground from erosion too. Another use of plantations is at Christmas time! Around the world many people want to buy real Christmas trees, therefore we have many plantations around the world which grow these. One of the largest Christmas tree plantations in the world can be found in Oregon, USA. So, to summarize, three uses of plantations are for the creation of timber, for the benefit of the environment, and also for businesses, such as Christmas tree production. 

Paragraph on trees

Just like the above tree plantation paragraph, this is a longer form version of today’s sentences about trees. If you want to boost your vocab, I would suggest copying this out to help remember the verbs, prepositions, and adjectives. Here is a paragraph on trees:

Here I will discuss the benefits and uses of trees. The first benefit of trees is that they are great for the environment. They can clean the air and provide a habitat for wildlife. Also, I believe that trees have positive psychological benefits. I think that most people would agree that if they are surrounded by trees, instead of concrete and traffic, they feel calmer and more in tune with nature. Another benefit of trees is shade. In hot and dry places like Arizona, it is a good idea to plant trees in order to get shade. This can make that area cooler in the summer and also mean that we don’t need to use so much air conditioning. That’s fantastic for the environment! Although keeping trees is the best thing for the environment, we do need to harvest trees as well. Trees are used to make furniture, housing, books, and many other things. In my opinion, if we use trees sustainably, then it is no problem to use trees to make these things. We have to make sure we replace what we have taken, and be in balance with nature. If we do these things, we shouldn’t have any problems in the future.

Sentences about trees to level up English vocabulary

Did you know that the amount of oxygen produced by an acre of trees per year equals the amount consumed by 18 people annually? (source: Woodland Tree Service) Trees really are amazing things. It’s no surprise that trees feature heavily in the English language. I hope that these 60 sentences about trees, and also the paragraphs on trees have helped boost your vocab! Please feel free to check out some of the many articles on the Natural English Central website, to keep on improving your English! As a very quick review, here is what we covered in today’s tutorial:

  • 60 Sentences About Trees
  • We looked at using prepositions, adjectives, simple present, and the past tense
  • A paragraph about trees
  • A tree plantation paragraph
  • 10 lines on the importance of trees